schema tree CHANGE remove lys_find_node() from the API

Hide use of schema path format from the API. The schema path format is
used only in YANG's augments and deviations. We have decided to have
only the data path and XPath formats in the API to keep it as simple as
possible. The cost of this simplicity is that it is not possible to
address structure schema nodes (choices, cases, ...) which cannot be
instantiated in data tree. However, we believe that the real world cases
are about the data nodes.

The schema path is used internally and there are functions working with
this format, so in case there will be need to support it in the API, it
can be added there later.
diff --git a/tools/lint/commands.c b/tools/lint/commands.c
index 78f5a00..233b935 100644
--- a/tools/lint/commands.c
+++ b/tools/lint/commands.c
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
     printf("\ttree-options:\t--tree-print-groupings\t(print top-level groupings in a separate section)\n");
     printf("\t             \t--tree-print-uses\t(print uses nodes instead the resolved grouping nodes)\n");
     printf("\t             \t--tree-no-leafref-target\t(do not print the target nodes of leafrefs)\n");
-    printf("\t             \t--tree-path <schema-path>\t(print only the specified subtree)\n");
+    printf("\t             \t--tree-path <data-path>\t(print only the specified subtree)\n");
     printf("\t             \t--tree-line-length <line-length>\t(wrap lines if longer than line-length,\n");
     printf("\t             \t\tnot a strict limit, longer lines can often appear)\n");
-    printf("\tinfo-path:\t<schema-path> | identity/<identity-name> | feature/<feature-name>\n");
+    printf("\tinfo-path:\t<data-path> | identity/<identity-name> | feature/<feature-name>\n");
     printf("\tschema-path:\t( /<module-name>:<node-identifier> )+\n");
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
     if (target_path) {
-        const struct lysc_node *node = lys_find_node(ctx, NULL, target_path);
+        const struct lysc_node *node = ly_ctx_get_node(ctx, NULL, target_path, 0);
         if (node) {
             ret = lys_print_node(out, node, format, tree_ll, output_opts);
         } else {
diff --git a/tools/lint/main_ni.c b/tools/lint/main_ni.c
index efc0c85..a276030 100644
--- a/tools/lint/main_ni.c
+++ b/tools/lint/main_ni.c
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
     /* convert (print) to FORMAT */
     if (outformat_s) {
         if (outtarget_s) {
-            const struct lysc_node *node = lys_find_node(ctx, NULL, outtarget_s);
+            const struct lysc_node *node = ly_ctx_get_node(ctx, NULL, outtarget_s, 0);
             if (node) {
                 lys_print_node(out, node, outformat_s, outline_length_s, outoptions_s);
             } else {