models FEATURE use RFC revisions for standard models
diff --git a/models/ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04.yang b/models/ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..debfae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+   module ietf-yang-library {
+     yang-version 1.1;
+     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library";
+     prefix yanglib;
+     import ietf-yang-types {
+       prefix yang;
+       reference
+         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";
+     }
+     import ietf-inet-types {
+       prefix inet;
+       reference
+         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";
+     }
+     import ietf-datastores {
+       prefix ds;
+       reference
+         "RFC 8342: Network Management Datastore Architecture
+                    (NMDA)";
+     }
+     organization
+       "IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) Working Group";
+     contact
+       "WG Web:   <>
+        WG List:  <>
+        Author:   Andy Bierman
+                  <>
+        Author:   Martin Bjorklund
+                  <>
+        Author:   Juergen Schoenwaelder
+                  <>
+        Author:   Kent Watsen
+                  <>
+        Author:   Robert Wilton
+                  <>";
+     description
+       "This module provides information about the YANG modules,
+        datastores, and datastore schemas used by a network
+        management server.
+        The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL
+        'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as
+        described in BCP 14 (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when,
+        they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
+        Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
+        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
+        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
+        to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
+        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
+        Relating to IETF Documents
+        (
+        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8525; see
+        the RFC itself for full legal notices.";
+     revision 2019-01-04 {
+       description
+         "Added support for multiple datastores according to the
+          Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA).";
+       reference
+         "RFC 8525: YANG Library";
+     }
+     revision 2016-04-09 {
+       description
+         "Initial revision.";
+       reference
+         "RFC 7895: YANG Module Library";
+     }
+     /*
+      * Typedefs
+      */
+     typedef revision-identifier {
+       type string {
+         pattern '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}';
+       }
+       description
+         "Represents a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format.";
+     }
+     /*
+      * Groupings
+      */
+     grouping module-identification-leafs {
+       description
+         "Parameters for identifying YANG modules and submodules.";
+       leaf name {
+         type yang:yang-identifier;
+         mandatory true;
+         description
+           "The YANG module or submodule name.";
+       }
+       leaf revision {
+         type revision-identifier;
+         description
+           "The YANG module or submodule revision date.  If no revision
+            statement is present in the YANG module or submodule, this
+            leaf is not instantiated.";
+       }
+     }
+     grouping location-leaf-list {
+       description
+         "Common leaf-list parameter for the locations of modules and
+          submodules.";
+       leaf-list location {
+         type inet:uri;
+         description
+           "Contains a URL that represents the YANG schema
+            resource for this module or submodule.
+            This leaf will only be present if there is a URL
+            available for retrieval of the schema for this entry.";
+       }
+     }
+     grouping module-implementation-parameters {
+       description
+         "Parameters for describing the implementation of a module.";
+       leaf-list feature {
+         type yang:yang-identifier;
+         description
+           "List of all YANG feature names from this module that are
+            supported by the server, regardless whether they are defined
+            in the module or any included submodule.";
+       }
+       leaf-list deviation {
+         type leafref {
+           path "../../module/name";
+         }
+         description
+           "List of all YANG deviation modules used by this server to
+            modify the conformance of the module associated with this
+            entry.  Note that the same module can be used for deviations
+            for multiple modules, so the same entry MAY appear within
+            multiple 'module' entries.
+            This reference MUST NOT (directly or indirectly)
+            refer to the module being deviated.
+            Robust clients may want to make sure that they handle a
+            situation where a module deviates itself (directly or
+            indirectly) gracefully.";
+       }
+     }
+     grouping module-set-parameters {
+       description
+         "A set of parameters that describe a module set.";
+       leaf name {
+         type string;
+         description
+           "An arbitrary name of the module set.";
+       }
+       list module {
+         key "name";
+         description
+           "An entry in this list represents a module implemented by the
+            server, as per Section 5.6.5 of RFC 7950, with a particular
+            set of supported features and deviations.";
+         reference
+           "RFC 7950: The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language";
+         uses module-identification-leafs;
+         leaf namespace {
+           type inet:uri;
+           mandatory true;
+           description
+             "The XML namespace identifier for this module.";
+         }
+         uses location-leaf-list;
+         list submodule {
+           key "name";
+           description
+             "Each entry represents one submodule within the
+              parent module.";
+           uses module-identification-leafs;
+           uses location-leaf-list;
+         }
+         uses module-implementation-parameters;
+       }
+       list import-only-module {
+         key "name revision";
+         description
+           "An entry in this list indicates that the server imports
+            reusable definitions from the specified revision of the
+            module but does not implement any protocol-accessible
+            objects from this revision.
