tests CHANGE join related schema tests

group the test according to the functional blocks, starting with the
schema. So now all the schema parser, compiler and printers are put
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/macros.h b/tests/utests/schema/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0424f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * @file macros.h
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief macros for schema tests
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+    "module "MOD_NAME" { namespace "MOD_NS"; prefix "MOD_PREFIX"; "CONTENT"}"
+    "module "MOD_NAME" {yang-version 1.1; namespace "MOD_NS"; prefix "MOD_PREFIX"; "CONTENT"}"
+    "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\""MOD_NAME"\">" \
+    "<namespace uri=\""MOD_NS"\"/><prefix value=\""MOD_PREFIX"\"/>"CONTENT"</module>"
+    "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\""MOD_NAME"\"><yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>" \
+    "<namespace uri=\""MOD_NS"\"/><prefix value=\""MOD_PREFIX"\"/>"CONTENT"</module>"
+    if (YIN) { \
+        if (RFC7950) { \
+            STR = TEST_YIN_MODULE_11(MOD_NAME, MOD_NAME, "urn:libyang:test:"MOD_NAME, CONTENT); \
+        } else { \
+            STR = TEST_YIN_MODULE_10(MOD_NAME, MOD_NAME, "urn:libyang:test:"MOD_NAME, CONTENT); \
+        } \
+    } else { /* YANG */ \
+        if (RFC7950) { \
+            STR = TEST_YANG_MODULE_11(MOD_NAME, MOD_NAME, "urn:libyang:test:"MOD_NAME, CONTENT); \
+        } else { \
+            STR = TEST_YANG_MODULE_10(MOD_NAME, MOD_NAME, "urn:libyang:test:"MOD_NAME, CONTENT); \
+        } \
+    }
+    { \
+    const char *test_str__; \
+    TEST_SCHEMA_STR(CTX, RFC7950, YIN, MOD_NAME, CONTENT, test_str__) \
+    assert_non_null(RESULT = lys_parse_mem(CTX, test_str__, YIN ? LYS_IN_YIN : LYS_IN_YANG)); \
+    }
+    { \
+    const char *test_str__; \
+    TEST_SCHEMA_STR(CTX, RFC7950, YIN, MOD_NAME, CONTENT, test_str__) \
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(CTX, test_str__, YIN ? LYS_IN_YIN : LYS_IN_YANG)); \
+    logbuf_assert(ERRMSG); \
+    }
+    if (YIN) { \
+        TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(CTX, RFC7950, YIN, "dup", "", "Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number "LINE"."); \
+    } else { \
+        TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(CTX, RFC7950, YIN, "dup", STMT"{"MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";}", \
+                        "Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number "LINE"."); \
+    }
+        TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(CTX, RFC7950, 0, "inv", STMT" test {"SUBSTMT" "VALUE";}", "Invalid keyword \""SUBSTMT"\" as a child of \""STMT"\". Line number 1.");
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yang.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yang.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6311dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yang.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2262 @@
+ * @file test_parser_yang.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from parser_yang.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "../../../src/common.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema_internal.h"
+/* originally static functions from tree_schema_free.c and parser_yang.c */
+void lysp_ext_instance_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_ext_instance *ext);
+void lysp_deviation_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_deviation *dev);
+void lysp_grp_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_grp *grp);
+void lysp_action_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_action *action);
+void lysp_notif_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_notif *notif);
+void lysp_augment_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_augment *augment);
+void lysp_deviate_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_deviate *d);
+void lysp_node_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_node *node);
+void lysp_when_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_when *when);
+LY_ERR buf_add_char(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char **input, size_t len, char **buf, size_t *buf_len, size_t *buf_used);
+LY_ERR buf_store_char(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **input, enum yang_arg arg, char **word_p,
+                      size_t *word_len, char **word_b, size_t *buf_len, int need_buf, int *prefix);
+LY_ERR get_keyword(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, enum ly_stmt *kw, char **word_p, size_t *word_len);
+LY_ERR get_argument(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, enum yang_arg arg,
+                    uint16_t *flags, char **word_p, char **word_b, size_t *word_len);
+LY_ERR skip_comment(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, int comment);
+LY_ERR parse_action(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_action **actions);
+LY_ERR parse_any(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, enum ly_stmt kw, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_augment(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_augment **augments);
+LY_ERR parse_case(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_container(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_deviate(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_deviate **deviates);
+LY_ERR parse_deviation(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_deviation **deviations);
+LY_ERR parse_grouping(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_grp **groupings);
+LY_ERR parse_choice(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_leaf(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_leaflist(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_list(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_maxelements(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, uint32_t *max, uint16_t *flags, struct lysp_ext_instance **exts);
+LY_ERR parse_minelements(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, uint32_t *min, uint16_t *flags, struct lysp_ext_instance **exts);
+LY_ERR parse_module(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_module *mod);
+LY_ERR parse_notif(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_notif **notifs);
+LY_ERR parse_submodule(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_submodule *submod);
+LY_ERR parse_uses(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_node *parent, struct lysp_node **siblings);
+LY_ERR parse_when(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, struct lysp_when **when_p);
+LY_ERR parse_type_enum_value_pos(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, const char **data, enum ly_stmt val_kw, int64_t *value, uint16_t *flags, struct lysp_ext_instance **exts);
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+int store = -1; /* negative for infinite logging, positive for limited logging */
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (store) {
+        if (path && path[0]) {
+            snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+        } else {
+            strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+        }
+        if (store > 0) {
+            --store;
+        }
+    }
+static int
+logger_setup(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    return 0;
+static int
+logger_teardown(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    if (*state) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+    str = PREFIX MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, FUNC(&ctx, &str, RESULT)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number "LINE"."); \
+static void
+test_helpers(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    const char *str;
+    char *buf, *p;
+    size_t len, size;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    ctx.ctx = NULL;
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    int prefix = 0;
+    /* storing into buffer */
+    str = "abcd";
+    buf = NULL;
+    size = len = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_add_char(NULL, &str, 2, &buf, &size, &len));
+    assert_int_not_equal(0, size);
+    assert_int_equal(2, len);
+    assert_string_equal("cd", str);
+    assert_false(strncmp("ab", buf, 2));
+    free(buf);
+    buf = NULL;
+    /* invalid first characters */
+    len = 0;
+    str = "2invalid";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    str = ".invalid";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    str = "-invalid";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    /* invalid following characters */
+    len = 3; /* number of characters read before the str content */
+    str = "!";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    str = ":";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    /* valid colon for prefixed identifiers */
+    len = size = 0;
+    p = NULL;
+    prefix = 0;
+    str = "x:id";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 0, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(1, len);
+    assert_null(buf);
+    assert_string_equal(":id", str);
+    assert_int_equal('x', p[len - 1]);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(2, len);
+    assert_string_equal("id", str);
+    assert_int_equal(':', p[len - 1]);
+    free(buf);
+    prefix = 0;
+    /* checking identifiers */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, ':', 0, NULL));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier character ':'. Line number 1.");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, '#', 1, NULL));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier first character '#'. Line number 1.");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, 'a', 1, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(0, prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, ':', 0, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(1, prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, ':', 0, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(1, prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, 'b', 0, &prefix));
+    assert_int_equal(2, prefix);
+    /* second colon is invalid */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, lysp_check_identifierchar((struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, ':', 0, &prefix));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier character ':'. Line number 1.");
+static void
+test_comments(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    const char *str, *p;
+    char *word, *buf;
+    size_t len;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    ctx.ctx = NULL;
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    str = " // this is a text of / one * line */ comment\nargument;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_string_equal("argument;", word);
+    assert_null(buf);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "/* this is a \n * text // of / block * comment */\"arg\" + \"ume\" \n + \n \"nt\";";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_string_equal("argument", word);
+    assert_ptr_equal(buf, word);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    free(word);
+    str = p = " this is one line comment on last line";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, skip_comment(&ctx, &str, 1));
+    assert_true(str[0] == '\0');
+    str = p = " this is a not terminated comment x";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, skip_comment(&ctx, &str, 2));
+    logbuf_assert("Unexpected end-of-input, non-terminated comment. Line number 5.");
+    assert_true(str[0] == '\0');
+static void
+test_arg(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    const char *str;
+    char *word, *buf;
+    size_t len;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    ctx.ctx = NULL;
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    /* missing argument */
+    str = ";";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_MAYBE_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_null(word);
+    str = "{";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"{\", expected an argument. Line number 1.");
+    /* invalid escape sequence */
+    str = "\"\\s\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Double-quoted string unknown special character \'\\s\'. Line number 1.");
+    str = "\'\\s\'"; /* valid, since it is not an escape sequence in single quoted string */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(2, len);
+    assert_string_equal("\\s\'", word);
+    assert_int_equal('\0', str[0]); /* input has been eaten */
+    /* invalid character after the argument */
+    str = "hello\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"\"\", expected unquoted string character, optsep, semicolon or opening brace. Line number 1.");
+    str = "hello}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"}\", expected unquoted string character, optsep, semicolon or opening brace. Line number 1.");
+    /* invalid identifier-ref-arg-str */
+    str = "pre:pre:value";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    str = "\"\";"; /* empty identifier is not allowed */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Statement argument is required. Line number 1.");
+    logbuf_clean();
+    str = "\"\";"; /* empty reference identifier is not allowed */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Statement argument is required. Line number 1.");
+    str = "hello/x\t"; /* slash is not an invalid character */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello/x\t", word);
+    assert_null(buf);
+    /* different quoting */
+    str = "hello ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_null(buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello ", word);
+    str = "hello/*comment*/\n";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_null(buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_false(strncmp("hello", word, len));
+    str = "\"hello\\n\\t\\\"\\\\\";";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_non_null(buf);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello\n\t\"\\", word);
+    free(buf);
+    ctx.indent = 14;
+    str = "\"hello \t\n\t\t world!\"";
+    /* - space and tabs before newline are stripped out
+     * - space and tabs after newline (indentation) are stripped out
+     */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_non_null(buf);
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(14, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello\n  world!", word);
+    free(buf);
+    /* In contrast to previous, the backslash-escaped tabs are expanded after trimming, so they are preserved */
+    ctx.indent = 14;
+    str = "\"hello \\t\n\t\\t world!\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_non_null(buf);
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(16, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello \t\n\t world!", word);
+    free(buf);
+    /* Do not handle whitespaces after backslash-escaped newline as indentation */
+    ctx.indent = 14;
+    str = "\"hello\\n\t\t world!\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_non_null(buf);
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(15, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello\n\t\t world!", word);
+    free(buf);
+    ctx.indent = 14;
+    str = "\"hello\n \tworld!\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_non_null(buf);
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello\nworld!", word);
+    free(buf);
+    str = "\'hello\'";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_null(buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_false(strncmp("hello", word, 5));
+    str = "\"hel\"  +\t\n\"lo\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", word);
+    free(buf);
+    str = "\"hel\"  +\t\nlo"; /* unquoted the second part */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Both string parts divided by '+' must be quoted. Line number 6.");
+    str = "\'he\'\t\n+ \"llo\"";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", word);
+    free(buf);
+    str = " \t\n\"he\"+\'llo\'";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", word);
+    free(buf);
+    /* missing argument */
+    str = ";";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_argument(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, NULL, &word, &buf, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \";\", expected an argument. Line number 8.");
+static void
+test_stmts(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    const char *str, *p;
+    enum ly_stmt kw;
+    char *word;
+    size_t len;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    ctx.ctx = NULL;
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    str = "\n// comment\n\tinput\t{";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_INPUT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    assert_string_equal("input\t{", word);
+    assert_string_equal("\t{", str);
+    str = "\t /* comment */\t output\n\t{";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_OUTPUT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    assert_string_equal("output\n\t{", word);
+    assert_string_equal("\n\t{", str);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_SYNTAX_LEFT_BRACE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(1, len);
+    assert_string_equal("{", word);
+    assert_string_equal("", str);
+    str = "/input { "; /* invalid slash */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier first character '/'. Line number 4.");
+    str = "not-a-statement-nor-extension { "; /* invalid identifier */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"not-a-statement-nor-extension\", expected a keyword. Line number 4.");
+    str = "path;"; /* missing sep after the keyword */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"path;\", expected a keyword followed by a separator. Line number 4.");
+    str = "action ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ACTION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "anydata ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ANYDATA, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "anyxml ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ANYXML, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "argument ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ARGUMENT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "augment ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_AUGMENT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "base ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_BASE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "belongs-to ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_BELONGS_TO, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(10, len);
+    str = "bit ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_BIT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(3, len);
+    str = "case ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_CASE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "choice ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_CHOICE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "config ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_CONFIG, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "contact ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_CONTACT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "container ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_CONTAINER, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "default ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_DEFAULT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "description ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_DESCRIPTION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(11, len);
+    str = "deviate ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_DEVIATE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "deviation ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_DEVIATION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "enum ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ENUM, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "error-app-tag ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ERROR_APP_TAG, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(13, len);
+    str = "error-message ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ERROR_MESSAGE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(13, len);
+    str = "extension ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_EXTENSION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "feature ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_FEATURE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "fraction-digits ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_FRACTION_DIGITS, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(15, len);
+    str = "grouping ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_GROUPING, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "identity ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_IDENTITY, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "if-feature ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_IF_FEATURE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(10, len);
+    str = "import ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_IMPORT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "include ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_INCLUDE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "input{";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_INPUT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    str = "key ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_KEY, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(3, len);
+    str = "leaf ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_LEAF, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "leaf-list ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_LEAF_LIST, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "length ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_LENGTH, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "list ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_LIST, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "mandatory ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MANDATORY, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "max-elements ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MAX_ELEMENTS, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    str = "min-elements ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MIN_ELEMENTS, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    str = "modifier ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MODIFIER, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "module ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MODULE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "must ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_MUST, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "namespace ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_NAMESPACE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "notification ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_NOTIFICATION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    str = "ordered-by ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ORDERED_BY, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(10, len);
+    str = "organization ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_ORGANIZATION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    str = "output ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_OUTPUT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "path ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_PATH, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "pattern ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_PATTERN, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "position ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_POSITION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "prefix ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_PREFIX, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "presence ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_PRESENCE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "range ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_RANGE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    str = "reference ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_REFERENCE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "refine ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_REFINE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "require-instance ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_REQUIRE_INSTANCE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(16, len);
+    str = "revision ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_REVISION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(8, len);
+    str = "revision-date ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_REVISION_DATE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(13, len);
+    str = "rpc ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_RPC, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(3, len);
+    str = "status ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_STATUS, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "submodule ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_SUBMODULE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(9, len);
+    str = "type ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_TYPE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "typedef ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_TYPEDEF, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(7, len);
+    str = "unique ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_UNIQUE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(6, len);
+    str = "units ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_UNITS, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    str = "uses ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_USES, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "value ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_VALUE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(5, len);
+    str = "when ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_WHEN, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(4, len);
+    str = "yang-version ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_YANG_VERSION, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(12, len);
+    str = "yin-element ";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_YIN_ELEMENT, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(11, len);
+    str = ";config false;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_SYNTAX_SEMICOLON, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(1, len);
+    assert_string_equal("config false;", str);
+    str = "{ config false;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_SYNTAX_LEFT_BRACE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(1, len);
+    assert_string_equal(" config false;", str);
