tree: 531b6a15a7265a12107573d97463a8f32923c8d3 [path history] [tgz]
  3. install-sh
  4. message_type.h
  5. netopeerguid.c
  6. netopeerguid.h
  8. notification_server.c
  9. notification_server.h
  10. test-client.c

How To Setup Service

  • netopeerguid compilation requires libjson-devel, libnetconf2, and libyang packages.

  • run following commands in this directory

$ make
$ make install
  • netopeerguid runs as a service daemon. It listens on the UNIX socket (/var/run/netopeerguid.sock) for communication with frontend and on TCP socket 8080 for notifications over WebSocket. Start the service by
$ service netopeerguid.rc start

If there is any problem with connection to the UNIX socket, please check file permissions.

List of dependencies

  • json-c
  • libnetconf2
  • libyang

(with development packages)

Optionally: libwebsockets

netopeerguid Message Format

UNIX socket (with default path /tmp/netopeerguid.sock) is used for communication with netopeerguid. Messages are formated using JSON and encoded using

Chunked Framing Mechanism described in RFC6242 ( with the following content.

Client is free to send multiple requests when the communication socket to the netopeerguid is opened.

Data types:

sJSON: string representation of a JSON object

SID: generated unique session identifier (unsigned integer starting with 1)


Replies are in the format:

    "<SID#1>": {
    "<SID#2>": {
    "<SID#last>": {

Reply format is defined below.


1) OK
  • key: type (int), value: 0
  • key: type (int), value: 1
  • key: data (sJSON)
  • key: type (int), value: 2
  • key: error-message (string)


  • key: error-tag (string)
  • key: error-type (string)
  • key: error-severity (string)
  • key: error-app-tag (string)
  • key: error-path (string)
  • key: bad-attribute (string)
  • key: bad-element (string)
  • key: bad-namespace (string)
  • key: session-id (int)
  • key: type (int), value: 3
  • key: sid (int), value: session ID
  • key: version (string), value: NETCONF protocol version
  • key: host (string), value: hostname of the NETCONF server
  • key: port (string), value: port of the NETCONF server
  • key: user (string), value: username of the user holding the NETCONF session
  • key: capabilities (array of strings), value: list of supported capabilities
  • key: models (array of strings), value: list of models used by the session

Example reply to connect:

    "<new-SID>": {
        "type": 0


1) Request to create NETCONF session (connect)
  • key: type (int), value: 4
  • key: user (string)


  • key: host (string), "localhost" if not specified
  • key: port (string), "830" if not specified
  • key: pass (string), value: plain text password, mandatory if "privatekey" is not set
  • key: privatekey (string), value: filesystem path to the private key, if set, "pass" parameter s optional and changes into the pass for this private key
2) Request to close NETCONF session (disconnect)
  • key: type (int), value: 5
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
3) NETCONF <get> (returns merged data)
  • key: type (int), value: 6
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: strict (bool), value: whether return error on unknown data


  • key: filter (string), value: xml subtree filter
4) NETCONF <get-config> (returns array of responses merged with schema)
  • key: type (int), value: 7
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: source (string), value: running|startup|candidate
  • key: strict (bool), value: whether return error on unknown data


  • key: filter (string), value: xml subtree filter
5) NETCONF <edit-config>
  • key: type (int), value: 8
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate
  • key: configs (array of sJSON, with the same order as sessions), value: array of edit onfiguration data according to NETCONF RFC for each session


  • key: source (string), value: config|url, default value: config
  • key: default-operation (string), value: merge|replace|none
  • key: error-option (string), value: stop-on-error|continue-on-error|rollback-on-error
  • key: uri-source (string), required when "source" is "url", value: uri
  • key: test-option (string), value: notset|testset|set|test, default value: testset
6) NETCONF <copy-config>
  • key: type (int), value: 9
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: source (string), value: running|startup|candidate|url|config
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate|url


