tests MAINTENANCE source code formatting
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c
index 55400b4..24417c4 100644
--- a/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c
@@ -12,18 +12,13 @@
  *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <cmocka.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "log.h"
 #include "context.h"
+#include "log.h"
 #include "test_schema.h"
 #include "tree_schema.h"
+#include "utests.h"
 #include "test_schema.h"
@@ -46,8 +41,8 @@
     /* full content */
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "identityone",
-                   "identity test {base \"a\";base b; description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x;if-feature y; identityone:ext;}"
-                   "identity a; identity b; extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
+            "identity test {base \"a\";base b; description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x;if-feature y; identityone:ext;}"
+            "identity a; identity b; extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
     assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->parsed->identities));
@@ -59,13 +54,13 @@
     /* max subelems */
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 1, "identityone-yin", "<identity name=\"ident-name\">"
-                       "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
-                       "<base name=\"base-name\"/>"
-                       "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
-                       "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
-                       "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
-                       /* TODO yin-extension-prefix-compilation-bug "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:identityone-yin\"/>" */
-                   "</identity><extension name=\"ext\"/><identity name=\"base-name\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
+            "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+            "<base name=\"base-name\"/>"
+            "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+            "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+            "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+            /* TODO yin-extension-prefix-compilation-bug "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:identityone-yin\"/>" */
+            "</identity><extension name=\"ext\"/><identity name=\"base-name\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
     assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->parsed->identities));
     assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].name, "ident-name");
     assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].bases[0], "base-name");
@@ -86,15 +81,15 @@
     /* invalid substatement */
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 1, "inv", "<identity name=\"ident-name\"><if-feature name=\"iff\"/></identity>",
-                    "Invalid sub-elemnt \"if-feature\" of \"identity\" element - this sub-element is allowed only in modules with version 1.1 or newer. Line number 1.");
+            "Invalid sub-elemnt \"if-feature\" of \"identity\" element - this sub-element is allowed only in modules with version 1.1 or newer. Line number 1.");
      * compiling
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 0, "a", "identity a1;", mod_imp);
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "b", "import a {prefix a;}"
-                   "identity b1; identity b2; identity b3 {base b1; base b:b2; base a:a1;}"
-                   "identity b4 {base b:b1; base b3;}", mod);
+            "identity b1; identity b2; identity b3 {base b1; base b:b2; base a:a1;}"
+            "identity b4 {base b:b1; base b3;}", mod);
@@ -120,26 +115,26 @@
     ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule inv_sub {belongs-to inv {prefix inv;} identity i1;}");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "include inv_sub;identity i1;",
-                    "Duplicate identifier \"i1\" of identity statement. Line number 1.");
-    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}", "Unable to find base (i2) of identity \"i1\". /inv:{identity='i1'}");
-    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i1;}", "Identity \"i1\" is derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i1'}");
-    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}identity i2 {base i3;}identity i3 {base i1;}",
-                    "Identity \"i1\" is indirectly derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i3'}");
+            "Duplicate identifier \"i1\" of identity statement. Line number 1.");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}", "Unable to find base (i2) of identity \"i1\". /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "identity i1 {base i1;}", "Identity \"i1\" is derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}identity i2 {base i3;}identity i3 {base i1;}",
+            "Identity \"i1\" is indirectly derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i3'}");
     /* base in non-implemented module */
     ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb,
-                              "module base {namespace \"urn\"; prefix b; identity i1; identity i2 {base i1;}}");
+            "module base {namespace \"urn\"; prefix b; identity i1; identity i2 {base i1;}}");
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 0, "ident", "import base {prefix b;} identity ii {base b:i1;}", mod);
     /* default value from non-implemented module */
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "ident2", "import base {prefix b;} leaf l {type identityref {base b:i1;} default b:i2;}",
-                    "Invalid default - value does not fit the type (Invalid identityref \"b:i2\" value"
-                    " - identity found in non-implemented module \"base\".). /ident2:l");
+            "Invalid default - value does not fit the type (Invalid identityref \"b:i2\" value"
+            " - identity found in non-implemented module \"base\".). /ident2:l");
     /* default value in typedef from non-implemented module */
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "ident2", "import base {prefix b;} typedef t1 {type identityref {base b:i1;} default b:i2;}"
-                    "leaf l {type t1;}", "Invalid default - value does not fit the type (Invalid"
-                    " identityref \"b:i2\" value - identity found in non-implemented module \"base\".). /ident2:l");
+            "leaf l {type t1;}", "Invalid default - value does not fit the type (Invalid"
+            " identityref \"b:i2\" value - identity found in non-implemented module \"base\".). /ident2:l");
      * printing
@@ -174,8 +169,8 @@
     /* full content */
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "featureone",
-                   "feature test {description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x; if-feature y; featureone:ext;}"
-                   "extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
+            "feature test {description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x; if-feature y; featureone:ext;}"
+            "extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
     assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->parsed->features));
@@ -187,12 +182,12 @@
     /* max subelems */
