bumped version to 1.1
diff --git a/doc/html_generated/stringification.html b/doc/html_generated/stringification.html
index 93c5e02..612a6e4 100644
--- a/doc/html_generated/stringification.html
+++ b/doc/html_generated/stringification.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
- Check out the [**example**](../../examples/stringification/main.cpp) which shows how to stringify ```std::vector<T>``` and other types.
- Note that the type ```String``` is used when specializing ```StringMaker<T>``` or overloading ```toString()``` - it is the string type **doctest** works with. ```std::string``` is not an option for the library because then it would have to drag the ```<string>``` header with it.
-- To support the ```operator<<(std::ostream&...``` stringification the library has to offer a forward declaration of ```std::ostream``` and that is what the library does - but it is forbidden by the standard. It currently works everywhere - on all tested compilers - but if the user wishes to be 100% standards compliant - then the [**```DOCTEST_CONFIG_USE_IOSFWD```**](configuration.html) identifier can be used to force the inclusion of ```<iosfwd>```. The reason the header is not included by default is that on MSVC (for example) it drags a whole bunch of stuff with it - and after the preprocessor is finished the translation unit has grown to 42k lines of C++ code - while Clang and the libc++ are so well implemented that including ```<iosfwd>``` there results in 400 lines of code.
+- To support the ```operator<<(std::ostream&...``` stringification the library has to offer a forward declaration of ```std::ostream``` and that is what the library does - but it is forbidden by the standard. It currently works everywhere - on all tested compilers - but if the user wishes to be 100% standards compliant - then the [**```DOCTEST_CONFIG_USE_IOSFWD```**](configuration.html#doctest_config_use_iosfwd) identifier can be used to force the inclusion of ```<iosfwd>```. The reason the header is not included by default is that on MSVC (for example) it drags a whole bunch of stuff with it - and after the preprocessor is finished the translation unit has grown to 42k lines of C++ code - while Clang and the libc++ are so well implemented that including ```<iosfwd>``` there results in 400 lines of code.