  • key: uri-source (string), required when "source" is "url", value: uri
  • key: uri-target (string), required when "target" is "url", value: uri
  • key: configs (array of sJSON, with the same order as sessions), required when "source" is config”, value: array of new complete configuration data for each session,
7) NETCONF <delete-config>
  • key: type (int), value: 10
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate|url


  • key: url (string), value: target URL
8) NETCONF <lock>
  • key: type (int), value: 11
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate
9) NETCONF <unlock>
  • key: type (int), value: 12
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate
10) NETCONF <kill-session>
  • key: type (int), value: 13
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: session-id (int), value: SID of the session to kill
11) Provide information about NETCONF session
  • key: type (int), value: 14
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
12) Perform generic operation not included in base NETCONF
  • key: type (int), value: 15
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: contents (array of sJSON with same index order as sessions array), value: array of sJSON ata as content of the NETCONF's envelope
13) get-schema
  • key: type (int), value: 16
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: identifiers (array of strings with same index order as sessions array), value: array of chema identifiers


  • key: format (string), value: format of the schema (yin or yang)
14) reloadhello Update hello message of NETCONF session
  • key: type (int), value: 17
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
15) notif_history Provide list of notifications from past.
  • key: type (int), value: 18
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: from (int64), value: start time in history
  • key: to (int64), value: end time
16) validate Validate datastore or url
  • key: type (int), value: 19
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: target (string), value: running|startup|candidate|url

Required when target is "url":

  • key: url (string), value: URL of datastore to validate

Enumeration of Message type (libnetconf)

	/* Enumeration of Message type (taken from mod_netconf.c) */

	const REPLY_OK				= 0;
	const REPLY_DATA			= 1;
	const REPLY_ERROR			= 2;
	const REPLY_INFO			= 3;
	const MSG_CONNECT			= 4;
	const MSG_DISCONNECT		= 5;
	const MSG_GET 				= 6;
	const MSG_GETCONFIG			= 7;
	const MSG_EDITCONFIG		= 8;
	const MSG_COPYCONFIG		= 9;
	const MSG_DELETECONFIG		= 10;
	const MSG_LOCK 				= 11;
	const MSG_UNLOCK			= 12;
	const MSG_KILL				= 13;
	const MSG_INFO				= 14;
	const MSG_GENERIC			= 15;
	const MSG_GETSCHEMA			= 16;
	const MSG_RELOADHELLO		= 17;
	const MSG_VALIDATE			= 19;

	/* Enumeration of Message type - New for libyang */
	const SCH_QUERY				= 100;
	const SCH_MERGE				= 101;

1) Query schema node by XPATH

  • key: type (int), value: 100
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: filters (array of strings with same index order as sessions), value: array of XPath (with "prefix" = module name) values of target node in schema (start with '/') or module names (do not start with '/')

In module query, the top-nodes array includes only nodes that can appear in data or some descendant can (container, choice, leaf, leaflist, list, anyxml).


  • key: load_children(boolean, default = false), value: if set to true, children schema information will be loaded too. Otherwise only part "$@name": {'children': [...]} will be loaded.
1. Example response for "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces" with load_children:

(partialy based on

	"$@ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
		"eltype": "container",
		"description": "Interface configuration parameters.",
		"config": true,
		"status": "current",
		"mandatory": false,
		"children": [
	"ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
		"$@interface": { ... }
2. Example response for "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface" without load_children:
	"$@ietf-interfaces:interface": {
		"eltype": "list",
		"description": " ... ",
		"config": true,
		"status": "current",
		"mandatory": false,
		"keys": [
		"children": [
3. Example response for "ietf-interfaces" without load_children:
	"$@@ietf-interfaces": {
		"yang-version": "1.0",
		"namespace": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces",
		"prefix": "if",
		"contact": " ... ",
		"organization": "IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group",
		"revision": "2014-05-08",
		"description": " ... ",
		"imports": [
				"name": "ietf-yang-types",
				"prefix": "yang"
		"top-nodes": [
4. Example response for "ietf-ip" with load_children:
	"$@@ietf-ip": {
		"yang-version": "1.0",
		"namespace": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ip",
		"prefix": "ip",
		"contact": " ... ",
		"organization": "IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group",
		"revision": "2014-06-16",
		"description": " ... ",
		"imports": [
				"name": "ietf-interfaces",
				"prefix": "if"
				"name": "ietf-inet-types",
				"prefix": "inet"
				"name": "ietf-yang-types",
				"prefix": "yang"

