utests data REFACTOR put repetitive commands into macros
diff --git a/tests/utests/basic/test_hash_table.c b/tests/utests/basic/test_hash_table.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6ac3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/basic/test_hash_table.c
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ * @file hash_table.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from hash_table.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#define _UTEST_MAIN_
+#include "utests.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "hash_table.h"
+struct ht_rec *lyht_get_rec(unsigned char *recs, uint16_t rec_size, uint32_t idx);
+static void
+test_invalid_arguments(void **state)
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lydict_insert(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL));
+    CHECK_LOG("Invalid argument ctx (lydict_insert()).", NULL);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lydict_insert_zc(NULL, NULL, NULL));
+    CHECK_LOG("Invalid argument ctx (lydict_insert_zc()).", NULL);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lydict_insert_zc(UTEST_LYCTX, NULL, NULL));
+    CHECK_LOG_CTX("Invalid argument value (lydict_insert_zc()).", NULL);
+static void
+test_dict_hit(void **state)
+    const char *str1, *str2, *str3;
+    /* insert 2 strings, one of them repeatedly */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lydict_insert(UTEST_LYCTX, "test1", 0, &str1));
+    assert_non_null(str1);
+    /* via zerocopy we have to get the same pointer as provided */
+    assert_non_null(str2 = strdup("test2"));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lydict_insert_zc(UTEST_LYCTX, (char *)str2, &str3));
+    assert_ptr_equal(str2, str3);
+    /* here we get the same pointer as in case the string was inserted first time */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lydict_insert(UTEST_LYCTX, "test1", 0, &str2));
+    assert_non_null(str2);
+    assert_ptr_equal(str1, str2);
+    /* remove strings, but the repeatedly inserted only once */
+    lydict_remove(UTEST_LYCTX, "test1");
+    lydict_remove(UTEST_LYCTX, "test2");
+    /* destroy dictionary - should raise warning about data presence */
+    ly_ctx_destroy(UTEST_LYCTX, NULL);
+    CHECK_LOG("String \"test1\" not freed from the dictionary, refcount 1", NULL);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    /* cleanup */
+    free((char *)str1);
+static uint8_t
+ht_equal_clb(void *val1, void *val2, uint8_t mod, void *cb_data)
+    int *v1, *v2;
+    (void)mod;
+    (void)cb_data;
+    v1 = (int *)val1;
+    v2 = (int *)val2;
+    return *v1 == *v2;
+static void
+test_ht_basic(void **state)
+    uint32_t i;
+    struct hash_table *ht;
+    assert_non_null(ht = lyht_new(8, sizeof(int), ht_equal_clb, NULL, 0));
+    i = 2;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_ENOTFOUND, lyht_find(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_insert(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_find(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_remove(ht, &i, i));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_ENOTFOUND, lyht_find(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_ENOTFOUND, lyht_remove(ht, &i, i));
+    CHECK_LOG("Invalid argument hash (lyht_remove_with_resize_cb()).", NULL);
+    lyht_free(ht);
+static void
+test_ht_resize(void **state)
+    uint32_t i;
+    struct ht_rec *rec;
+    struct hash_table *ht;
+    assert_non_null(ht = lyht_new(8, sizeof(int), ht_equal_clb, NULL, 1));
+    assert_int_equal(8, ht->size);
+    /* insert records into indexes 2-7 */
+    for (i = 2; i < 8; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_insert(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    }
+    /* check that table resized */
+    assert_int_equal(16, ht->size);
+    /* check expected content of the table */
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+        if ((i >= 2) && (i < 8)) {
+            /* inserted data on indexes 2-7 */
+            rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+            assert_int_equal(1, rec->hits);
+            assert_int_equal(i, rec->hash);
+        } else {
+            /* nothing otherwise */
+            rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+            assert_int_equal(0, rec->hits);
+        }
+    }
+    /* removing not present data should fail */
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(LY_ENOTFOUND, lyht_remove(ht, &i, i));
+        CHECK_LOG("Invalid argument hash (lyht_remove_with_resize_cb()).", NULL);
+    }
+    /* removing present data, resize should happened
+     * when we are below 25% of the table filled, so with 3 records left */
+    for ( ; i < 5; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_remove(ht, &i, i));
+    }
+    assert_int_equal(8, ht->size);
+    /* remove the rest */
+    for ( ; i < 8; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyht_remove(ht, &i, i));
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(LY_ENOTFOUND, lyht_find(ht, &i, i, NULL));
+    }
+    /* cleanup */
+    lyht_free(ht);
+static void
+test_ht_collisions(void **UNUSED(state))
+#define GET_REC_INT(rec) (*((uint32_t *)&(rec)->val))
+    uint32_t i;
+    struct ht_rec *rec;
+    struct hash_table *ht;
+    assert_non_null(ht = lyht_new(8, sizeof(int), ht_equal_clb, NULL, 1));
+    for (i = 2; i < 6; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(lyht_insert(ht, &i, 2, NULL), 0);
+    }
+    /* check all records */
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+    assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 4);
+    assert_int_equal(GET_REC_INT(rec), i);
+    ++i;
+    for ( ; i < 6; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 1);
+        assert_int_equal(GET_REC_INT(rec), i);
+    }
+    for ( ; i < 8; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    i = 4;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_remove(ht, &i, 2), 0);
+    rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+    assert_int_equal(rec->hits, -1);
+    i = 2;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_remove(ht, &i, 2), 0);
+    /* check all records */
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+    assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 2);
+    assert_int_equal(GET_REC_INT(rec), 5);
+    ++i;
+    rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+    assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 1);
+    assert_int_equal(GET_REC_INT(rec), 3);
+    ++i;
+    for ( ; i < 6; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, -1);
+    }
+    for ( ; i < 8; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(lyht_find(ht, &i, 2, NULL), LY_ENOTFOUND);
+    }
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_find(ht, &i, 2, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    ++i;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_find(ht, &i, 2, NULL), LY_ENOTFOUND);
+    ++i;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_find(ht, &i, 2, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    ++i;
+    for ( ; i < 8; ++i) {
+        assert_int_equal(lyht_find(ht, &i, 2, NULL), LY_ENOTFOUND);
+    }
+    i = 3;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_remove(ht, &i, 2), 0);
+    i = 5;
+    assert_int_equal(lyht_remove(ht, &i, 2), 0);
+    /* check all records */
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    for ( ; i < 6; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, -1);
+    }
+    for ( ; i < 8; ++i) {
+        rec = lyht_get_rec(ht->recs, ht->rec_size, i);
+        assert_int_equal(rec->hits, 0);
+    }
+    lyht_free(ht);
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        UTEST(test_invalid_arguments),
+        UTEST(test_dict_hit),
+        UTEST(test_ht_basic),
+        UTEST(test_ht_resize),
+        UTEST(test_ht_collisions),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);