data tree FEATURE lyd_merge() implemented
diff --git a/tests/utests/data/test_merge.c b/tests/utests/data/test_merge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c109c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/data/test_merge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+ * @file test_merge.c
+ * @author Michal Vasko <>
+ * @brief tests for complex data merges.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include "libyang.h"
+struct state {
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lyd_node *source;
+    struct lyd_node *target;
+    struct lyd_node *result;
+static int
+setup_dflt(void **state)
+    struct state *st;
+    (*state) = st = calloc(1, sizeof *st);
+    if (!st) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* libyang context */
+    if (ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &st->ctx)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create context.\n");
+        goto error;
+    }
+    return 0;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(st->ctx, NULL);
+    free(st);
+    (*state) = NULL;
+    return -1;
+static int
+teardown_dflt(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    lyd_free_siblings(st->target);
+    lyd_free_siblings(st->source);
+    lyd_free_siblings(st->result);
+    ly_ctx_destroy(st->ctx, NULL);
+    free(st);
+    (*state) = NULL;
+    return 0;
+static void
+test_batch(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    LY_ERR ret;
+    uint32_t i;
+    char *str;
+    const char *start =
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>yang</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-11</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>";
+    const char *data[] = {
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-yang-library</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-acm</name>"
+            "<revision>2012-02-22</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-monitoring</name>"
+            "<revision>2010-10-04</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-with-defaults</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>yang</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-11</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1</namespace>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-yang-library</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-01</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library</namespace>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-acm</name>"
+            "<revision>2012-02-22</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm</namespace>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0</namespace>"
+            "<feature>writable-running</feature>"
+            "<feature>candidate</feature>"
+            "<feature>rollback-on-error</feature>"
+            "<feature>validate</feature>"
+            "<feature>startup</feature>"
+            "<feature>xpath</feature>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-monitoring</name>"
+            "<revision>2010-10-04</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring</namespace>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    ,
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-with-defaults</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-with-defaults</namespace>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>"
+    };
+    const char *output_template =
+    "<modules-state xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library\">"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>yang</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-11</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1</namespace>"
+        "</module>"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-yang-library</name>"
+            "<revision>2016-02-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-library</namespace>"
+        "</module>"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-acm</name>"
+            "<revision>2012-02-22</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm</namespace>"
+        "</module>"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0</namespace>"
+            "<feature>writable-running</feature>"
+            "<feature>candidate</feature>"
+            "<feature>rollback-on-error</feature>"
+            "<feature>validate</feature>"
+            "<feature>startup</feature>"
+            "<feature>xpath</feature>"
+        "</module>"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-monitoring</name>"
+            "<revision>2010-10-04</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring</namespace>"
+        "</module>"
+        "<module>"
+            "<name>ietf-netconf-with-defaults</name>"
+            "<revision>2011-06-01</revision>"
+            "<conformance-type>implement</conformance-type>"
+            "<namespace>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-with-defaults</namespace>"
+        "</module>"
+    "</modules-state>";
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, start, LYD_XML, LYD_OPT_PARSE_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
+        st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, data[i], LYD_XML, LYD_OPT_PARSE_ONLY);
+        assert_non_null(st->source);
+        ret = lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_DESTRUCT);
+        assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+        st->source = NULL;
+    }
+    lyd_print_mem(&str, st->target, LYD_XML, 0);
+    assert_string_equal(str, output_template);
+    free(str);
+static void
+test_leaf(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch = "module x {"
+                    "  namespace urn:x;"
+                    "  prefix x;"
+                    "    container A {"
+                    "      leaf f1 {type string;}"
+                    "      container B {"
+                    "        leaf f2 {type string;}"
+                    "      }"
+                    "    }"
+                    "  }";
+    const char *trg = "<A xmlns=\"urn:x\"> <f1>block</f1> </A>";
+    const char *src = "<A xmlns=\"urn:x\"> <f1>aa</f1> <B> <f2>bb</f2> </B> </A>";
+    const char *result = "<A xmlns=\"urn:x\"><f1>aa</f1><B><f2>bb</f2></B></A>";
+    char *printed = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    /* merge them */
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, 0), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&st->target, NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check the result */
+    lyd_print_mem(&printed, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(printed, result);
+    free(printed);
+static void
+test_container(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch =
+        "module A {"
+            "namespace \"aa:A\";"
+            "prefix A;"
+            "container A {"
+                "leaf f1 {type string;}"
+                "container B {"
+                    "leaf f2 {type string;}"
+                "}"
+                "container C {"
+                    "leaf f3 {type string;}"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+        "}";
+    const char *trg = "<A xmlns=\"aa:A\"> <B> <f2>aaa</f2> </B> </A>";
+    const char *src = "<A xmlns=\"aa:A\"> <C> <f3>bbb</f3> </C> </A>";
+    const char *result = "<A xmlns=\"aa:A\"><B><f2>aaa</f2></B><C><f3>bbb</f3></C></A>";
+    char *printed = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    /* merge them */
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, 0), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&st->target, NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check the result */
+    lyd_print_mem(&printed, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(printed, result);
+    free(printed);
+static void
+test_list(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch =
+    "module merge {"
+        "namespace \"http://test/merge\";"
+        "prefix merge;"
+        "container inner1 {"
+            "list b-list1 {"
+                "key p1;"
+                "leaf p1 {"
+                    "type uint8;"
+                "}"
+                "leaf p2 {"
+                    "type string;"
+                "}"
+                "leaf p3 {"
+                    "type boolean;"
+                    "default false;"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    "}";
+    const char *trg =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>a</p2>"
+            "<p3>true</p3>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    const char *src =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>b</p2>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    const char *result =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>b</p2>"