+    str = "}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_SYNTAX_RIGHT_BRACE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(1, len);
+    assert_string_equal("", str);
+    /* geenric extension */
+    str = p = "nacm:default-deny-write;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_keyword(&ctx, &str, &kw, &word, &len));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_STMT_EXTENSION_INSTANCE, kw);
+    assert_int_equal(23, len);
+    assert_ptr_equal(p, word);
+static void
+test_minmax(void **state)
+    *state = test_minmax;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    uint32_t value = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *ext = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    str = " 1invalid; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"1invalid\" of \"min-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " -1; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-1\" of \"min-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    /* implementation limit */
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 4294967296; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Value \"4294967296\" is out of \"min-elements\" bounds. Line number 1.");
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MIN, flags);
+    assert_int_equal(1, value);
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1 {m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MIN, flags);
+    assert_int_equal(1, value);
+    assert_non_null(ext);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, ext, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    ext = NULL;
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1 {config true;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_minelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"min-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    str = " 1invalid; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"1invalid\" of \"max-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " -1; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-1\" of \"max-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    /* implementation limit */
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 4294967296; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Value \"4294967296\" is out of \"max-elements\" bounds. Line number 1.");
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MAX, flags);
+    assert_int_equal(1, value);
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " unbounded; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MAX, flags);
+    assert_int_equal(0, value);
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1 {m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MAX, flags);
+    assert_int_equal(1, value);
+    assert_non_null(ext);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, ext, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    ext = NULL;
+    flags = value = 0;
+    str = " 1 {config true;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_maxelements(&ctx, &str, &value, &flags, &ext));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"max-elements\". Line number 1.");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static struct lysp_module *
+mod_renew(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx)
+    struct lysp_module *mod_p;
+    static struct lys_module mod = {0};
+    lysc_module_free(mod.compiled, NULL);
+    lysp_module_free(mod.parsed);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.name);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.ns);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.prefix);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.filepath);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.org);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.contact);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.dsc);
+    FREE_STRING(mod.ctx, mod.ref);
+    memset(&mod, 0, sizeof mod);
+    mod.ctx = ctx->ctx;
+    mod_p = calloc(1, sizeof *mod_p);
+    mod.parsed = mod_p;
+    mod_p->mod = &mod;
+    assert_non_null(mod_p);
+    return mod_p;
+static struct lysp_submodule *
+submod_renew(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_submodule *submod)
+    lysp_submodule_free(ctx->ctx, submod);
+    submod = calloc(1, sizeof *submod);
+    assert_non_null(submod);
+    return submod;
+static LY_ERR test_imp_clb(const char *UNUSED(mod_name), const char *UNUSED(mod_rev), const char *UNUSED(submod_name),
+                           const char *UNUSED(sub_rev), void *user_data, LYS_INFORMAT *format,
+                           const char **module_data, void (**free_module_data)(void *model_data, void *user_data))
+    *module_data = user_data;
+    *format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    *free_module_data = NULL;
+    return LY_SUCCESS;
+static void
+test_module(void **state)
+    *state = test_module;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    struct lysp_module *mod = NULL;
+    struct lysp_submodule *submod = NULL;
+    struct lys_module *m;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.indent = 0;
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    /* missing mandatory substatements */
+    str = " name {}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    assert_string_equal("name", mod->mod->name);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"namespace\" as a child of \"module\". Line number 1.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = " name {namespace urn:x;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    assert_string_equal("urn:x", mod->mod->ns);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"prefix\" as a child of \"module\". Line number 1.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = " name {namespace urn:x;prefix \"x\";}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    assert_string_equal("x", mod->mod->prefix);
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+#define SCHEMA_BEGINNING " name {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:x;prefix \"x\";"
+#define SCHEMA_BEGINNING2 " name {namespace urn:x;prefix \"x\";"
+        str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING INPUT; \
+        assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod)); \
+        assert_non_null(mod->data); \
+        assert_int_equal(NODETYPE, mod->data->nodetype); \
+        assert_string_equal(NAME, mod->data->name); \
+        mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+        str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING INPUT; \
+        assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod)); \
+        assert_non_null(TARGET); \
+        TEST; \
+        mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+                         parse_module, mod, LINE, mod = mod_renew(&ctx))
+    /* duplicated namespace, prefix */
+    TEST_DUP("namespace", "y", "z", "1");
+    TEST_DUP("prefix", "y", "z", "1");
+    TEST_DUP("contact", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_DUP("organization", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "a", "b", "1");
+    /* not allowed in module (submodule-specific) */
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "belongs-to master {prefix m;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"belongs-to\" as a child of \"module\". Line number 1.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    /* anydata */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_ANYDATA, "anydata test;}", "test");
+    /* anyxml */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_ANYXML, "anyxml test;}", "test");
+    /* augment */
+    TEST_GENERIC("augment /somepath;}", mod->augments,
+                 assert_string_equal("/somepath", mod->augments[0].nodeid));
+    /* choice */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_CHOICE, "choice test;}", "test");
+    /* contact 0..1 */
+    TEST_GENERIC("contact \"firstname\" + \n\t\" surname\";}", mod->mod->contact,
+                 assert_string_equal("firstname surname", mod->mod->contact));
+    /* container */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_CONTAINER, "container test;}", "test");
+    /* description 0..1 */
+    TEST_GENERIC("description \'some description\';}", mod->mod->dsc,
+                 assert_string_equal("some description", mod->mod->dsc));
+    /* deviation */
+    TEST_GENERIC("deviation /somepath {deviate not-supported;}}", mod->deviations,
+                 assert_string_equal("/somepath", mod->deviations[0].nodeid));
+    /* extension */
+    TEST_GENERIC("extension test;}", mod->extensions,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->extensions[0].name));
+    /* feature */
+    TEST_GENERIC("feature test;}", mod->features,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->features[0].name));
+    /* grouping */
+    TEST_GENERIC("grouping grp;}", mod->groupings,
+                 assert_string_equal("grp", mod->groupings[0].name));
+    /* identity */
+    TEST_GENERIC("identity test;}", mod->identities,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->identities[0].name));
+    /* import */
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx.ctx, test_imp_clb, "module zzz { namespace urn:zzz; prefix z;}");
+    TEST_GENERIC("import zzz {prefix z;}}", mod->imports,
+                 assert_string_equal("zzz", mod->imports[0].name));
+    /* import - prefix collision */
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "import zzz {prefix x;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Prefix \"x\" already used as module prefix. Line number 2.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "import zzz {prefix y;}import zzz {prefix y;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Prefix \"y\" already used to import \"zzz\" module. Line number 2.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = "module" SCHEMA_BEGINNING "import zzz {prefix y;}import zzz {prefix z;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx.ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, ly_errcode(ctx.ctx));
+    logbuf_assert("Single revision of the module \"zzz\" referred twice.");
+    /* include */
+    store = 1;
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx.ctx, test_imp_clb, "module xxx { namespace urn:xxx; prefix x;}");
+    str = "module" SCHEMA_BEGINNING "include xxx;}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx.ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, ly_errcode(ctx.ctx));
+    logbuf_assert("Input data contains module in situation when a submodule is expected.");
+    store = -1;
+    store = 1;
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx.ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule xxx {belongs-to wrong-name {prefix w;}}");
+    str = "module" SCHEMA_BEGINNING "include xxx;}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx.ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, ly_errcode(ctx.ctx));
+    logbuf_assert("Included \"xxx\" submodule from \"name\" belongs-to a different module \"wrong-name\".");
+    store = -1;
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx.ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule xxx {belongs-to name {prefix x;}}");
+    TEST_GENERIC("include xxx;}", mod->includes,
+                 assert_string_equal("xxx", mod->includes[0].name));
+    /* leaf */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_LEAF, "leaf test {type string;}}", "test");
+    /* leaf-list */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_LEAFLIST, "leaf-list test {type string;}}", "test");
+    /* list */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_LIST, "list test {key a;leaf a {type string;}}}", "test");
+    /* notification */
+    TEST_GENERIC("notification test;}", mod->notifs,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->notifs[0].name));
+    /* organization 0..1 */
+    TEST_GENERIC("organization \"CESNET a.l.e.\";}", mod->mod->org,
+                 assert_string_equal("CESNET a.l.e.", mod->mod->org));
+    /* reference 0..1 */
+    TEST_GENERIC("reference RFC7950;}", mod->mod->ref,
+                 assert_string_equal("RFC7950", mod->mod->ref));
+    /* revision */
+    TEST_GENERIC("revision 2018-10-12;}", mod->revs,
+                 assert_string_equal("2018-10-12", mod->revs[0].date));
+    /* rpc */
+    TEST_GENERIC("rpc test;}", mod->rpcs,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->rpcs[0].name));
+    /* typedef */
+    TEST_GENERIC("typedef test{type string;}}", mod->typedefs,
+                 assert_string_equal("test", mod->typedefs[0].name));
+    /* uses */
+    TEST_NODE(LYS_USES, "uses test;}", "test");
+    /* yang-version */
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING2 "\n\tyang-version 10;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"10\" of \"yang-version\". Line number 3.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING2 "yang-version 1.0;yang-version 1.1;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \"yang-version\". Line number 3.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING2 "yang-version 1.0;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    assert_int_equal(1, mod->mod->version);
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING2 "yang-version \"1.1\";}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    assert_int_equal(2, mod->mod->version);
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx_p = NULL;
+    str = "module " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "} module q {namespace urn:q;prefixq;}";
+    m = mod->mod;
+    free(mod);
+    m->parsed = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, yang_parse_module(&ctx_p, str, m));
+    logbuf_assert("Trailing garbage \"module q {names...\" after module, expected end-of-input. Line number 1.");
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx_p);
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = "prefix " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "}";
+    m = mod->mod;
+    free(mod);
+    m->parsed = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, yang_parse_module(&ctx_p, str, m));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx_p);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"prefix\", expected \"module\" or \"submodule\". Line number 1.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    str = "module " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "}";
+    str = "module " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "leaf enum {type enumeration {enum seven { position 7;}}}}";
+    m = mod->mod;
+    free(mod);
+    m->parsed = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, yang_parse_module(&ctx_p, str, m));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx_p);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"position\" as a child of \"enum\". Line number 1.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    /* extensions */
+    TEST_GENERIC("prefix:test;}", mod->exts,
+                 assert_string_equal("prefix:test", mod->exts[0].name);
+                 assert_int_equal(LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF, mod->exts[0].insubstmt));
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "must false;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_module(&ctx, &str, mod));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"must\" as a child of \"module\". Line number 3.");
+    mod = mod_renew(&ctx);
+    /* submodule */
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+    /* missing mandatory substatements */
+    str = " subname {}";
+    lydict_remove(ctx.ctx, submod->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_submodule(&ctx, &str, submod));
+    assert_string_equal("subname", submod->name);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"belongs-to\" as a child of \"submodule\". Line number 3.");
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+    str = " subname {belongs-to name {prefix x;}}";
+    lydict_remove(ctx.ctx, submod->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_submodule(&ctx, &str, submod));
+    assert_string_equal("name", submod->belongsto);
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+#define SCHEMA_BEGINNING " subname {belongs-to name {prefix x;}"
+    /* duplicated namespace, prefix */
+    str = " subname {belongs-to name {prefix x;}belongs-to module1;belongs-to module2;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_submodule(&ctx, &str, submod)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \"belongs-to\". Line number 3."); \
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+    /* not allowed in submodule (module-specific) */
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "namespace \"urn:z\";}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_submodule(&ctx, &str, submod));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"namespace\" as a child of \"submodule\". Line number 3.");
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+    str = SCHEMA_BEGINNING "prefix m;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_submodule(&ctx, &str, submod));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"prefix\" as a child of \"submodule\". Line number 3.");
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+    str = "submodule " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "} module q {namespace urn:q;prefixq;}";
+    lysp_submodule_free(ctx.ctx, submod);
+    submod = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, yang_parse_submodule(&ctx_p, ctx.ctx, (struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, str, &submod));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx_p);
+    logbuf_assert("Trailing garbage \"module q {names...\" after submodule, expected end-of-input. Line number 1.");
+    str = "prefix " SCHEMA_BEGINNING "}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, yang_parse_submodule(&ctx_p, ctx.ctx, (struct lys_parser_ctx *)&ctx, str, &submod));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx_p);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"prefix\", expected \"module\" or \"submodule\". Line number 1.");
+    submod = submod_renew(&ctx, submod);
+#undef TEST_NODE
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    lysp_module_free(mod);
+    lysp_submodule_free(ctx.ctx, submod);
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+    *state = NULL;
+static void
+test_deviation(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    struct lysp_deviation *d = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.indent = 0;
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    TEST_DUP_GENERIC(" test {deviate not-supported;", MEMBER, VALUE1, VALUE2, parse_deviation, \
+                     &d, "1", FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, d, lysp_deviation_free); d = NULL)
+    TEST_DUP("description", "a", "b");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "a", "b");
+    /* full content */
+    str = " test {deviate not-supported;description text;reference \'another text\';prefix:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_deviation(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    assert_non_null(d);
+    assert_string_equal(" ...", str);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, d, lysp_deviation_free);
+    d = NULL;
+    /* missing mandatory substatement */
+    str = " test {description text;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_deviation(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"deviate\" as a child of \"deviation\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, d, lysp_deviation_free);
+    d = NULL;
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    str = " test {deviate not-supported; status obsolete;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_deviation(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"status\" as a child of \"deviation\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, d, lysp_deviation_free);
+    d = NULL;
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_deviate(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    struct lysp_deviate *d = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.indent = 0;
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    TEST_DUP_GENERIC(TYPE" {", MEMBER, VALUE1, VALUE2, parse_deviate, \
+                     &d, "1", lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL)
+    TEST_DUP("add", "config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("replace", "default", "int8", "uint8");
+    TEST_DUP("add", "mandatory", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("add", "max-elements", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("add", "min-elements", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("replace", "type", "int8", "uint8");
+    TEST_DUP("add", "units", "kilometers", "miles");
+    /* full contents */
+    str = " not-supported {prefix:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    assert_non_null(d);
+    assert_string_equal(" ...", str);
+    lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL;
+    str = " add {units meters; must 1; must 2; unique x; unique y; default a; default b; config true; mandatory true; min-elements 1; max-elements 2; prefix:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    assert_non_null(d);
+    assert_string_equal(" ...", str);
+    lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL;
+    str = " delete {units meters; must 1; must 2; unique x; unique y; default a; default b; prefix:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    assert_non_null(d);
+    assert_string_equal(" ...", str);
+    lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL;
+    str = " replace {type string; units meters; default a; config true; mandatory true; min-elements 1; max-elements 2; prefix:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    assert_non_null(d);
+    assert_string_equal(" ...", str);
+    lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL;
+    /* invalid substatements */
+    str = " "DEV" {"STMT" "VALUE";}..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Deviate \""DEV"\" does not support keyword \""STMT"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_deviate_free(ctx.ctx, d); free(d); d = NULL
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "units", "meters");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "must", "1");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "unique", "x");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "default", "a");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "config", "true");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "mandatory", "true");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "min-elements", "1");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "max-elements", "2");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("not-supported", "type", "string");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("add", "type", "string");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("delete", "config", "true");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("delete", "mandatory", "true");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("delete", "min-elements", "1");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("delete", "max-elements", "2");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("delete", "type", "string");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("replace", "must", "1");
+    TEST_NOT_SUP("replace", "unique", "a");
+    str = " nonsence; ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_deviate(&ctx, &str, &d));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"nonsence\" of \"deviate\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(d);
+#undef TEST_NOT_SUP
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_container(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_container *c = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "cont {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c); c = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("presence", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "cont {action x;anydata any;anyxml anyxml; choice ch;config false;container c;description test;grouping g;if-feature f; leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;must 'expr';notification not; presence true; reference test;status current;typedef t {type int8;}uses g;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    assert_non_null(c);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, c->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("cont", c->name);
+    assert_non_null(c->actions);
+    assert_non_null(c->child);
+    assert_string_equal("test", c->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(c->exts);
+    assert_non_null(c->groupings);
+    assert_non_null(c->iffeatures);
+    assert_non_null(c->musts);
+    assert_non_null(c->notifs);
+    assert_string_equal("true", c->presence);
+    assert_string_equal("test", c->ref);
+    assert_non_null(c->typedefs);
+    assert_non_null(c->when);
+    assert_null(c->parent);
+    assert_null(c->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR, c->flags);
+    ly_set_erase(&ctx.tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c); c = NULL;
+    /* invalid */
+    str = " cont {augment /root;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"augment\" as a child of \"container\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c); c = NULL;
+    str = " cont {nonsence true;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \"nonsence\", expected a keyword. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c); c = NULL;
+    ctx.mod_version = 1; /* simulate YANG 1.0 */
+    str = " cont {action x;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"action\" as a child of \"container\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c); c = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_leaf(void **state)
+    *state = test_leaf;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_leaf *l = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    //ctx.mod->version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaf(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("default", "x", "y");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("mandatory", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("type", "int8", "uint8");
+    TEST_DUP("units", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content - without mandatory which is mutual exclusive with default */
+    str = "l {config false;default \"xxx\";description test;if-feature f;"
+          "must 'expr';reference test;status current;type string; units yyy;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_leaf(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    assert_non_null(l);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, l->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("l", l->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", l->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", l->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("yyy", l->units);
+    assert_string_equal("string", l->type.name);
+    assert_non_null(l->exts);
+    assert_non_null(l->iffeatures);
+    assert_non_null(l->musts);
+    assert_string_equal("test", l->ref);
