extensions CHANGE cleanup API of the schema compiler for extension plugins

Be more clear by what API of the schema compiler is available for the
extension plugins. While the compilation context is needed, we want to
keep its members hidden to be able to make future changes. Therefore,
there is only a (possibly extensible in a future) set of getter to
access the context's members to be read and updated by the plugins'
compilation callbacks. Another part of the API is a set of compilation
flags to modify the behavior of the internal schema compiler.
diff --git a/src/schema_compile.h b/src/schema_compile.h
index 3eaa550..0f114f0 100644
--- a/src/schema_compile.h
+++ b/src/schema_compile.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dict.h"
 #include "log.h"
+#include "plugins_exts_compile.h"
 #include "set.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "tree_data.h"
@@ -30,35 +31,10 @@
 struct lyxp_expr;
- * @defgroup scflags Schema compile flags
- *
- * Flags are currently used only internally - the compilation process does not have a public interface and it is
- * integrated in the schema parsers. The current options set does not make sense for public used, but it can be a way
- * to modify behavior of the compilation process in future.
- *
- * @{
- */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_GROUPING        0x01            /**< Compiling (validation) of a non-instantiated grouping.
-                                                      In this case not all the restrictions are checked since they can
-                                                      be valid only in the real placement of the grouping.
-                                                      TODO - what specifically is not done */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_DISABLED        0x02            /**< Compiling a disabled subtree (by its if-features). Meaning
-                                                      it will be removed at the end of compilation and should not be
-                                                      added to any unres sets. */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_NO_CONFIG       0x04            /**< ignore config statements, neither inherit config value */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_NO_DISABLED     0x08            /**< ignore if-feature statements */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_RPC_INPUT       (LYS_IS_INPUT | LYS_COMPILE_NO_CONFIG)  /**< Internal option when compiling schema tree of RPC/action input */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_RPC_OUTPUT      (LYS_IS_OUTPUT | LYS_COMPILE_NO_CONFIG) /**< Internal option when compiling schema tree of RPC/action output */
-#define LYS_COMPILE_NOTIFICATION    (LYS_IS_NOTIF | LYS_COMPILE_NO_CONFIG)  /**< Internal option when compiling schema tree of Notification */
-/** @} scflags */
- * @brief internal context for compilation
+ * @brief YANG schema compilation context.
 struct lysc_ctx {
-    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;         /**< libyang context */
     struct lys_module *cur_mod; /**< module currently being compiled,
                                      - identifier/path - used as the current module for unprefixed nodes
                                      - augment - module where the augment is defined
@@ -72,17 +48,17 @@
     struct lysc_ext_instance *ext; /**< extension instance being processed and serving as a source for its substatements
                                      instead of the module itself */
     struct ly_set groupings;    /**< stack for groupings circular check */
-    struct ly_set tpdf_chain;
-    struct ly_set disabled;     /**< set of compiled nodes whose if-feature(s) was not satisifed */
-    struct ly_set augs;         /**< set of compiled non-applied top-level augments */
-    struct ly_set devs;         /**< set of compiled non-applied deviations */
-    struct ly_set uses_augs;    /**< set of compiled non-applied uses augments */
-    struct ly_set uses_rfns;    /**< set of compiled non-applied uses refines */
+    struct ly_set tpdf_chain;   /**< stack for typedefs circular check */
+    struct ly_set disabled;     /**< set of compiled nodes whose if-feature(s) was not satisfied (stored ::lysc_node *) */
+    struct ly_set augs;         /**< set of compiled non-applied top-level augments (stored ::lysc_augment *) */
+    struct ly_set devs;         /**< set of compiled non-applied deviations (stored ::lysc_deviation *) */
+    struct ly_set uses_augs;    /**< set of compiled non-applied uses augments (stored ::lysc_augment *) */
+    struct ly_set uses_rfns;    /**< set of compiled non-applied uses refines (stored ::lysc_refine *) */
     struct lys_glob_unres *unres;  /**< global unres sets */
-    uint32_t path_len;
+    uint32_t path_len;          /**< number of path bytes used */
     uint32_t options;           /**< various @ref scflags. */
 #define LYSC_CTX_BUFSIZE 4078
-    char path[LYSC_CTX_BUFSIZE];
+    char path[LYSC_CTX_BUFSIZE];/**< Path identifying the schema node currently being processed */