rpm REFACTOR update libyang.spec from Fedora

libyang maintainer desired continuing with libyang package as opposed to
libyang2 - sync libyang.spec from Fedora upstream.
diff --git a/distro/config/apkg.toml b/distro/config/apkg.toml
index 95f92ed..a11781e 100644
--- a/distro/config/apkg.toml
+++ b/distro/config/apkg.toml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-name = "libyang2"
+name = "libyang"
 make_archive_script = "tools/make-dev-archive.sh"
-archive_url = "https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz"
+archive_url = "https://github.com/CESNET/libyang/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz"
 version_script = "tools/upstream-version.sh"
diff --git a/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang.spec b/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..217bdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Name: libyang
+Version: {{ version }}
+Release: {{ release }}%{?dist}
+Summary: YANG data modeling language library
+Url: https://github.com/CESNET/libyang
+Source: libyang-%{version}.tar.gz
+License: BSD
+BuildRequires:  cmake
+BuildRequires:  gcc
+BuildRequires:  make
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libpcre2-8) >= 10.21
+%package devel
+Summary:    Development files for libyang
+Requires:   %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:   pcre2-devel
+%package tools
+Summary:        YANG validator tools
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+# This was not properly split out before
+Conflicts:      %{name} < 1.0.225-3
+%description devel
+Headers of libyang library.
+%description tools
+YANG validator tools.
+Libyang is YANG data modeling language parser and toolkit
+written (and providing API) in C.
+%autosetup -p1
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake \
+    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Package" \
+    ..
+cd build
+ctest --output-on-failure
+cd build
+make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
+%license LICENSE
+%files tools
+%files devel
+%dir %{_includedir}/libyang/
+* Fri Aug 06 2021 Jakub Ružička <jakub.ruzicka@nic.cz> - {{ version }}-{{ release }}
+- upstream package
diff --git a/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang2.spec b/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang2.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd4586..0000000
--- a/distro/pkg/rpm/libyang2.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Name: libyang2
-Version: {{ version }}
-Release: {{ release }}%{?dist}
-Summary: YANG data modeling language library
-Url: https://github.com/CESNET/libyang
-Source: libyang-%{version}.tar.gz
-License: BSD-3-Clause
-BuildRequires:  cmake
-BuildRequires:  gcc
-BuildRequires:  make
-BuildRequires:  pcre2-devel
-%if "x%{?suse_version}" == "x"
-Requires:  pcre2
-Requires:  libpcre2-posix2
-%package -n libyang2-devel
-Summary:    Headers of libyang library
-Conflicts:  libyang-devel
-Requires:   %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires:   pcre2-devel
-%package -n libyang2-tools
-Summary:    Helper Tools and examples for libyang library
-Conflicts:  libyang
-Provides:   libyang-tools
-Requires:   %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-%description -n libyang2-devel
-Headers of libyang library.
-%description -n libyang2-tools
-Helper Tools and examples for libyang library.
-libyang is a YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit
-written (and providing API) in C.
-%setup -n libyang-%{version}
-mkdir build
-cd build
-    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String="Release" \
-    ..
-cd build
-ctest --output-on-failure
-cd build
-make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
-%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -n libyang2-devel
-%dir %{_includedir}/libyang/
-%files -n libyang2-tools
-* Fri Apr 30 2021 Jakub Ružička <jakub.ruzicka@nic.cz> - {{ version }}-{{ release }}
-- upstream package