2) Merge given XML configuration with schema

  • key: type (int), value: 101
  • key: sessions (array of ints), value: array of SIDs
  • key: configurations (array of sJSON with same index order as sessions array), value: array of clean sJSON configurations without schema information

Merged format for schema

Each node of or request will be "merged" with schema in following scenario:

1) each information from schema will be added as sibling of node as an attribute defined by $@node_name:


	"$@node_name": {
		"eltype": "list",
		"config": true,
		"type": "enumeration",
		"iskey": false
2) if node has some children defined in schema, these children will be defined as children array:


	"$@node_name": {
		"children": ["interface", "interface-state"]
3) if some attribute is reference to some user defined type, referenced value should be added too as JSON object - same result as defined in SCH_QUERY:


	"$@interface": {
		"eltype": "list",
		"config": "true",
		"type": "enumeration",
		"iskey": "false",

	"interface": [
		"$@type": {
			"typedef": {
				// same result as SCH_QUERY for this typedef
				"type": "uint8",
				"range": "0 .. 100",
				"description": "Percentage"
		"type": "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
4) if some node is enumeration, available values will be defined as array


	"$@node_name": {
		"enumval": [int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float, string]
5) choice - case
Example based on
	"$@transfer": {
		"eltype": "container",
		"config": "true",
		"choice": ["how"]
	"transfer": {
		"$@how": {
			"eltype": "choice",
			"default": "interval",
			"cases": ["interval", "daily", "manual"]
		"how": {
			"$@interval": {
				"eltype": "case",
				"children": ["interval"]
			"$@daily": {
				"eltype": "case",
				"children": ["daily", "time-of-day"]
			"$@manual": {
				"eltype": "case",
				"children": ["manual"]
		"$@interval": {
			"eltype": "leaf",
			"type": "uint16",
			"default": "30",
			"units": "minutes"
		"$@daily": {
			"eltype": "leaf",
			"type": "empty"
		"$@time-of-day": {
			"eltype": "leaf",
			"type": "string",
			"default": "1am",
			"units": "24-hour-clock"
		"$@manual": {
			"eltype": "leaf",
			"type": "string"

Complete merged JSON example:

	"$@ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
		"eltype": "leaf",
		"config": "false",
		"type": "enumeration",
		"enumval": [int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float, string],
		"description": "The data type of the parameters argument.,
		"mandatory": "false",
		"iskey": "false",
		"children": ["interface", "interface-state"]
	"ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
		"$@interface": {
			"eltype": "list",
			"config": "true",
			"type": "enumeration",
			"iskey": "false",
		"interface": [
				"$@name": {
					"eltype": “leaf”,
					"config": "true",
					"type": "string"
				"name": "eth0",
				"$@type": {
					"eltype": “leaf”,
					"config": “true”,
					"type": “link-load”,
					"typedef": { // just an example, this differs in the model
						"type": "uint8",
						"range": "0 .. 100",
						description "Percentage"
				"type": "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd",
				"$@enabled": {
					"eltype": “leaf”,
					"config": “true”,
					"type": "boolean"
				"enabled": false
				"$@name": { ... }
				"name": "eth1",
				"$@type": { ... }
				"type": "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd",
				"$@enabled": { ... }
				"enabled": true,
				"$@ex-vlan:vlan-tagging": { ... }
				"ex-vlan:vlan-tagging": true
	"$@ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state": {
			"eltype": "leaf",
			"config": "false",
			"type": "enumeration",
			"enumval": [int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float, string],
			"description": "The data type of the parameters argument.,
			"mandatory": "false",
			"iskey": "false"
	"ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state": {