+    assert_non_null(l->when);
+    assert_null(l->parent);
+    assert_null(l->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR, l->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    /* full content - now with mandatory */
+    str = "l {mandatory true; type string;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_leaf(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    assert_non_null(l);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, l->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("l", l->name);
+    assert_string_equal("string", l->type.name);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_MAND_TRUE, l->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    /* invalid */
+    str = " l {mandatory true; default xx; type string;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaf(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of keywords \"mandatory\" and \"default\" as substatements of \"leaf\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    str = " l {description \"missing type\";} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaf(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"type\" as a child of \"leaf\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_leaflist(void **state)
+    *state = test_leaf;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_leaflist *ll = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "ll {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("max-elements", "10", "20");
+    TEST_DUP("min-elements", "10", "20");
+    TEST_DUP("ordered-by", "user", "system");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("type", "int8", "uint8");
+    TEST_DUP("units", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content - without min-elements which is mutual exclusive with default */
+    str = "ll {config false;default \"xxx\"; default \"yyy\";description test;if-feature f;"
+          "max-elements 10;must 'expr';ordered-by user;reference test;"
+          "status current;type string; units zzz;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    assert_non_null(ll);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAFLIST, ll->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ll", ll->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", ll->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(ll->dflts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(ll->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", ll->dflts[0]);
+    assert_string_equal("yyy", ll->dflts[1]);
+    assert_string_equal("zzz", ll->units);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ll->max);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ll->min);
+    assert_string_equal("string", ll->type.name);
+    assert_non_null(ll->exts);
+    assert_non_null(ll->iffeatures);
+    assert_non_null(ll->musts);
+    assert_string_equal("test", ll->ref);
+    assert_non_null(ll->when);
+    assert_null(ll->parent);
+    assert_null(ll->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_ORDBY_USER | LYS_SET_MAX, ll->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    /* full content - now with min-elements */
+    str = "ll {min-elements 10; type string;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    assert_non_null(ll);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAFLIST, ll->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ll", ll->name);
+    assert_string_equal("string", ll->type.name);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ll->max);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ll->min);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_SET_MIN, ll->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    /* invalid */
+    str = " ll {min-elements 1; default xx; type string;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of keywords \"min-elements\" and \"default\" as substatements of \"leaf-list\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    str = " ll {description \"missing type\";} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory keyword \"type\" as a child of \"leaf-list\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    str = " ll {type string; min-elements 10; max-elements 1;} ..."; /* invalid combination of min/max */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements: min value 10 is bigger than the max value 1. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    ctx.mod_version = 1; /* simulate YANG 1.0 - default statement is not allowed */
+    str = " ll {default xx; type string;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_leaflist(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ll));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"default\" as a child of \"leaf-list\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ll); ll = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_list(void **state)
+    *state = test_list;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_list *l = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_list(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("key", "one", "two");
+    TEST_DUP("max-elements", "10", "20");
+    TEST_DUP("min-elements", "10", "20");
+    TEST_DUP("ordered-by", "user", "system");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "l {action x;anydata any;anyxml anyxml; choice ch;config false;container c;description test;grouping g;if-feature f; key l; leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;max-elements 10; min-elements 1;must 'expr';notification not; ordered-by system; reference test;"
+          "status current;typedef t {type int8;}unique xxx;unique yyy;uses g;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_list(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    assert_non_null(l);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LIST, l->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("l", l->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", l->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("l", l->key);
+    assert_non_null(l->uniques);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(l->uniques));
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", l->uniques[0]);
+    assert_string_equal("yyy", l->uniques[1]);
+    assert_int_equal(10, l->max);
+    assert_int_equal(1, l->min);
+    assert_non_null(l->exts);
+    assert_non_null(l->iffeatures);
+    assert_non_null(l->musts);
+    assert_string_equal("test", l->ref);
+    assert_non_null(l->when);
+    assert_null(l->parent);
+    assert_null(l->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_ORDBY_SYSTEM | LYS_SET_MAX | LYS_SET_MIN, l->flags);
+    ly_set_erase(&ctx.tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    ctx.mod_version = 1; /* simulate YANG 1.0 */
+    str = "l {action x;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_list(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&l));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"action\" as a child of \"list\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)l); l = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_choice(void **state)
+    *state = test_choice;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_choice *ch = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "ch {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_choice(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ch)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ch); ch = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("default", "a", "b");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("mandatory", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content - without default due to a collision with mandatory */
+    str = "ch {anydata any;anyxml anyxml; case c;choice ch;config false;container c;description test;if-feature f;leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;mandatory true;reference test;status current;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_choice(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ch));
+    assert_non_null(ch);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CHOICE, ch->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ch", ch->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", ch->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(ch->exts);
+    assert_non_null(ch->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", ch->ref);
+    assert_non_null(ch->when);
+    assert_null(ch->parent);
+    assert_null(ch->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_MAND_TRUE, ch->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ch); ch = NULL;
+    /* full content - the default missing from the previous node */
+    str = "ch {default c;case c;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_choice(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ch));
+    assert_non_null(ch);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CHOICE, ch->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ch", ch->name);
+    assert_string_equal("c", ch->dflt);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ch->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ch); ch = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    str = "ch {mandatory true; default c1; case c1 {leaf x{type string;}}} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_choice(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&ch));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of keywords \"mandatory\" and \"default\" as substatements of \"choice\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)ch); ch = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_case(void **state)
+    *state = test_case;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_case *cs = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "cs {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_case(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&cs)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)cs); cs = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "cs {anydata any;anyxml anyxml; choice ch;container c;description test;if-feature f;leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;reference test;status current;uses grp;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_case(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&cs));
+    assert_non_null(cs);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CASE, cs->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("cs", cs->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", cs->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(cs->exts);
+    assert_non_null(cs->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", cs->ref);
+    assert_non_null(cs->when);
+    assert_null(cs->parent);
+    assert_null(cs->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, cs->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)cs); cs = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    str = "cs {config true} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_case(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&cs));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"case\". Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)cs); cs = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_any(void **state, enum ly_stmt kw)
+    *state = test_any;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_anydata *any = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    if (kw == LY_STMT_ANYDATA) {
+        ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    } else {
+        ctx.mod_version = 1; /* simulate YANG 1.0 */
+    }
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_any(&ctx, &str, kw, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&any)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)any); any = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("config", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("mandatory", "true", "false");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "any {config true;description test;if-feature f;mandatory true;must 'expr';reference test;status current;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_any(&ctx, &str, kw, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&any));
+    assert_non_null(any);
+    assert_int_equal(kw == LY_STMT_ANYDATA ? LYS_ANYDATA : LYS_ANYXML, any->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("any", any->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", any->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(any->exts);
+    assert_non_null(any->iffeatures);
+    assert_non_null(any->musts);
+    assert_string_equal("test", any->ref);
+    assert_non_null(any->when);
+    assert_null(any->parent);
+    assert_null(any->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_W | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_MAND_TRUE, any->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)any); any = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_anydata(void **state)
+    return test_any(state, LY_STMT_ANYDATA);
+static void
+test_anyxml(void **state)
+    return test_any(state, LY_STMT_ANYXML);
+static void
+test_grouping(void **state)
+    *state = test_grouping;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_grp *grp = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_grouping(&ctx, &str, NULL, &grp)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, grp, lysp_grp_free); grp = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "grp {action x;anydata any;anyxml anyxml; choice ch;container c;description test;grouping g;leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;notification not;reference test;status current;typedef t {type int8;}uses g;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_grouping(&ctx, &str, NULL, &grp));
+    assert_non_null(grp);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_GROUPING, grp->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("grp", grp->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", grp->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(grp->exts);
+    assert_string_equal("test", grp->ref);
+    assert_null(grp->parent);
+    assert_int_equal( LYS_STATUS_CURR, grp->flags);
+    ly_set_erase(&ctx.tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, grp, lysp_grp_free); grp = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    str = "grp {config true} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_grouping(&ctx, &str, NULL, &grp));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"grouping\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, grp, lysp_grp_free); grp = NULL;
+    str = "grp {must 'expr'} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_grouping(&ctx, &str, NULL, &grp));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"must\" as a child of \"grouping\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, grp, lysp_grp_free); grp = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_action(void **state)
+    *state = test_action;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_action *rpcs = NULL;
+    struct lysp_node_container *c = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "func {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_action(&ctx, &str, NULL, &rpcs)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, rpcs, lysp_action_free); rpcs = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("input", "{leaf l1 {type empty;}} description a", "{leaf l2 {type empty;}} description a");
+    TEST_DUP("output", "{leaf l1 {type empty;}} description a", "{leaf l2 {type empty;}} description a");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "top;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    str = "func {description test;grouping grp;if-feature f;reference test;status current;typedef mytype {type int8;} m:ext;"
+          "input {anydata a1; anyxml a2; choice ch; container c; grouping grp; leaf l {type int8;} leaf-list ll {type int8;}"
+          " list li; must 1; typedef mytypei {type int8;} uses grp; m:ext;}"
+          "output {anydata a1; anyxml a2; choice ch; container c; grouping grp; leaf l {type int8;} leaf-list ll {type int8;}"
+          " list li; must 1; typedef mytypeo {type int8;} uses grp; m:ext;}} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_action(&ctx, &str, (struct lysp_node*)c, &rpcs));
+    assert_non_null(rpcs);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_ACTION, rpcs->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("func", rpcs->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", rpcs->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->exts);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", rpcs->ref);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->groupings);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->typedefs);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, rpcs->flags);
+    /* input */
+    assert_int_equal(rpcs->input.nodetype, LYS_INPUT);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->input.groupings);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->input.exts);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->input.musts);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->input.typedefs);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->input.data);
+    /* output */
+    assert_int_equal(rpcs->output.nodetype, LYS_OUTPUT);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->output.groupings);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->output.exts);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->output.musts);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->output.typedefs);
+    assert_non_null(rpcs->output.data);
+    ly_set_erase(&ctx.tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, rpcs, lysp_action_free); rpcs = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    str = "func {config true} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_action(&ctx, &str, NULL, &rpcs));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"rpc\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, rpcs, lysp_action_free); rpcs = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c);
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_notification(void **state)
+    *state = test_notification;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_notif *notifs = NULL;
+    struct lysp_node_container *c = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "func {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_notif(&ctx, &str, NULL, &notifs)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, notifs, lysp_notif_free); notifs = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "top;";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_container(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&c));
+    str = "ntf {anydata a1; anyxml a2; choice ch; container c; description test; grouping grp; if-feature f; leaf l {type int8;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type int8;} list li; must 1; reference test; status current; typedef mytype {type int8;} uses grp; m:ext;}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_notif(&ctx, &str, (struct lysp_node*)c, &notifs));
+    assert_non_null(notifs);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_NOTIF, notifs->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ntf", notifs->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", notifs->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->exts);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", notifs->ref);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->groupings);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->typedefs);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->musts);
+    assert_non_null(notifs->data);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, notifs->flags);
+    ly_set_erase(&ctx.tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, notifs, lysp_notif_free); notifs = NULL;
+    /* invalid content */
+    str = "ntf {config true} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_notif(&ctx, &str, NULL, &notifs));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"config\" as a child of \"notification\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, notifs, lysp_notif_free); notifs = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)c);
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_uses(void **state)
+    *state = test_uses;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_node_uses *u = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_uses(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&u)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)u); u = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "grpref {augment some/node;description test;if-feature f;reference test;refine some/other/node;status current;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_uses(&ctx, &str, NULL, (struct lysp_node**)&u));
+    assert_non_null(u);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_USES, u->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("grpref", u->name);
+    assert_string_equal("test", u->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(u->exts);
+    assert_non_null(u->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", u->ref);
+    assert_non_null(u->augments);
+    assert_non_null(u->refines);
+    assert_non_null(u->when);
+    assert_null(u->parent);
+    assert_null(u->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, u->flags);
+    lysp_node_free(ctx.ctx, (struct lysp_node*)u); u = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_augment(void **state)
+    *state = test_augment;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_augment *a = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_augment(&ctx, &str, NULL, &a)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, a, lysp_augment_free); a = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+    TEST_DUP("status", "current", "obsolete");
+    TEST_DUP("when", "true", "false");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "/target/nodeid {action x; anydata any;anyxml anyxml; case cs; choice ch;container c;description test;if-feature f;leaf l {type string;}"
+          "leaf-list ll {type string;} list li;notification not;reference test;status current;uses g;when true;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_augment(&ctx, &str, NULL, &a));
+    assert_non_null(a);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_AUGMENT, a->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/target/nodeid", a->nodeid);
+    assert_string_equal("test", a->dsc);
+    assert_non_null(a->exts);
+    assert_non_null(a->iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("test", a->ref);
+    assert_non_null(a->when);
+    assert_null(a->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, a->flags);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx.ctx, a, lysp_augment_free); a = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_when(void **state)
+    *state = test_when;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx = {0};
+    struct lysp_when *w = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.mod_version = 2; /* simulate YANG 1.1 */
+    /* invalid cardinality */
+    str = "l {" MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, parse_when(&ctx, &str, &w)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number 1."); \
+    FREE_MEMBER(ctx.ctx, w, lysp_when_free); w = NULL;
+    TEST_DUP("description", "text1", "text2");
+    TEST_DUP("reference", "1", "2");
+#undef TEST_DUP
+    /* full content */
+    str = "expression {description test;reference test;m:ext;} ...";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_when(&ctx, &str, &w));
+    assert_non_null(w);
+    assert_string_equal("expression", w->cond);
+    assert_string_equal("test", w->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("test", w->ref);
+    assert_non_null(w->exts);
+    FREE_MEMBER(ctx.ctx, w, lysp_when_free); w = NULL;
+    /* empty condition */
+    str = "\"\";";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, parse_when(&ctx, &str, &w));
+    logbuf_assert("Empty argument of when statement does not make sense.");
+    assert_non_null(w);
+    assert_string_equal("", w->cond);
+    FREE_MEMBER(ctx.ctx, w, lysp_when_free); w = NULL;
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_value(void **state)
+    *state = test_value;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx ctx;
+    ctx.format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx.ctx));
+    assert_non_null(ctx.ctx);
+    ctx.pos_type = LY_VLOG_LINE;
+    ctx.line = 1;
+    ctx.indent = 0;
+    int64_t val = 0;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    const char *data = "-0;";
+    assert_int_equal(parse_type_enum_value_pos(&ctx, &data, LY_STMT_VALUE, &val, &flags, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(val, 0);
+    data = "-0;";
+    flags = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(parse_type_enum_value_pos(&ctx, &data, LY_STMT_POSITION, &val, &flags, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-0\" of \"position\". Line number 1.");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx.ctx, NULL);
+int main(void)
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_helpers, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_comments, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_arg, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_stmts, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_minmax, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_module, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_deviation, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_deviate, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_container, logger_setup),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leaf, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leaflist, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_list, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_choice, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_case, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_anydata, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_anyxml, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_action, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_notification, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_grouping, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_uses, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_augment, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_when, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_value, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yin.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea22333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_parser_yin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4384 @@
+ * @file test_parser_yin.c
+ * @author David Sedlák <xsedla1d@stud.fit.vutbr.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from parser_yin.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2019 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "../../../src/common.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema_internal.h"
+#include "../../../src/parser_yin.h"
+#include "../../../src/xml.h"
+/* prototypes of static functions */