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 1, "featureone-yin", "<feature name=\"feature-name\">"
-                       "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
-                       "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
-                       "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
-                       "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
-                       /* TODO yin-extension-prefix-compilation-bug "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:featureone-yin\"/>" */
-                   "</feature><extension name=\"ext\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
+            "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+            "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+            "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+            "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+            /* TODO yin-extension-prefix-compilation-bug "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:featureone-yin\"/>" */
+            "</feature><extension name=\"ext\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
     assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->parsed->features));
     assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].name, "feature-name");
     assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].dsc, "desc");
@@ -210,19 +205,19 @@
     /* invalid substatement */
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 1, "inv", "<feature name=\"feature-name\"><organization><text>org</text></organization></feature>",
-                    "Unexpected sub-element \"organization\" of \"feature\" element. Line number 1.");
+            "Unexpected sub-element \"organization\" of \"feature\" element. Line number 1.");
      * compiling
     TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "a", "feature f1 {description test1;reference test2;status current;} feature f2; feature f3;\n"
-                   "feature orfeature {if-feature \"f1 or f2\";}\n"
-                   "feature andfeature {if-feature \"f1 and f2\";}\n"
-                   "feature f6 {if-feature \"not f1\";}\n"
-                   "feature f7 {if-feature \"(f2 and f3) or (not f1)\";}\n"
-                   "feature f8 {if-feature \"f1 or f2 or f3 or orfeature or andfeature\";}\n"
-                   "feature f9 {if-feature \"not not f1\";}", mod);
+            "feature orfeature {if-feature \"f1 or f2\";}\n"
+            "feature andfeature {if-feature \"f1 and f2\";}\n"
+            "feature f6 {if-feature \"not f1\";}\n"
+            "feature f7 {if-feature \"(f2 and f3) or (not f1)\";}\n"
+            "feature f8 {if-feature \"f1 or f2 or f3 or orfeature or andfeature\";}\n"
+            "feature f9 {if-feature \"not not f1\";}", mod);
     assert_int_equal(9, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->parsed->features));
@@ -233,41 +228,41 @@
     /* some invalid expressions */
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f{if-feature f1;}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f1\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"f1\".");
+            "Invalid value \"f1\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"f1\".");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'f and';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f and\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
+            "Invalid value \"f and\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f{if-feature 'or';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"or\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
+            "Invalid value \"or\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature '(f1';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"(f1\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
+            "Invalid value \"(f1\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'f1)';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f1)\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
+            "Invalid value \"f1)\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature ---;}",
-                    "Invalid value \"---\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"---\".");
+            "Invalid value \"---\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"---\".");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'not f1';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"not f1\" of if-feature - YANG 1.1 expression in YANG 1.0 module.");
+            "Invalid value \"not f1\" of if-feature - YANG 1.1 expression in YANG 1.0 module.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f1;",
-                    "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. Line number 1.");
+            "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. Line number 1.");
     ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule inv_sub {belongs-to inv {prefix inv;} feature f1;}");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "include inv_sub;feature f1;",
-                    "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. Line number 1.");
+            "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. Line number 1.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1 {if-feature f2;} feature f2 {if-feature f1;}",
-                    "Feature \"f1\" is indirectly referenced from itself.");
+            "Feature \"f1\" is indirectly referenced from itself.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1 {if-feature f1;}",
-                    "Feature \"f1\" is referenced from itself.");
+            "Feature \"f1\" is referenced from itself.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f {if-feature ();}",
-                    "Invalid value \"()\" of if-feature - number of features in expression does not match the required number of operands for the operations.");
+            "Invalid value \"()\" of if-feature - number of features in expression does not match the required number of operands for the operations.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1(';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f1(\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
+            "Invalid value \"f1(\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'and f1';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"and f1\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"and\" operation.");
+            "Invalid value \"and f1\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"and\" operation.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1 not ';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f1 not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
+            "Invalid value \"f1 not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1 not not ';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"f1 not not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
+            "Invalid value \"f1 not not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression.");
     TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2; feature f {if-feature 'or f1 f2';}",
-                    "Invalid value \"or f1 f2\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"or\" operation.");
+            "Invalid value \"or f1 f2\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"or\" operation.");
      * printing