Substatements definitions

anyxml - XML string which should be converted info JSON in mod_netconf (if it is possible) or in NetopeerGUI backend

	"$@data": {
		"eltype": “anyxml”
	"data": {
		"root": {
			"node": "value"

augment - applied automatically in result

bit- type

	"bits": [
			"name": “first-bit”,
			"position": 0
			"name": “second-bit”,
			"position": 1


	"children": [“child1”, “child2”, …],
	"choice": [“choice1”, “choice2”, …]

choice - defined in example 5


	"config": true/false

container - defined in "eltype"

	"$@interface": {
		"eltype": "container"


	"default": "default value of node"


	"description": "The text of description of node"

enum - values are transformed into "enumval"

	"$@ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state": {
		"type": "enumeration",
		"enumval": [int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float]


	"fraction-digits": 2

grouping - rendered in "uses" statement directly


	"$@list-name": {
		"eltype": "list"
		"keys": [“key-element-name”]


	"$@leaf-name": {
		"eltype": "leaf",
		"iskey": true/false


	"$@leaf-name": {
		"eltype": "leaf-list"

length - renders same value as defined in schema

	"length": "1..255"


	"$@list-name": {
		"eltype": "list"
	"list-name": {
		"$@leaf-name": {
			"eltype": “leaf”,


	"mandatory": "true/false"


	"max-elements": number


	"min-elements": number


	"order-by": “user/system”

path - if defined, target schema informations must be defined, even if data does not exists

	"$@target": { … },
	"$@node": {
		"eltype": “leafref”,
		"path": “path/to/target”


	"pattern": ["[0-9a-fA-F]*"]

position - no semantical informations, see "bits" statement


	"presence": “the meaning of presence in container”


	"range": "11..max"


	"reference": "[RFC 3986]( Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax"

refine - renders target automatically

rpc - rendered as any other data information with schema. In NetopeerGUI is rendered as a standalone tree. Output substatement is not needed in GUI.

	"$@rock-the-house": {
		"eltype": "rpc"
	"rock-the-house": {
		"input": {
			"$@zip-code": {
				"eltype": “leaf”,
				"type": “string”
			"zip-code": { … }


	"status": “current/deprecated/obsolete”

type - same value as defined in schema

	"type": “string”

typedef - defined in example 3


	"type": “union”,
	"types": [


	"$@list-name": {
		"eltype": “list”,
		"unique": [“ip”, “port”]


	"units": “string of the units”

uses - renders content of "grouping" statement directly


	"must": [“must-condition-1”, “must-condition-2”, …]


	"when": “when-condition”


	"require-instance": true/false

identity - all values are transformed into "identityval"

	"ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
		"interface": {
			"$@type": {
			"type": "identityref",
					"identityval": [interface-type, iana-if-type:iana-interface-type, iana-if-type:other, iana-if-type:regular1822, ...]

extension - support for NACM extensions only

	"ext": “default-deny-write”/”default-deny-all”

Only a part of module information:


	"contact": “contact information”


	"organization": “organization information”


	"namespace": “model namespace”


	"prefix": “model prefix”


	"revision": “last model revision date”

revision-date - part of import and include output


	"yang-version": “1.0/1.1”


	"imports": [
			"name": “import name”,
			"prefix": “import prefix”,
			"revision": “import revision date”


	"includes": [
			"name": “include name”,
			"revision": “include revision date”

Not used (we don't need this information):

  • "belongs-to"
  • "deviate"
  • "deviation"
  • "error-app-tag"
  • "error-message"
  • "if-feature"
  • "notification"
  • "yin-element"
  • "argument"