+void lysp_ext_instance_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_ext_instance *ext);
+void lysp_ext_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_ext *ext);
+void lysp_when_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_when *when);
+void lysp_type_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_type *type);
+void lysp_node_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_node *node);
+void lysp_tpdf_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_tpdf *tpdf);
+void lysp_refine_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_refine *ref);
+void lysp_revision_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_revision *rev);
+void lysp_include_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_include *include);
+void lysp_feature_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_feature *feat);
+void lysp_ident_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_ident *ident);
+void lysp_notif_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_notif *notif);
+void lysp_grp_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_grp *grp);
+void lysp_action_inout_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_action_inout *inout);
+void lysp_action_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_action *action);
+void lysp_augment_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_augment *augment);
+void lysp_deviate_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_deviate *d);
+void lysp_deviation_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_deviation *dev);
+void lysp_submodule_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_submodule *submod);
+void lysp_import_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysp_import *import);
+/* wrapping element used for mocking has nothing to do with real module structure */
+#define ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<status xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+#define ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END "</status>"
+struct test_parser_yin_state {
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysp_module *lysp_mod;
+    struct lys_yin_parser_ctx *yin_ctx;
+    bool finished_correctly;
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+int store = -1; /* negative for infinite logging, positive for limited logging */
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (store) {
+        if (path && path[0]) {
+            snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+        } else {
+            strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+        }
+        if (store > 0) {
+            --store;
+        }
+    }
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+    str = PREFIX MEMBER" "VALUE1";"MEMBER" "VALUE2";} ..."; \
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, FUNC(&ctx, &str, RESULT)); \
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate keyword \""MEMBER"\". Line number "LINE"."); \
+setup_ly_ctx(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = NULL;
+    /* allocate state variable */
+    (*state) = st = calloc(1, sizeof(*st));
+    if (!st) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Memmory allocation failed");
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    /* create new libyang context */
+    ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &st->ctx);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+destroy_ly_ctx(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(st->ctx, NULL);
+    free(st);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int
+setup_f(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    /* setup logger */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    /* allocate new module */
+    st->mod = calloc(1, sizeof(*st->mod));
+    st->mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    /* allocate new parsed module */
+    st->lysp_mod = calloc(1, sizeof(*st->lysp_mod));
+    st->lysp_mod->mod = calloc(1, sizeof(*st->lysp_mod->mod));
+    st->lysp_mod->mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    /* allocate parser context */
+    st->yin_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*st->yin_ctx));
+    st->yin_ctx->format = LYS_IN_YIN;
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int
+teardown_f(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *(struct test_parser_yin_state **)state;
+    struct lys_module *temp;
+    /* teardown logger */
+    if (!st->finished_correctly && logbuf[0] != '\0') {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    temp = st->lysp_mod->mod;
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lys_module_free(st->mod, NULL);
+    lysp_module_free(st->lysp_mod);
+    lys_module_free(temp, NULL);
+    free(st->yin_ctx);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static struct test_parser_yin_state*
+reset_state(void **state)
+    ((struct test_parser_yin_state *)*state)->finished_correctly = true;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+    teardown_f(state);
+    setup_f(state);
+    return *state;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+static int
+setup_logger(void **state)
+    (void)state; /* unused */
+    /* setup logger */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int
+teardown_logger(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    /* teardown logger */
+    if (!st->finished_correctly && logbuf[0] != '\0') {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int
+setup_element_test(void **state)
+    setup_logger(state);
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    st->yin_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*st->yin_ctx));
+    st->yin_ctx->format = LYS_IN_YIN;
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static int
+teardown_element_test(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *(struct test_parser_yin_state **)state;
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    free(st->yin_ctx);
+    teardown_logger(state);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static void
+test_yin_match_keyword(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *prefix;
+    size_t prefix_len;
+    /* create mock yin namespace in xml context */
+    const char *data = "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" />";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    prefix = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->prefix;
+    prefix_len = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->prefix_len;
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "anydatax", strlen("anydatax"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_NONE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "asdasd", strlen("asdasd"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_NONE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "", 0, prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_NONE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "anydata", strlen("anydata"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ANYDATA);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "anyxml", strlen("anyxml"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ANYXML);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "argument", strlen("argument"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ARGUMENT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "augment", strlen("augment"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_AUGMENT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "base", strlen("base"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_BASE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "belongs-to", strlen("belongs-to"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_BELONGS_TO);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "bit", strlen("bit"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_BIT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "case", strlen("case"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_CASE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "choice", strlen("choice"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_CHOICE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "config", strlen("config"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_CONFIG);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "contact", strlen("contact"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_CONTACT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "container", strlen("container"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_CONTAINER);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "default", strlen("default"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_DEFAULT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "description", strlen("description"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_DESCRIPTION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "deviate", strlen("deviate"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_DEVIATE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "deviation", strlen("deviation"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_DEVIATION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "enum", strlen("enum"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ENUM);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "error-app-tag", strlen("error-app-tag"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ERROR_APP_TAG);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "error-message", strlen("error-message"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ERROR_MESSAGE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "extension", strlen("extension"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_EXTENSION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "feature", strlen("feature"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_FEATURE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "fraction-digits", strlen("fraction-digits"), prefix,  prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_FRACTION_DIGITS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "grouping", strlen("grouping"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_GROUPING);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "identity", strlen("identity"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_IDENTITY);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "if-feature", strlen("if-feature"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_IF_FEATURE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "import", strlen("import"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_IMPORT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "include", strlen("include"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_INCLUDE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "input", strlen("input"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_INPUT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "key", strlen("key"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_KEY);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "leaf", strlen("leaf"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_LEAF);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "leaf-list", strlen("leaf-list"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_LEAF_LIST);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "length", strlen("length"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_LENGTH);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "list", strlen("list"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_LIST);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "mandatory", strlen("mandatory"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MANDATORY);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "max-elements", strlen("max-elements"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MAX_ELEMENTS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "min-elements", strlen("min-elements"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MIN_ELEMENTS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "modifier", strlen("modifier"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MODIFIER);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "module", strlen("module"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MODULE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "must", strlen("must"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_MUST);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "namespace", strlen("namespace"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_NAMESPACE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "notification", strlen("notification"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_NOTIFICATION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "ordered-by", strlen("ordered-by"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ORDERED_BY);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "organization", strlen("organization"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_ORGANIZATION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "output", strlen("output"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_OUTPUT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "path", strlen("path"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_PATH);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "pattern", strlen("pattern"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_PATTERN);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "position", strlen("position"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_POSITION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "prefix", strlen("prefix"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_PREFIX);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "presence", strlen("presence"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_PRESENCE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "range", strlen("range"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_RANGE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "reference", strlen("reference"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_REFERENCE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "refine", strlen("refine"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_REFINE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "require-instance", strlen("require-instance"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_REQUIRE_INSTANCE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "revision", strlen("revision"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_REVISION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "revision-date", strlen("revision-date"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_REVISION_DATE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "rpc", strlen("rpc"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_RPC);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "status", strlen("status"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_STATUS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "submodule", strlen("submodule"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_SUBMODULE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "type", strlen("type"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_TYPE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "typedef", strlen("typedef"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_TYPEDEF);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "unique", strlen("unique"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_UNIQUE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "units", strlen("units"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_UNITS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "uses", strlen("uses"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_USES);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "value", strlen("value"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_VALUE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "when", strlen("when"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_WHEN);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "yang-version", strlen("yang-version"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_YANG_VERSION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, "yin-element", strlen("yin-element"), prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), LY_STMT_YIN_ELEMENT);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_match_argument_name(void **state)
+    (void)state; /* unused */
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("", 5), YIN_ARG_UNKNOWN);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("qwertyasd", 5), YIN_ARG_UNKNOWN);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("conditionasd", 8), YIN_ARG_UNKNOWN);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("condition", 9), YIN_ARG_CONDITION);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("date", 4), YIN_ARG_DATE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("module", 6), YIN_ARG_MODULE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("name", 4), YIN_ARG_NAME);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("tag", 3), YIN_ARG_TAG);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("target-node", 11), YIN_ARG_TARGET_NODE);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("text", 4), YIN_ARG_TEXT);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("uri", 3), YIN_ARG_URI);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_match_argument_name("value", 5), YIN_ARG_VALUE);
+static void
+test_yin_parse_element_generic(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance exts;
+    LY_ERR ret;
+    memset(&exts, 0, sizeof(exts));
+    const char *data = "<myext:elem attr=\"value\" xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\">text_value</myext:elem>";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_element_generic(st->yin_ctx, LY_STMT_EXTENSION_INSTANCE, &exts.child);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->status, LYXML_ELEM_CLOSE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts.child->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:elem");
+    assert_string_equal(exts.child->arg, "text_value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts.child->child->stmt, "attr");
+    assert_string_equal(exts.child->child->arg, "value");
+    assert_true(exts.child->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, &exts);
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    data = "<myext:elem xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\"></myext:elem>";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_element_generic(st->yin_ctx, LY_STMT_EXTENSION_INSTANCE, &exts.child);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->status, LYXML_ELEM_CLOSE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts.child->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:elem");
+    assert_null(exts.child->child);
+    assert_null(exts.child->arg);
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, &exts);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_parse_extension_instance(void **state)
+    LY_ERR ret;
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    const char *data = "<myext:ext value1=\"test\" value=\"test2\" xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\"><myext:subelem>text</myext:subelem></myext:ext>";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_extension_instance(st->yin_ctx, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT, 0, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:ext");
+    assert_int_equal(exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_true(exts->insubstmt == LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT);
+    assert_true(exts->yin & LYS_YIN);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->stmt, "value1");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->arg, "test");
+    assert_null(exts->child->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->stmt, "value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->arg, "test2");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->next->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:subelem");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->arg, "text");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->child);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next);
+    assert_false(exts->child->next->next->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, exts);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(exts);
+    exts = NULL;
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    data = "<myext:extension-elem xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\" />";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_extension_instance(st->yin_ctx, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT, 0, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:extension-elem");
+    assert_null(exts->argument);
+    assert_null(exts->child);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_true(exts->yin & LYS_YIN);
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, exts);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(exts);
+    exts = NULL;
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    data = "<myext:ext attr1=\"text1\" attr2=\"text2\" xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\">"
+                "<myext:ext-sub1/>"
+                "<myext:ext-sub2 sattr1=\"stext2\">"
+                    "<myext:ext-sub21>"
+                        "<myext:ext-sub211 sattr21=\"text21\"/>"
+                    "</myext:ext-sub21>"
+                "</myext:ext-sub2>"
+                "<myext:ext-sub3 attr3=\"text3\"></myext:ext-sub3>"
+           "</myext:ext>";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_extension_instance(st->yin_ctx, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT, 0, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:ext");
+    assert_null(exts->argument);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_true(exts->yin & LYS_YIN);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->stmt, "attr1");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->arg, "text1");
+    assert_null(exts->child->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->stmt, "attr2");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->arg, "text2");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->next->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:ext-sub1");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->arg);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->child);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->child->next->next->flags, 0);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:ext-sub2");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->arg);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->flags, 0);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->stmt, "sattr1");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->arg, "stext2");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->next->next->next->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:ext-sub21");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->arg);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->next);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->flags, 0);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:ext-sub211");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->arg);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->flags, 0);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->next);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->child->stmt, "sattr21");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->child->arg, "text21");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->child->next);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->child->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->next->next->next->child->next->child->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->stmt, "urn:example:extensions:ext-sub3");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->next->arg);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_int_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->flags, 0);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->child->stmt, "attr3");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->child->arg, "text3");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->next->child->next);
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->next->child->child);
+    assert_true(exts->child->next->next->next->next->child->flags & LYS_YIN_ATTR);
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, exts);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(exts);
+    exts = NULL;
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    data = "<myext:extension-elem xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\" xmlns:yin=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<yin:action name=\"act-name\" pre:prefixed=\"ignored\"/>"
+                "<yin:augment target-node=\"target\"/>"
+                "<yin:status value=\"value\"/>"
+                "<yin:include module=\"mod\"/>"
+                "<yin:input />"
+                "<yin:must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                "<yin:namespace uri=\"uri\"/>"
+                "<yin:revision date=\"data\"/>"
+                "<yin:unique tag=\"tag\"/>"
+                "<yin:description><yin:text>contact-val</yin:text></yin:description>"
+                "<yin:error-message><yin:value>err-msg</yin:value></yin:error-message>"
+           "</myext:extension-elem>";
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_extension_instance(st->yin_ctx, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT, 0, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->arg, "act-name");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->arg, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->arg, "value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->arg, "mod");
+    assert_null(exts->child->next->next->next->next->arg);
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->arg, "uri");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->arg, "data");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->arg, "tag");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->arg, "contact-val");
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, exts);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(exts);
+    exts = NULL;
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_parse_content(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
+    const char *data = "<prefix value=\"a_mod\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                            "<myext:custom xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\">"
+                                "totally amazing extension"
+                            "</myext:custom>"
+                            "<extension name=\"ext\">"
+                                "<argument name=\"argname\"></argument>"
+                                "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                                "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                                "<status value=\"deprecated\"></status>"