+            Multiple entries for the same module name MAY exist.  This
+            can occur if multiple modules import the same module but
+            specify different revision dates in the import statements.";
+         leaf name {
+           type yang:yang-identifier;
+           description
+             "The YANG module name.";
+         }
+         leaf revision {
+           type union {
+             type revision-identifier;
+             type string {
+               length "0";
+             }
+           }
+           description
+             "The YANG module revision date.
+              A zero-length string is used if no revision statement
+              is present in the YANG module.";
+         }
+         leaf namespace {
+           type inet:uri;
+           mandatory true;
+           description
+             "The XML namespace identifier for this module.";
+         }
+         uses location-leaf-list;
+         list submodule {
+           key "name";
+           description
+             "Each entry represents one submodule within the
+              parent module.";
+           uses module-identification-leafs;
+           uses location-leaf-list;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     grouping yang-library-parameters {
+       description
+         "The YANG library data structure is represented as a grouping
+          so it can be reused in configuration or another monitoring
+          data structure.";
+       list module-set {
+         key "name";
+         description
+           "A set of modules that may be used by one or more schemas.
+            A module set does not have to be referentially complete,
+            i.e., it may define modules that contain import statements
+            for other modules not included in the module set.";
+         uses module-set-parameters;
+       }
+       list schema {
+         key "name";
+         description
+           "A datastore schema that may be used by one or more
+            datastores.
+            The schema must be valid and referentially complete, i.e.,
+            it must contain modules to satisfy all used import
+            statements for all modules specified in the schema.";
+         leaf name {
+           type string;
+           description
+             "An arbitrary name of the schema.";
+         }
+         leaf-list module-set {
+           type leafref {
+             path "../../module-set/name";
+           }
+           description
+             "A set of module-sets that are included in this schema.
+              If a non-import-only module appears in multiple module
+              sets, then the module revision and the associated features
+              and deviations must be identical.";
+         }
+       }
+       list datastore {
+         key "name";
+         description
+           "A datastore supported by this server.
+            Each datastore indicates which schema it supports.
+            The server MUST instantiate one entry in this list per
+            specific datastore it supports.
+            Each datastore entry with the same datastore schema SHOULD
+            reference the same schema.";
+         leaf name {
+           type ds:datastore-ref;
+           description
+             "The identity of the datastore.";
+         }
+         leaf schema {
+           type leafref {
+             path "../../schema/name";
+           }
+           mandatory true;
+           description
+             "A reference to the schema supported by this datastore.
+              All non-import-only modules of the schema are implemented
+              with their associated features and deviations.";
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     /*
+      * Top-level container
+      */
+     container yang-library {
+       config false;
+       description
+         "Container holding the entire YANG library of this server.";
+       uses yang-library-parameters;
+       leaf content-id {
+         type string;
+         mandatory true;
+         description
+           "A server-generated identifier of the contents of the
+            '/yang-library' tree.  The server MUST change the value of
+            this leaf if the information represented by the
+            '/yang-library' tree, except '/yang-library/content-id', has
+            changed.";
+       }
+     }
+     /*
+      * Notifications
+      */
+     notification yang-library-update {
+       description
+         "Generated when any YANG library information on the
+          server has changed.";
+       leaf content-id {
+         type leafref {
+           path "/yanglib:yang-library/yanglib:content-id";
+         }
+         mandatory true;
+         description
+           "Contains the YANG library content identifier for the updated
+            YANG library at the time the notification is generated.";
+       }
+     }
+     /*
+      * Legacy groupings
+      */
+     grouping module-list {
+       status deprecated;
+       description
+         "The module data structure is represented as a grouping
+          so it can be reused in configuration or another monitoring
+          data structure.";
+       grouping common-leafs {
+         status deprecated;
+         description
+           "Common parameters for YANG modules and submodules.";
+         leaf name {
+           type yang:yang-identifier;
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "The YANG module or submodule name.";
+         }
+         leaf revision {
+           type union {
+             type revision-identifier;
+             type string {
+               length "0";
+             }
+           }
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "The YANG module or submodule revision date.