+            "<p3>true</p3>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    char *printed = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    /* merge them */
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_EXPLICIT), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&st->target, NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check the result */
+    lyd_print_mem(&printed, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(printed, result);
+    free(printed);
+static void
+test_list2(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch =
+    "module merge {"
+        "namespace \"http://test/merge\";"
+        "prefix merge;"
+        "container inner1 {"
+            "list b-list1 {"
+                "key p1;"
+                "leaf p1 {"
+                    "type uint8;"
+                "}"
+                "leaf p2 {"
+                    "type string;"
+                "}"
+                "container inner2 {"
+                    "leaf p3 {"
+                        "type boolean;"
+                        "default false;"
+                    "}"
+                    "leaf p4 {"
+                        "type string;"
+                    "}"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    "}";
+    const char *trg =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>a</p2>"
+            "<inner2>"
+                "<p4>val</p4>"
+            "</inner2>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    const char *src =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>b</p2>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    const char *result =
+    "<inner1 xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<b-list1>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+            "<p2>b</p2>"
+            "<inner2>"
+                "<p4>val</p4>"
+            "</inner2>"
+        "</b-list1>"
+    "</inner1>";
+    char *printed = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    /* merge them */
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_EXPLICIT), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&st->target, NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check the result */
+    lyd_print_mem(&printed, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(printed, result);
+    free(printed);
+static void
+test_case(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch =
+    "module merge {"
+        "namespace \"http://test/merge\";"
+        "prefix merge;"
+        "container cont {"
+            "choice ch {"
+                "container inner {"
+                    "leaf p1 {"
+                        "type string;"
+                    "}"
+                "}"
+                "case c2 {"
+                    "leaf p1 {"
+                        "type string;"
+                    "}"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    "}";
+    const char *trg =
+    "<cont xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<inner>"
+            "<p1>1</p1>"
+        "</inner>"
+    "</cont>";
+    const char *src =
+    "<cont xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<p1>1</p1>"
+    "</cont>";
+    const char *result =
+    "<cont xmlns=\"http://test/merge\">"
+        "<p1>1</p1>"
+    "</cont>";
+    char *printed = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    /* merge them */
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, 0), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&st->target, NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check the result */
+    lyd_print_mem(&printed, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(printed, result);
+    free(printed);
+static void
+test_dflt(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    struct lyd_node *tmp;
+    const char *sch =
+    "module merge-dflt {"
+        "namespace \"urn:merge-dflt\";"
+        "prefix md;"
+        "container top {"
+            "leaf a {"
+                "type string;"
+            "}"
+            "leaf b {"
+                "type string;"
+            "}"
+            "leaf c {"
+                "type string;"
+                "default \"c_dflt\";"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    "}";
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->target = lyd_new_path(NULL, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/c", "c_dflt", 0);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&(st->target), NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->source = lyd_new_path(NULL, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/a", "a_val", 0);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    tmp = lyd_new_path(st->source, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/b", "b_val", 0);
+    assert_non_null(tmp);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&(st->source), NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_DESTRUCT), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->source = NULL;
+    /* c should be replaced and now be default */
+    assert_true(lyd_node_children(st->target)->flags & LYD_DEFAULT);
+static void
+test_dflt2(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    struct lyd_node *tmp;
+    const char *sch =
+    "module merge-dflt {"
+        "namespace \"urn:merge-dflt\";"
+        "prefix md;"
+        "container top {"
+            "leaf a {"
+                "type string;"
+            "}"
+            "leaf b {"
+                "type string;"
+            "}"
+            "leaf c {"
+                "type string;"
+                "default \"c_dflt\";"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    "}";
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->target = lyd_new_path(NULL, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/c", "c_dflt", 0);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&(st->target), NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->source = lyd_new_path(NULL, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/a", "a_val", 0);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    tmp = lyd_new_path(st->source, st->ctx, "/merge-dflt:top/b", "b_val", 0);
+    assert_non_null(tmp);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_validate(&(st->source), NULL, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_EXPLICIT), LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* c should not be replaced, so c remains not default */
+    assert_false(lyd_node_children(st->target)->flags & LYD_DEFAULT);
+static void
+test_leafrefs(void **state)
+    struct state *st = (*state);
+    const char *sch = "module x {"
+                      "  namespace urn:x;"
+                      "  prefix x;"
+                      "  list l {"
+                      "    key n;"
+                      "    leaf n { type string; }"
+                      "    leaf t { type string; }"
+                      "    leaf r { type leafref { path '/l/n'; } }}}";
+    const char *trg = "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>a</n></l>"
+                      "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>b</n><r>a</r></l>";
+    const char *src = "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>c</n><r>a</r></l>"
+                      "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>a</n><t>*</t></l>";
+    const char *res = "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>a</n><t>*</t></l>"
+                      "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>b</n><r>a</r></l>"
+                      "<l xmlns=\"urn:x\"><n>c</n><r>a</r></l>";
+    char *prt = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(st->ctx, sch, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    st->target = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, trg, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->target);
+    st->source = lyd_parse_mem(st->ctx, src, LYD_XML, LYD_VALOPT_DATA_ONLY);
+    assert_non_null(st->source);
+    assert_int_equal(lyd_merge(&st->target, st->source, LYD_MERGE_DESTRUCT), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->source = NULL;
+    lyd_print_mem(&prt, st->target, LYD_XML, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS);
+    assert_string_equal(prt, res);
+    free(prt);
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_batch, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leaf, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_container, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_list, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_list2, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_case, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_dflt, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_dflt2, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leafrefs, setup_dflt, teardown_dflt),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);