+                            "</extension>"
+                            "<text xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">wsefsdf</text>"
+                            "<if-feature name=\"foo\"></if-feature>"
+                            "<when condition=\"condition...\">"
+                                "<reference><text>when_ref</text></reference>"
+                                "<description><text>when_desc</text></description>"
+                            "</when>"
+                            "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                            "<error-message>"
+                                "<value>error-msg</value>"
+                            "</error-message>"
+                            "<error-app-tag value=\"err-app-tag\"/>"
+                            "<units name=\"radians\"></units>"
+                            "<default value=\"default-value\"/>"
+                            "<position value=\"25\"></position>"
+                            "<value value=\"-5\"/>"
+                            "<require-instance value=\"true\"></require-instance>"
+                            "<range value=\"5..10\" />"
+                            "<length value=\"baf\"/>"
+                            "<pattern value='pattern'>"
+                                "<modifier value='invert-match'/>"
+                            "</pattern>"
+                            "<enum name=\"yay\">"
+                            "</enum>"
+                        "</prefix>";
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    const char **if_features = NULL;
+    const char *value, *err_msg, *app_tag, *units, *def;
+    struct lysp_ext *ext_def = NULL;
+    struct lysp_when *when_p = NULL;
+    struct lysp_type_enum pos_enum = {}, val_enum = {};
+    struct lysp_type req_type = {}, range_type = {}, len_type = {}, patter_type = {}, enum_type = {};
+    uint8_t config = 0;
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    struct yin_subelement subelems[17] = {
+                                            {LY_STMT_CONFIG, &config, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_DEFAULT, &def, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ENUM, &enum_type, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ERROR_APP_TAG, &app_tag, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ERROR_MESSAGE, &err_msg, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_EXTENSION, &ext_def, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_IF_FEATURE, &if_features, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_LENGTH, &len_type, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_PATTERN, &patter_type, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_POSITION, &pos_enum, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_RANGE, &range_type, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REQUIRE_INSTANCE, &req_type, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_UNITS, &units, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_VALUE, &val_enum, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_WHEN, &when_p, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_EXTENSION_INSTANCE, NULL, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ARG_TEXT, &value, 0}
+                                         };
+    ret = yin_parse_content(st->yin_ctx, subelems, 17, LY_STMT_PREFIX, NULL, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_SUCCESS);
+    /* check parsed values */
+    assert_string_equal(def, "default-value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:custom");
+    assert_string_equal(exts->argument, "totally amazing extension");
+    assert_string_equal(value, "wsefsdf");
+    assert_string_equal(units, "radians");
+    assert_string_equal(when_p->cond, "condition...");
+    assert_string_equal(when_p->dsc, "when_desc");
+    assert_string_equal(when_p->ref, "when_ref");
+    assert_int_equal(config, LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_int_equal(pos_enum.value, 25);
+    assert_true(pos_enum.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    assert_int_equal(val_enum.value, -5);
+    assert_true(val_enum.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    assert_int_equal(req_type.require_instance, 1);
+    assert_true(req_type.flags &= LYS_SET_REQINST);
+    assert_string_equal(range_type.range->arg, "5..10");
+    assert_true(range_type.flags & LYS_SET_RANGE);
+    assert_string_equal(err_msg, "error-msg");
+    assert_string_equal(app_tag, "err-app-tag");
+    assert_string_equal(enum_type.enums->name, "yay");
+    assert_string_equal(len_type.length->arg, "baf");
+    assert_true(len_type.flags & LYS_SET_LENGTH);
+    assert_string_equal(patter_type.patterns->arg, "\x015pattern");
+    assert_true(patter_type.flags & LYS_SET_PATTERN);
+    /* cleanup */
+    lysp_ext_instance_free(st->ctx, exts);
+    lysp_when_free(st->ctx, when_p);
+    lysp_ext_free(st->ctx, ext_def);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *if_features);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, err_msg);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, app_tag);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, units);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, patter_type.patterns->arg);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, def);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, range_type.range->arg);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, len_type.length->arg);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, enum_type.enums->name);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(if_features);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(exts);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(ext_def);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(patter_type.patterns);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(enum_type.enums);
+    free(when_p);
+    free(range_type.range);
+    free(len_type.length);
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    /* test unique subelem */
+    const char *prefix_value;
+    struct yin_subelement subelems2[2] = {{LY_STMT_PREFIX, &prefix_value, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                         {LY_STMT_ARG_TEXT, &value, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE}};
+                "<prefix value=\"inv_mod\" />"
+                "<text xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">wsefsdf</text>"
+                "<text xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">wsefsdf</text>"
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_content(st->yin_ctx, subelems2, 2, LY_STMT_STATUS, NULL, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Redefinition of \"text\" sub-element in \"status\" element. Line number 1.");
+    lydict_remove(st->ctx, prefix_value);
+    lydict_remove(st->ctx, value);
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    /* test first subelem */
+                "<prefix value=\"inv_mod\" />"
+                "<text xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">wsefsdf</text>"
+                "<text xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">wsefsdf</text>"
+    struct yin_subelement subelems3[2] = {{LY_STMT_PREFIX, &prefix_value, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                         {LY_STMT_ARG_TEXT, &value, YIN_SUBELEM_FIRST}};
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_content(st->yin_ctx, subelems3, 2, LY_STMT_STATUS, NULL, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Sub-element \"text\" of \"status\" element must be defined as it's first sub-element. Line number 1.");
+    lydict_remove(st->ctx, prefix_value);
+    st = reset_state(state);
+    /* test mandatory subelem */
+    struct yin_subelement subelems4[1] = {{LY_STMT_PREFIX, &prefix_value, YIN_SUBELEM_MANDATORY | YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE}};
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_content(st->yin_ctx, subelems4, 1, LY_STMT_STATUS, NULL, &exts);
+    assert_int_equal(ret, LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"prefix\" of \"status\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_validate_value(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    /* create some XML context */
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->status = LYXML_ELEM_CONTENT;
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->dynamic = 0;
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value = "#invalid";
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value_len = 8;
+    assert_int_equal(yin_validate_value(st->yin_ctx, Y_IDENTIF_ARG), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier character '#'. Line number 1.");
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value = "";
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value_len = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(yin_validate_value(st->yin_ctx, Y_STR_ARG), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value = "pre:b";
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value_len = 5;
+    assert_int_equal(yin_validate_value(st->yin_ctx, Y_IDENTIF_ARG), LY_EVALID);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_validate_value(st->yin_ctx, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG), LY_SUCCESS);
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value = "pre:pre:b";
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->value_len = 9;
+    assert_int_equal(yin_validate_value(st->yin_ctx, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG), LY_EVALID);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+/* helper function to simplify unit test of each element using parse_content function */
+test_element_helper(struct test_parser_yin_state *st, const char *data, void *dest, const char **text, struct lysp_ext_instance **exts)
+    const char *name, *prefix;
+    size_t name_len, prefix_len;
+    LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
+    struct yin_subelement subelems[71] = {
+                                            {LY_STMT_ACTION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ANYDATA, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ANYXML, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ARGUMENT,dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_AUGMENT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_BASE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_BELONGS_TO, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_BIT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_CASE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_CHOICE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_CONFIG, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_CONTACT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_CONTAINER, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_DEFAULT, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_DESCRIPTION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_DEVIATE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_DEVIATION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ENUM, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ERROR_APP_TAG, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ERROR_MESSAGE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_EXTENSION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_FEATURE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_FRACTION_DIGITS, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_GROUPING, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_IDENTITY, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_IF_FEATURE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_IMPORT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_INCLUDE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_INPUT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_KEY, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_LEAF, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_LEAF_LIST, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_LENGTH, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_LIST, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MANDATORY, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MAX_ELEMENTS, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MIN_ELEMENTS, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MODIFIER, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MODULE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_MUST, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_NAMESPACE, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_NOTIFICATION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ORDERED_BY, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ORGANIZATION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_OUTPUT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_PATH, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_PATTERN, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_POSITION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_PREFIX, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_PRESENCE, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_RANGE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REFERENCE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REFINE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REQUIRE_INSTANCE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REVISION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_REVISION_DATE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_RPC, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_STATUS, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_SUBMODULE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_TYPE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_TYPEDEF, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_UNIQUE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_UNITS, dest, YIN_SUBELEM_UNIQUE},
+                                            {LY_STMT_USES, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_VALUE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_WHEN, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_YANG_VERSION, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_YIN_ELEMENT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_EXTENSION_INSTANCE, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ARG_TEXT, dest, 0},
+                                            {LY_STMT_ARG_VALUE, dest, 0}
+                                        };
+    lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    prefix = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->prefix;
+    prefix_len = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->prefix_len;
+    name = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->name;
+    name_len = st->yin_ctx->xmlctx->name_len;
+    lyxml_ctx_next(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    ret = yin_parse_content(st->yin_ctx, subelems, 71, yin_match_keyword(st->yin_ctx, name, name_len, prefix, prefix_len, LY_STMT_NONE), text, exts);
+    /* free parser */
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    st->yin_ctx->xmlctx = NULL;
+    return ret;
+#define EXT_SUBELEM "<myext:c-define name=\"MY_MTU\" xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\"/>"
+static void
+test_enum_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    const char *data;
+           "<enum name=\"enum-name\">"
+                "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                "<value value=\"55\" />"
+                "<status value=\"deprecated\" />"
+                "<description><text>desc...</text></description>"
+                "<reference><text>ref...</text></reference>"
+                EXT_SUBELEM
+           "</enum>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->name, "enum-name");
+    assert_string_equal(*type.enums->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(type.enums->value, 55);
+    assert_true((type.enums->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) && (type.enums->flags & LYS_SET_VALUE));
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->dsc, "desc...");
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->ref, "ref...");
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.enums->exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.enums->exts->insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof type);
+           "<enum name=\"enum-name\"></enum>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->name, "enum-name");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof type);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_bit_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    const char *data;
+           "<bit name=\"bit-name\">"
+                "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                "<position value=\"55\" />"
+                "<status value=\"deprecated\" />"
+                "<description><text>desc...</text></description>"
+                "<reference><text>ref...</text></reference>"
+                EXT_SUBELEM
+           "</bit>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->name, "bit-name");
+    assert_string_equal(*type.bits->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(type.bits->value, 55);
+    assert_true((type.bits->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC) && (type.bits->flags & LYS_SET_VALUE));
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->dsc, "desc...");
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->ref, "ref...");
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.bits->exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.bits->exts->insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof type);
+           "<bit name=\"bit-name\"> </bit>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->name, "bit-name");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof type);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_meta_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    char *value = NULL;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    /* organization element */
+                "<organization><text>organization...</text>" EXT_SUBELEM EXT_SUBELEM "</organization>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ORGANIZATION);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[1].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[1].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[1].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ORGANIZATION);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "organization...");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    value = NULL;
+    exts = NULL;
+    /* contact element */
+                "<contact><text>contact...</text>" EXT_SUBELEM "</contact>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONTACT);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "contact...");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    value = NULL;
+    /* description element */
+                "<description><text>description...</text>" EXT_SUBELEM "</description>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "description...");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_DESCRIPTION);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    value = NULL;
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    /* reference element */
+                "<reference><text>reference...</text>" EXT_SUBELEM "</reference>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "reference...");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_REFERENCE);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    value = NULL;
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    /* reference element */
+                "<reference invalid=\"text\"><text>reference...</text>""</reference>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Unexpected attribute \"invalid\" of \"reference\" element. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    value = NULL;
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    /* missing text subelement */
+                "<reference>reference...</reference>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"text\" of \"reference\" element. Line number 1.");
+    /* reference element */
+                "<reference>" EXT_SUBELEM "<text>reference...</text></reference>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Sub-element \"text\" of \"reference\" element must be defined as it's first sub-element. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    value = NULL;
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_import_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_import *imports = NULL;
+    struct import_meta imp_meta = {"prefix", &imports};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<import module=\"a\">"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_mod\"/>"
+                    "<revision-date date=\"2015-01-01\"></revision-date>"
+                    "<description><text>import description</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>import reference</text></reference>"
+                "</import>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &imp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(imports->name, "a");
+    assert_string_equal(imports->prefix, "a_mod");
+    assert_string_equal(imports->rev, "2015-01-01");
+    assert_string_equal(imports->dsc, "import description");
+    assert_string_equal(imports->ref, "import reference");
+    assert_string_equal(imports->exts->name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(imports->exts->insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    assert_int_equal(imports->exts->insubstmt_index, 0);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, imports, lysp_import_free);
+    imports = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+                "<import module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_mod\"/>"
+                "</import>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &imp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(imports->prefix, "a_mod");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, imports, lysp_import_free);
+    imports = NULL;
+    /* invalid (missing prefix) */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<import module=\"a\"></import>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &imp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"prefix\" of \"import\" element. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, imports, lysp_import_free);
+    imports = NULL;
+    /* invalid reused prefix */
+                "<import module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"prefix\"/>"
+                "</import>"
+                "<import module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"prefix\"/>"
+                "</import>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &imp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Prefix \"prefix\" already used as module prefix. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, imports, lysp_import_free);
+    imports = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_status_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    /* test valid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<status value=\"current\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<status value=\"deprecated\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<status value=\"obsolete\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</status>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_STATUS_OBSLT);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_STATUS);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    /* test invalid value */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<status value=\"invalid\"></status>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"status\" element. Valid values are \"current\", \"deprecated\" and \"obsolete\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_ext_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_ext *ext = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+           "<extension name=\"ext_name\">"
+                "<argument name=\"arg\"></argument>"
+                "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                "<description><text>ext_desc</text></description>"
+                "<reference><text>ext_ref</text></reference>"
+                EXT_SUBELEM
+           "</extension>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &ext, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(ext->name, "ext_name");
+    assert_string_equal(ext->argument, "arg");
+    assert_true(ext->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(ext->dsc, "ext_desc");
+    assert_string_equal(ext->ref, "ext_ref");
+    assert_string_equal(ext->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(ext->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(ext->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_ext_free(st->ctx, ext);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(ext);
+    ext = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<extension name=\"ext_name\"></extension>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &ext, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(ext->name, "ext_name");
+    lysp_ext_free(st->ctx, ext);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(ext);
+    ext = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_element_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yin-element value=\"true\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_YINELEM_TRUE);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yin-element value=\"false\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</yin-element>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_YINELEM_TRUE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_YINELEM);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yin-element value=\"invalid\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_YINELEM_TRUE);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"yin-element\" element. Valid values are \"true\" and \"false\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yangversion_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint8_t version = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    /* valid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yang-version value=\"1.0\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &version, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(version & LYS_VERSION_1_0);
+    assert_int_equal(st->yin_ctx->mod_version, LYS_VERSION_1_0);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yang-version value=\"1.1\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</yang-version>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &version, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(version & LYS_VERSION_1_1);