+              A zero-length string is used if no revision statement
+              is present in the YANG module or submodule.";
+         }
+       }
+       grouping schema-leaf {
+         status deprecated;
+         description
+           "Common schema leaf parameter for modules and submodules.";
+         leaf schema {
+           type inet:uri;
+           description
+             "Contains a URL that represents the YANG schema
+              resource for this module or submodule.
+              This leaf will only be present if there is a URL
+              available for retrieval of the schema for this entry.";
+         }
+       }
+       list module {
+         key "name revision";
+         status deprecated;
+         description
+           "Each entry represents one revision of one module
+            currently supported by the server.";
+         uses common-leafs {
+           status deprecated;
+         }
+         uses schema-leaf {
+           status deprecated;
+         }
+         leaf namespace {
+           type inet:uri;
+           mandatory true;
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "The XML namespace identifier for this module.";
+         }
+         leaf-list feature {
+           type yang:yang-identifier;
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "List of YANG feature names from this module that are
+              supported by the server, regardless of whether they are
+              defined in the module or any included submodule.";
+         }
+         list deviation {
+           key "name revision";
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "List of YANG deviation module names and revisions
+              used by this server to modify the conformance of
+              the module associated with this entry.  Note that
+              the same module can be used for deviations for
+              multiple modules, so the same entry MAY appear
+              within multiple 'module' entries.
+              The deviation module MUST be present in the 'module'
+              list, with the same name and revision values.
+              The 'conformance-type' value will be 'implement' for
+              the deviation module.";
+           uses common-leafs {
+             status deprecated;
+           }
+         }
+         leaf conformance-type {
+           type enumeration {
+             enum implement {
+               description
+                 "Indicates that the server implements one or more
+                  protocol-accessible objects defined in the YANG module
+                  identified in this entry.  This includes deviation
+                  statements defined in the module.
+                  For YANG version 1.1 modules, there is at most one
+                  'module' entry with conformance type 'implement' for a
+                  particular module name, since YANG 1.1 requires that
+                  at most one revision of a module is implemented.
+                  For YANG version 1 modules, there SHOULD NOT be more
+                  than one 'module' entry for a particular module
+                  name.";
+             }
+             enum import {
+               description
+                 "Indicates that the server imports reusable definitions
+                  from the specified revision of the module but does
+                  not implement any protocol-accessible objects from
+                  this revision.
+                  Multiple 'module' entries for the same module name MAY
+                  exist.  This can occur if multiple modules import the
+                  same module but specify different revision dates in
+                  the import statements.";
+             }
+           }
+           mandatory true;
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "Indicates the type of conformance the server is claiming
+              for the YANG module identified by this entry.";
+         }
+         list submodule {
+           key "name revision";
+           status deprecated;
+           description
+             "Each entry represents one submodule within the
+              parent module.";
+           uses common-leafs {
+             status deprecated;
+           }
+           uses schema-leaf {
+             status deprecated;
+           }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     /*
+      * Legacy operational state data nodes
+      */
+     container modules-state {
+       config false;
+       status deprecated;
+       description
+         "Contains YANG module monitoring information.";
+       leaf module-set-id {
+         type string;
+         mandatory true;
+         status deprecated;
+         description
+           "Contains a server-specific identifier representing
+            the current set of modules and submodules.  The
+            server MUST change the value of this leaf if the
+            information represented by the 'module' list instances
+            has changed.";
+       }
+       uses module-list {
+         status deprecated;
+       }
+     }
+     /*
+      * Legacy notifications
+      */
+     notification yang-library-change {
+       status deprecated;
+       description
+         "Generated when the set of modules and submodules supported
+          by the server has changed.";
+       leaf module-set-id {
+         type leafref {
+           path "/yanglib:modules-state/yanglib:module-set-id";
+         }
+         mandatory true;
+         status deprecated;
+         description
+           "Contains the module-set-id value representing the
+            set of modules and submodules supported at the server
+            at the time the notification is generated.";
+       }
+     }
+   }