+    assert_int_equal(st->yin_ctx->mod_version, LYS_VERSION_1_1);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_VERSION);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    /* invalid value */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<yang-version value=\"version\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &version, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"version\" of \"value\" attribute in \"yang-version\" element. Valid values are \"1.0\" and \"1.1\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_mandatory_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t man = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    /* valid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<mandatory value=\"true\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &man, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(man, LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    man = 0;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<mandatory value=\"false\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</mandatory>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &man, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(man, LYS_MAND_FALSE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MANDATORY);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<mandatory value=\"invalid\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &man, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"mandatory\" element. Valid values are \"true\" and \"false\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_argument_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    const char *arg;
+    struct yin_argument_meta arg_meta = {&flags, &arg};
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+           "<argument name=\"arg-name\">"
+                "<yin-element value=\"true\" />"
+                EXT_SUBELEM
+           "</argument>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &arg_meta, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(arg, "arg-name");
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_YINELEM_TRUE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ARGUMENT);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    flags = 0;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, arg);
+    arg = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+           "<argument name=\"arg\">"
+           "</argument>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &arg_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(arg, "arg");
+    assert_true(flags == 0);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, arg);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_base_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char **bases = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* as identity subelement */
+    data = "<identity xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<base name=\"base-name\">"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</base>"
+           "</identity>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &bases, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(*bases, "base-name");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_BASE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *bases);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(bases);
+    /* as type subelement */
+    data = "<type xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<base name=\"base-name\">"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</base>"
+           "</type>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(*type.bases, "base-name");
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_BASE);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_BASE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *type.bases);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(type.bases);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_belongsto_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_submodule submod;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+                "<belongs-to module=\"module-name\"><prefix value=\"pref\"/>"EXT_SUBELEM"</belongs-to>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &submod, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(submod.belongsto, "module-name");
+    assert_string_equal(submod.prefix, "pref");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_BELONGSTO);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, submod.belongsto);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, submod.prefix);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<belongs-to module=\"module-name\"></belongs-to>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &submod, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"prefix\" of \"belongs-to\" element. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, submod.belongsto);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_config_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<config value=\"true\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</config>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_CONFIG);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    flags = 0;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<config value=\"false\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    flags = 0;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<config value=\"invalid\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"config\" element. Valid values are \"true\" and \"false\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_default_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<default value=\"defaul-value\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</default>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "defaul-value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_DEFAULT);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    val = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute value of default element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_err_app_tag_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<error-app-tag value=\"val\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</error-app-tag>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "val");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ERRTAG);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    val = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<error-app-tag/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute value of error-app-tag element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_err_msg_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<error-message><value>val</value>"EXT_SUBELEM"</error-message>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "val");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ERRMSG);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<error-message></error-message>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"value\" of \"error-message\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<error-message invalid=\"text\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Unexpected attribute \"invalid\" of \"error-message\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_fracdigits_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* valid value */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"10\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_FRACDIGITS);
+    assert_int_equal(type.fraction_digits, 10);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_FRDIGITS);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, type.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    /* invalid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"-1\"></fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-1\" of \"value\" attribute in \"fraction-digits\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"02\"></fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"02\" of \"value\" attribute in \"fraction-digits\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"1p\"></fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"1p\" of \"value\" attribute in \"fraction-digits\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"19\"></fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"19\" of \"value\" attribute in \"fraction-digits\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<fraction-digits value=\"999999999999999999\"></fraction-digits>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"999999999999999999\" of \"value\" attribute in \"fraction-digits\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_iffeature_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char **iffeatures = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<if-feature name=\"local-storage\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</if-feature>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &iffeatures, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(*iffeatures, "local-storage");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_IFFEATURE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *iffeatures);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(iffeatures);
+    iffeatures = NULL;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &iffeatures, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute name of if-feature element. Line number 1.");
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(iffeatures);
+    iffeatures = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_length_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<length value=\"length-str\">"
+                    "<error-message><value>err-msg</value></error-message>"
+                    "<error-app-tag value=\"err-app-tag\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</length>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->arg, "length-str");
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->emsg, "err-msg");
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->eapptag, "err-app-tag");
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->ref, "ref");
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_LENGTH);
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.length->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.length->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    /* min subelems */
+                "<length value=\"length-str\">"
+                "</length>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->arg, "length-str");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_LENGTH);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<length></length>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute value of length element. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_modifier_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *pat = lydict_insert(st->ctx, "\006pattern", 8);
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<modifier value=\"invert-match\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</modifier>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &pat, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(pat, "\x015pattern");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MODIFIER);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, pat);
+    pat = lydict_insert(st->ctx, "\006pattern", 8);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<modifier value=\"invert\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &pat, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invert\" of \"value\" attribute in \"modifier\" element. Only valid value is \"invert-match\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, pat);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_namespace_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *ns;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<namespace uri=\"ns\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</namespace>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &ns, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(ns, "ns");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_NAMESPACE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, ns);
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &ns, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute uri of namespace element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_path_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<path value=\"p&amp;th-val\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</path>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal("p&th-val", type.path);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_PATH);
+    assert_string_equal(type.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_PATH);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_pattern_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<pattern value=\"super_pattern\">"
+                    "<modifier value=\"invert-match\"/>"
+                    "<error-message><value>err-msg-value</value></error-message>"
+                    "<error-app-tag value=\"err-app-tag-value\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>&quot;pattern-desc&quot;</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>pattern-ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</pattern>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_PATTERN);
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->arg, "\x015super_pattern");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->dsc, "\"pattern-desc\"");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->eapptag, "err-app-tag-value");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->emsg, "err-msg-value");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->ref, "pattern-ref");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.patterns->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.patterns->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<pattern value=\"pattern\"> </pattern>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->arg, "\x006pattern");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_value_position_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type_enum en = {};
+    /* valid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"55\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</value>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, 55);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    assert_string_equal(en.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(en.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(en.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_VALUE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, en.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"-55\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, -55);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"0\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, 0);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"-0\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, 0);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    /* valid positions */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"55\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</position>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, 55);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    assert_string_equal(en.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(en.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(en.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_POSITION);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, en.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"0\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(en.value, 0);
+    assert_true(en.flags & LYS_SET_VALUE);
+    memset(&en, 0, sizeof(en));
+    /* invalid values */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"99999999999999999999999\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"99999999999999999999999\" of \"value\" attribute in \"value\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"1k\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"1k\" of \"value\" attribute in \"value\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<value value=\"\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"\" of \"value\" attribute in \"value\" element. Line number 1.");
+    /*invalid positions */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"-5\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-5\" of \"value\" attribute in \"position\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"-0\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-0\" of \"value\" attribute in \"position\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"99999999999999999999\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"99999999999999999999\" of \"value\" attribute in \"position\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<position value=\"\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &en, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"\" of \"value\" attribute in \"position\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_prefix_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *value = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<prefix value=\"pref\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</prefix>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "pref");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_PREFIX);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    exts = NULL;
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<prefix value=\"pref\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &value, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(value, "pref");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, value);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_range_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<range value=\"range-str\">"
+                    "<error-message><value>err-msg</value></error-message>"
+                    "<error-app-tag value=\"err-app-tag\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</range>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->arg, "range-str");
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->eapptag, "err-app-tag");
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->emsg, "err-msg");
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->ref, "ref");
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_RANGE);
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.range->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.range->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<range value=\"range-str\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->arg, "range-str");
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_reqinstance_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<require-instance value=\"true\">" EXT_SUBELEM "</require-instance>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(type.require_instance, 1);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_REQINST);
+    assert_string_equal(type.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_REQINSTANCE);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<require-instance value=\"false\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(type.require_instance, 0);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_REQINST);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<require-instance value=\"invalid\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"require-instance\" element. Valid values are \"true\" and \"false\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_revision_date_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    char rev[LY_REV_SIZE];
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<revision-date date=\"2000-01-01\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</revision-date>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, rev, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(rev, "2000-01-01");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_REVISIONDATE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<revision-date date=\"2000-01-01\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, rev, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(rev, "2000-01-01");
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<revision-date date=\"2000-50-05\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, rev, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2000-50-05\" of \"revision-date\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_unique_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char **values = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<unique tag=\"tag\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</unique>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &values, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(*values, "tag");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_UNIQUE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *values);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(values);
+    values = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<unique tag=\"tag\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &values, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(*values, "tag");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, *values);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(values);
+    values = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_units_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *values = NULL;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<units name=\"name\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</units>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &values, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(values, "name");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_UNITS);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, values);
+    values = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<units name=\"name\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &values, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(values, "name");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, values);
+    values = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_when_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_when *when = NULL;
+                "<when condition=\"cond\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</when>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &when, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(when->cond, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(when->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(when->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(when->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(when->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(when->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_when_free(st->ctx, when);
+    free(when);
+    when = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<when condition=\"cond\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &when, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(when->cond, "cond");
+    lysp_when_free(st->ctx, when);
+    free(when);
+    when = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_text_value_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<text>text</text>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "text");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    data = "<error-message xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <value>text</value> </error-message>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "text");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal("", val);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_type_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_type type = {};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<type name=\"type-name\">"
+                    "<base name=\"base-name\"/>"
+                    "<bit name=\"bit\"/>"
+                    "<enum name=\"enum\"/>"
+                    "<fraction-digits value=\"2\"/>"
+                    "<length value=\"length\"/>"
+                    "<path value=\"path\"/>"
+                    "<pattern value=\"pattern\"/>"
+                    "<range value=\"range\" />"
+                    "<require-instance value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"sub-type-name\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</type>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(type.name, "type-name");
+    assert_string_equal(*type.bases, "base-name");
+    assert_string_equal(type.bits->name,  "bit");
+    assert_string_equal(type.enums->name,  "enum");
+    assert_int_equal(type.fraction_digits, 2);
+    assert_string_equal(type.length->arg, "length");
+    assert_string_equal(type.path, "path");
+    assert_string_equal(type.patterns->arg, "\006pattern");
+    assert_string_equal(type.range->arg, "range");
+    assert_int_equal(type.require_instance, 1);
+    assert_string_equal(type.types->name, "sub-type-name");
+    assert_string_equal(type.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(type.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_BASE);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_BIT);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_ENUM);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_FRDIGITS);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_LENGTH);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_PATH);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_PATTERN);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_RANGE);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_REQINST);
+    assert_true(type.flags & LYS_SET_TYPE);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<type name=\"type-name\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &type, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lysp_type_free(st->ctx, &type);
+    memset(&type, 0, sizeof(type));
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_max_elems_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node_list list = {};
+    struct lysp_node_leaflist llist = {};
+    struct lysp_refine refine = {};
+    data = "<refine xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"unbounded\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</max-elements> </refine>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &refine, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(refine.max, 0);
+    assert_true(refine.flags & LYS_SET_MAX);
+    assert_string_equal(refine.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(refine.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(refine.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MAX);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, refine.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"5\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</max-elements> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(list.max, 5);
+    assert_true(list.flags & LYS_SET_MAX);
+    assert_string_equal(list.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(list.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(list.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MAX);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, list.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"85\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</max-elements> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(llist.max, 85);
+    assert_true(llist.flags & LYS_SET_MAX);
+    assert_string_equal(llist.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(llist.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(llist.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MAX);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, llist.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<refine xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"10\"/> </refine>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &refine, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(refine.max, 10);
+    assert_true(refine.flags & LYS_SET_MAX);
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"0\"/> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"0\" of \"value\" attribute in \"max-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"-10\"/> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-10\" of \"value\" attribute in \"max-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"k\"/> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"k\" of \"value\" attribute in \"max-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <max-elements value=\"u12\"/> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"u12\" of \"value\" attribute in \"max-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_min_elems_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node_list list = {};
+    struct lysp_node_leaflist llist = {};
+    struct lysp_refine refine = {};
+    data = "<refine xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"0\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</min-elements> </refine>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &refine, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(refine.min, 0);
+    assert_true(refine.flags & LYS_SET_MIN);
+    assert_string_equal(refine.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(refine.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(refine.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MIN);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, refine.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"41\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</min-elements> </list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &list, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(list.min, 41);
+    assert_true(list.flags & LYS_SET_MIN);
+    assert_string_equal(list.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(list.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(list.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MIN);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, list.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"50\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</min-elements> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(llist.min, 50);
+    assert_true(llist.flags & LYS_SET_MIN);
+    assert_string_equal(llist.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(llist.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(llist.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_MIN);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, llist.exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"-5\"/> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Value \"-5\" of \"value\" attribute in \"min-elements\" element is out of bounds. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"99999999999999999\"/> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Value \"99999999999999999\" of \"value\" attribute in \"min-elements\" element is out of bounds. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"5k\"/> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"5k\" of \"value\" attribute in \"min-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    data = "<leaf-list xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"> <min-elements value=\"05\"/> </leaf-list>";
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &llist, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"05\" of \"value\" attribute in \"min-elements\" element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_ordby_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    uint16_t flags = 0;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<ordered-by value=\"system\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</ordered-by>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_ORDBY_SYSTEM);
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_ORDEREDBY);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<ordered-by value=\"user\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_true(flags & LYS_ORDBY_USER);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<ordered-by value=\"inv\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &flags, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"inv\" of \"value\" attribute in \"ordered-by\" element. Valid values are \"system\" and \"user\". Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_any_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {.parent = NULL, .nodes = &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_anydata *parsed = NULL;
+    /* anyxml max subelems */
+                "<anyxml name=\"any-name\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</anyxml>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_anydata *)siblings;
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "any-name");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* anydata max subelems */
+                "<anydata name=\"any-name\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</anydata>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_anydata *)siblings;
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "any-name");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    node_meta.parent = (void *)0x10;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<anydata name=\"any-name\"> </anydata>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_anydata *)siblings;
+    assert_ptr_equal(parsed->parent, node_meta.parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_null(parsed->exts);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_leaf_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {.parent = NULL, .nodes = &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_leaf *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max elements */
+                "<leaf name=\"leaf\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<default value=\"def-val\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</leaf>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaf *)siblings;
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "leaf");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "must-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->units, "uni");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dflt, "def-val");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min elements */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaf *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "leaf");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_leaf_list_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {.parent = NULL, .nodes = &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_leaflist *parsed = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<default value=\"def-val0\"/>"
+                    "<default value=\"def-val1\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\"/>"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\"/>"
+                    "<ordered-by value=\"user\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaflist *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dflts[0], "def-val0");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dflts[1], "def-val1");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->max, 5);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "must-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "llist");
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->units, "uni");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_ORDBY_USER);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\"/>"
+                    "<ordered-by value=\"user\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaflist *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->min, 5);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "must-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "llist");
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->units, "uni");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_ORDBY_USER);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\"/>"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"15\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\"/>"
+                    "<ordered-by value=\"user\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaflist *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->min, 5);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->max, 15);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "must-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "llist");
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->units, "uni");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_ORDBY_USER);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_leaflist *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "llist");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->type.name, "type");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* invalid combinations */
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"15\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements: min value 15 is bigger than the max value 5. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                    "<default value=\"def-val1\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"15\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of sub-elemnts \"min-elements\" and \"default\" in \"leaf-list\" element. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\">"
+                "</leaf-list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"type\" of \"leaf-list\" element. Line number 1.");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_presence_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<presence value=\"presence-val\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</presence>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "presence-val");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_PRESENCE);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<presence value=\"presence-val\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "presence-val");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute value of presence element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_key_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    const char *val;
+    struct lysp_ext_instance *exts = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<key value=\"key-value\">"EXT_SUBELEM"</key>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, &exts), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "key-value");
+    assert_string_equal(exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_KEY);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, exts, lysp_ext_instance_free);
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<key value=\"key-value\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(val, "key-value");
+    FREE_STRING(st->ctx, val);
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &val, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory attribute value of key element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_typedef_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_tpdf *tpdfs = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta typdef_meta = {NULL, (struct lysp_node **)&tpdfs};
+                "<typedef name=\"tpdf-name\">"
+                    "<default value=\"def-val\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc-text</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref-text</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</typedef>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &typdef_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].dflt, "def-val");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].dsc, "desc-text");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].name, "tpdf-name");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].ref, "ref-text");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].type.name, "type");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].units, "uni");
+    assert_true(tpdfs[0].flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(tpdfs[0].exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(tpdfs[0].exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, tpdfs, lysp_tpdf_free);
+    tpdfs = NULL;
+                "<typedef name=\"tpdf-name\">"
+                    "<type name=\"type\"/>"
+                "</typedef>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &typdef_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].name, "tpdf-name");
+    assert_string_equal(tpdfs[0].type.name, "type");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, tpdfs, lysp_tpdf_free);
+    tpdfs = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_refine_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_refine *refines = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<refine target-node=\"target\">"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\" />"
+                    "<presence value=\"presence\" />"
+                    "<default value=\"def\" />"
+                    "<config value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"10\" />"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"20\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</refine>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &refines, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(refines->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(*refines->dflts, "def");
+    assert_string_equal(refines->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_true(refines->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(refines->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_string_equal(*refines->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_int_equal(refines->max, 20);
+    assert_int_equal(refines->min, 10);
+    assert_string_equal(refines->musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(refines->presence, "presence");
+    assert_string_equal(refines->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(refines->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(refines->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(refines->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, refines, lysp_refine_free);
+    refines = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<refine target-node=\"target\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &refines, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(refines->nodeid, "target");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, refines, lysp_refine_free);
+    refines = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_uses_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {NULL, &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_uses *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<uses name=\"uses-name\">"
+                    "<when condition=\"cond\" />"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"feature\" />"
+                    "<status value=\"obsolete\" />"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<refine target-node=\"target\"/>"
+                    "<augment target-node=\"target\" />"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</uses>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_uses *)&siblings[0];
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_OBSLT);
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "feature");
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->refines->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->augments->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(siblings[0].name, "uses-name");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_revision_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_revision *revs = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<revision date=\"2018-12-25\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</revision>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &revs, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(revs->date, "2018-12-25");
+    assert_string_equal(revs->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(revs->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(revs->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(revs->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(revs->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, revs, lysp_revision_free);
+    revs = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<revision date=\"2005-05-05\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &revs, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(revs->date, "2005-05-05");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, revs, lysp_revision_free);
+    revs = NULL;
+    /* invalid value */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<revision date=\"05-05-2005\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &revs, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"05-05-2005\" of \"revision\". Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, revs, lysp_revision_free);
+    revs = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_include_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_include *includes = NULL;
+    struct include_meta inc_meta = {"module-name", &includes};
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<include module=\"mod\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<revision-date date=\"1999-09-09\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</include>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inc_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(includes->name, "mod");
+    assert_string_equal(includes->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(includes->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(includes->rev, "1999-09-09");
+    assert_string_equal(includes->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(includes->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(includes->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, includes, lysp_include_free);
+    includes = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<include module=\"mod\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inc_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(includes->name, "mod");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, includes, lysp_include_free);
+    includes = NULL;
+    /* invalid combinations */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_0;
+                "<include module=\"mod\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<revision-date date=\"1999-09-09\"/>"
+                "</include>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inc_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid sub-elemnt \"description\" of \"include\" element - this sub-element is allowed only in modules with version 1.1 or newer. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, includes, lysp_include_free);
+    includes = NULL;
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_0;
+                "<include module=\"mod\">"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<revision-date date=\"1999-09-09\"/>"
+                "</include>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inc_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid sub-elemnt \"reference\" of \"include\" element - this sub-element is allowed only in modules with version 1.1 or newer. Line number 1.");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, includes, lysp_include_free);
+    includes = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_list_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {NULL, &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_list *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<list name=\"list-name\">"
+                    "<when condition=\"when\"/>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"must-cond\"/>"
+                    "<key value=\"key\"/>"
+                    "<unique tag=\"utag\"/>"
+                    "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"10\"/>"
+                    "<ordered-by value=\"user\"/>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"cont\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<action name=\"action\"/>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"grp\"/>"
+                    "<notification name=\"notf\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"sub-list\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</list>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_list *)&siblings[0];
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->name, "cont");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "sub-list");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->groupings->name, "grp");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->actions->name, "action");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->groupings->nodetype, LYS_GROUPING);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->notifs->name, "notf");
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_ORDBY_USER);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->key, "key");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->min, 10);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "must-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "list-name");
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->uniques, "utag");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    ly_set_erase(&st->yin_ctx->tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<list name=\"list-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_list *)&siblings[0];
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "list-name");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_notification_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_notif *notifs = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta notif_meta = {NULL, (struct lysp_node **)&notifs};
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<notification name=\"notif-name\">"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"sub-list\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"cont\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"grp\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</notification>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &notif_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->name, "notif-name");
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->name, "sub-list");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_true(notifs->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->groupings->name, "grp");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->groupings->nodetype, LYS_GROUPING);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "cont");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_null(notifs->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(*notifs->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->nodetype, LYS_NOTIF);
+    assert_null(notifs->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(notifs->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, notifs, lysp_notif_free);
+    notifs = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<notification name=\"notif-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &notif_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(notifs->name, "notif-name");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, notifs, lysp_notif_free);
+    notifs = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_grouping_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_grp *grps = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta grp_meta = {NULL, (struct lysp_node **)&grps};
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<grouping name=\"grp-name\">"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"sub-grp\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<notification name=\"notf\"/>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    "<action name=\"act\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"cont\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</grouping>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &grp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->name, "grp-name");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_true(grps->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->groupings->name, "sub-grp");
+    assert_int_equal(grps->nodetype, LYS_GROUPING);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->notifs->name, "notf");
+    assert_null(grps->parent);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->actions->name, "act");
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "cont");
+    assert_int_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(grps->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(grps->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(grps->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, grps, lysp_grp_free);
+    grps = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<grouping name=\"grp-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &grp_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(grps->name, "grp-name");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, grps, lysp_grp_free);
+    grps = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_container_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {NULL, &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_container *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<container name=\"cont-name\">"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"sub-grp\"/>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                    "<notification name=\"notf\"/>"
+                    "<presence value=\"presence\"/>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    "<action name=\"act\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</container>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_container *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "cont-name");
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->presence, "presence");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->groupings->name, "sub-grp");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_null(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->notifs->name, "notf");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->actions->name, "act");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    ly_set_erase(&st->yin_ctx->tpdfs_nodes, NULL);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<container name=\"cont-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_container *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "cont-name");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_case_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {NULL, &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_case *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<case name=\"case-name\">"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</case>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_case *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "case-name");
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_CASE);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_null(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<case name=\"case-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_case *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "case-name");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_choice_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_node *siblings = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta node_meta = {NULL, &siblings};
+    struct lysp_node_choice *parsed = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<choice name=\"choice-name\">"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<case name=\"sub-case\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<default value=\"def\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\" />"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</choice>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_choice *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "choice-name");
+    assert_null(parsed->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_true(parsed->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W && parsed->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE  && parsed->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_null(parsed->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*parsed->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->name, "sub-case");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CASE);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_null(parsed->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(parsed->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<choice name=\"choice-name\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &node_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    parsed = (struct lysp_node_choice *)siblings;
+    assert_string_equal(parsed->name, "choice-name");
+    lysp_node_free(st->ctx, siblings);
+    siblings = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_inout_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_action_inout inout = {};
+    struct inout_meta inout_meta = {NULL, &inout};
+    /* max subelements */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<input>"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"sub-grp\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</input>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inout_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_null(inout.parent);
+    assert_int_equal(inout.nodetype, LYS_INPUT);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.groupings->name, "sub-grp");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(inout.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_action_inout_free(st->ctx, &inout);
+    memset(&inout, 0, sizeof inout);
+    /* max subelements */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<output>"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"sub-grp\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</output>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inout_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_null(inout.parent);
+    assert_int_equal(inout.nodetype, LYS_OUTPUT);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.groupings->name, "sub-grp");
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(inout.data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(inout.exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(inout.exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(inout.exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_action_inout_free(st->ctx, &inout);
+    memset(&inout, 0, sizeof inout);
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<input><leaf name=\"l\"><type name=\"empty\"/></leaf></input>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inout_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lysp_action_inout_free(st->ctx, &inout);
+    memset(&inout, 0, sizeof inout);
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<output><leaf name=\"l\"><type name=\"empty\"/></leaf></output>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inout_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lysp_action_inout_free(st->ctx, &inout);
+    memset(&inout, 0, sizeof inout);
+    /* invalid combinations */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<input name=\"test\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &inout_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Unexpected attribute \"name\" of \"input\" element. Line number 1.");
+    memset(&inout, 0, sizeof inout);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_action_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_action *actions = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta act_meta = {NULL, (struct lysp_node **)&actions};
+    /* max subelems */
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<action name=\"act\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"grouping\"/>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<input><uses name=\"uses-name\"/></input>"
+                    "<output><must condition=\"cond\"/><leaf name=\"l\"><type name=\"type\"/></leaf></output>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</action>"
+    /* there must be parent for action */
+    act_meta.parent = NULL + 1;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &act_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    act_meta.parent = NULL;
+    assert_non_null(actions->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(actions->nodetype, LYS_ACTION);
+    assert_true(actions->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal(actions->name, "act");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(*actions->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->groupings->name, "grouping");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->input.data->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->output.musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(actions->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(actions->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, actions, lysp_action_free)
+    actions = NULL;
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<rpc name=\"act\">"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<grouping name=\"grouping\"/>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<input><uses name=\"uses-name\"/></input>"
+                    "<output><must condition=\"cond\"/><leaf name=\"l\"><type name=\"type\"/></leaf></output>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                    "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</rpc>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &act_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_null(actions->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(actions->nodetype, LYS_RPC);
+    assert_true(actions->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal(actions->name, "act");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(*actions->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->groupings->name, "grouping");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->input.data->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->output.musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(actions->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(actions->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(actions->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, actions, lysp_action_free)
+    actions = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<action name=\"act\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &act_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(actions->name, "act");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, actions, lysp_action_free)
+    actions = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_augment_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_augment *augments = NULL;
+    struct tree_node_meta aug_meta = {NULL, (struct lysp_node **)&augments};
+    st->yin_ctx->mod_version = LYS_VERSION_1_1;
+                "<augment target-node=\"target\">"
+                    "<action name=\"action\"/>"
+                    "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>"
+                    "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>"
+                    "<case name=\"case\"/>"
+                    "<choice name=\"choice\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"subcont\"/>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                    "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>"
+                    "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>"
+                    "<list name=\"list\"/>"
+                    "<notification name=\"notif\"/>"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<status value=\"current\"/>"
+                    "<uses name=\"uses\"/>"
+                    "<when condition=\"when-cond\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</augment>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &aug_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_null(augments->parent);
+    assert_int_equal(augments->nodetype, LYS_AUGMENT);
+    assert_true(augments->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(augments->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(augments->when->cond, "when-cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*augments->iffeatures, "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->name, "case");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CASE);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->name, "subcont");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "list");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(augments->child->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->actions->name, "action");
+    assert_string_equal(augments->notifs->name, "notif");
+    assert_string_equal(augments->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(augments->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(augments->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, augments, lysp_augment_free)
+    augments = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<augment target-node=\"target\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &aug_meta, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(augments->nodeid, "target");
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, augments, lysp_augment_free)
+    augments = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_deviate_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_deviate *deviates = NULL;
+    struct lysp_deviate_add *d_add;
+    struct lysp_deviate_rpl *d_rpl;
+    struct lysp_deviate_del *d_del;
+    /* all valid arguments with min subelems */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"not-supported\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"add\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_ADD);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"replace\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_REPLACE);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"delete\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_DELETE);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+    /* max subelems and valid arguments */
+                "<deviate value=\"not-supported\">"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</deviate>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+    assert_string_equal(deviates->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+                "<deviate value=\"add\">"
+                    "<units name=\"units\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"cond\"/>"
+                    "<unique tag=\"utag\"/>"
+                    "<default value=\"def\"/>"
+                    "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"15\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</deviate>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    d_add = (struct lysp_deviate_add *)deviates;
+    assert_int_equal(d_add->mod, LYS_DEV_ADD);
+    assert_null(d_add->next);
+    assert_string_equal(d_add->units, "units");
+    assert_string_equal(d_add->musts->arg, "cond");
+    assert_string_equal(*d_add->uniques, "utag");
+    assert_string_equal(*d_add->dflts, "def");
+    assert_true(d_add->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE && d_add->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_int_equal(d_add->min, 5);
+    assert_int_equal(d_add->max, 15);
+    assert_string_equal(deviates->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+                "<deviate value=\"replace\">"
+                    "<type name=\"newtype\"/>"
+                    "<units name=\"uni\"/>"
+                    "<default value=\"def\"/>"
+                    "<config value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<mandatory value=\"true\"/>"
+                    "<min-elements value=\"5\"/>"
+                    "<max-elements value=\"15\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</deviate>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    d_rpl = (struct lysp_deviate_rpl *)deviates;
+    assert_int_equal(d_rpl->mod, LYS_DEV_REPLACE);
+    assert_null(d_rpl->next);
+    assert_string_equal(d_rpl->type->name, "newtype");
+    assert_string_equal(d_rpl->units, "uni");
+    assert_string_equal(d_rpl->dflt, "def");
+    assert_true(d_rpl->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE && d_rpl->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_int_equal(d_rpl->min, 5);
+    assert_int_equal(d_rpl->max, 15);
+    assert_string_equal(deviates->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+                "<deviate value=\"delete\">"
+                    "<units name=\"u\"/>"
+                    "<must condition=\"c\"/>"
+                    "<unique tag=\"tag\"/>"
+                    "<default value=\"default\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</deviate>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    d_del = (struct lysp_deviate_del *)deviates;
+    assert_int_equal(d_del->mod, LYS_DEV_DELETE);
+    assert_null(d_del->next);
+    assert_string_equal(d_del->units, "u");
+    assert_string_equal(d_del->musts->arg, "c");
+    assert_string_equal(*d_del->uniques, "tag");
+    assert_string_equal(*d_del->dflts, "default");
+    assert_string_equal(deviates->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(deviates->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_deviate_free(st->ctx, deviates);
+    free(deviates);
+    deviates = NULL;
+    /* invalid arguments */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"\" of \"value\" attribute in \"deviate\" element. Valid values are \"not-supported\", \"add\", \"replace\" and \"delete\". Line number 1.");
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"invalid\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"invalid\" of \"value\" attribute in \"deviate\" element. Valid values are \"not-supported\", \"add\", \"replace\" and \"delete\". Line number 1.");
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"ad\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"ad\" of \"value\" attribute in \"deviate\" element. Valid values are \"not-supported\", \"add\", \"replace\" and \"delete\". Line number 1.");
+    deviates = NULL;
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviate value=\"adds\" />" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"adds\" of \"value\" attribute in \"deviate\" element. Valid values are \"not-supported\", \"add\", \"replace\" and \"delete\". Line number 1.");
+    deviates = NULL;
+                "<deviate value=\"not-supported\">"
+                    "<must condition=\"c\"/>"
+                "</deviate>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviates, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Deviate of this type doesn't allow \"must\" as it's sub-element. Line number 1.");
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_deviation_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_deviation *deviations = NULL;
+    /* min subelems */
+                "<deviation target-node=\"target\">"
+                    "<deviate value=\"not-supported\"/>"
+                "</deviation>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviations, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(deviations->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_int_equal(deviations->deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, deviations, lysp_deviation_free);
+    deviations = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+                "<deviation target-node=\"target\">"
+                    "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                    "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                    "<deviate value=\"add\"/>"
+                    EXT_SUBELEM
+                "</deviation>"
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviations, NULL, NULL), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(deviations->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_int_equal(deviations->deviates->mod, LYS_DEV_ADD);
+    assert_string_equal(deviations->ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(deviations->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(deviations->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(deviations->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(deviations->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, deviations, lysp_deviation_free);
+    deviations = NULL;
+    /* invalid */
+    data = ELEMENT_WRAPPER_START "<deviation target-node=\"target\"/>" ELEMENT_WRAPPER_END;
+    assert_int_equal(test_element_helper(st, data, &deviations, NULL, NULL), LY_EVALID);
+    FREE_ARRAY(st->ctx, deviations, lysp_deviation_free);
+    deviations = NULL;
+    logbuf_assert("Missing mandatory sub-element \"deviate\" of \"deviation\" element. Line number 1.");
+    /* TODO */
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_module_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lys_module *lys_mod = NULL;
+    struct lysp_module *lysp_mod = NULL;
+    /* max subelems */
+    lys_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lys_mod);
+    lysp_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_mod);
+    lys_mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    lysp_mod->mod = lys_mod;
+    data = "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"mod\">\n"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>\n"
+                "<namespace uri=\"ns\"/>\n"
+                "<prefix value=\"pref\"/>\n"
+                "<include module=\"b-mod\"/>\n"
+                "<import module=\"a-mod\"><prefix value=\"imp-pref\"/></import>\n"
+                "<organization><text>org</text></organization>\n"
+                "<contact><text>contact</text></contact>\n"
+                "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>\n"
+                "<revision date=\"2019-02-02\"/>\n"
+                "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>\n"
+                "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>\n"
+                "<choice name=\"choice\"/>\n"
+                "<container name=\"cont\"/>\n"
+                "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>\n"
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>\n"
+                "<list name=\"sub-list\"/>\n"
+                "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>\n"
+                "<augment target-node=\"target\"/>\n"
+                "<deviation target-node=\"target\">""<deviate value=\"not-supported\"/>""</deviation>\n"
+                "<extension name=\"ext\"/>\n"
+                "<feature name=\"feature\"/>\n"
+                "<grouping name=\"grp\"/>\n"
+                "<identity name=\"ident-name\"/>\n"
+                "<notification name=\"notf\"/>\n"
+                "<rpc name=\"rpc-name\"/>\n"
+                "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>\n"
+                EXT_SUBELEM"\n"
+           "</module>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_mod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_mod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->name, "mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->revs, "2019-02-02");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->ns, "ns");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->prefix, "pref");
+    assert_null(lysp_mod->mod->filepath);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->org, "org");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->contact, "contact");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->ref, "ref");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->mod->version, LYS_VERSION_1_1);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->imports->name, "a-mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->includes->name, "b-mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->extensions->name, "ext");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->features->name, "feature");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->identities->name, "ident-name");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->groupings->name, "grp");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->name, "cont");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "sub-list");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(lysp_mod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->augments->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->rpcs->name, "rpc-name");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->notifs->name, "notf");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->deviations->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_mod->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_module_free(lysp_mod);
+    lys_module_free(lys_mod, NULL);
+    /* min subelems */
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lys_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lys_mod);
+    lysp_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_mod);
+    lys_mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    lysp_mod->mod = lys_mod;
+    data = "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"mod\">"
+                "<namespace uri=\"ns\"/>"
+                "<prefix value=\"pref\"/>"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>"
+           "</module>";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_mod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_mod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_mod->mod->name, "mod");
+    lysp_module_free(lysp_mod);
+    lys_module_free(lys_mod, NULL);
+    /* incorrect subelem order */
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lys_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lys_mod);
+    lysp_mod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_mod);
+    lys_mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    lysp_mod->mod = lys_mod;
+    data = "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"mod\">"
+                "<feature name=\"feature\"/>\n"
+                "<namespace uri=\"ns\"/>"
+                "<prefix value=\"pref\"/>"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>"
+           "</module>";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_mod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_mod), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid order of module\'s sub-elements \"namespace\" can\'t appear after \"feature\". Line number 2.");
+    lysp_module_free(lysp_mod);
+    lys_module_free(lys_mod, NULL);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_submodule_elem(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lysp_submodule *lysp_submod = NULL;
+    /* max subelements */
+    lysp_submod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_submod);
+    data = "<submodule xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"mod\">\n"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"mod-name\"><prefix value=\"pref\"/></belongs-to>"
+                "<include module=\"b-mod\"/>\n"
+                "<import module=\"a-mod\"><prefix value=\"imp-pref\"/></import>\n"
+                "<organization><text>org</text></organization>\n"
+                "<contact><text>contact</text></contact>\n"
+                "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>\n"
+                "<revision date=\"2019-02-02\"/>\n"
+                "<anydata name=\"anyd\"/>\n"
+                "<anyxml name=\"anyx\"/>\n"
+                "<choice name=\"choice\"/>\n"
+                "<container name=\"cont\"/>\n"
+                "<leaf name=\"leaf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf>\n"
+                "<leaf-list name=\"llist\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </leaf-list>\n"
+                "<list name=\"sub-list\"/>\n"
+                "<uses name=\"uses-name\"/>\n"
+                "<augment target-node=\"target\"/>\n"
+                "<deviation target-node=\"target\">""<deviate value=\"not-supported\"/>""</deviation>\n"
+                "<extension name=\"ext\"/>\n"
+                "<feature name=\"feature\"/>\n"
+                "<grouping name=\"grp\"/>\n"
+                "<identity name=\"ident-name\"/>\n"
+                "<notification name=\"notf\"/>\n"
+                "<rpc name=\"rpc-name\"/>\n"
+                "<typedef name=\"tpdf\"> <type name=\"type\"/> </typedef>\n"
+                EXT_SUBELEM"\n"
+           "</submodule>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_submod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->name, "mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->revs, "2019-02-02");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->prefix, "pref");
+    assert_null(lysp_submod->filepath);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->org, "org");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->contact, "contact");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->ref, "ref");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->version, LYS_VERSION_1_1);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->imports->name, "a-mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->includes->name, "b-mod");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->extensions->name, "ext");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->features->name, "feature");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->identities->name, "ident-name");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->typedefs->name, "tpdf");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->groupings->name, "grp");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->name, "anyd");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->nodetype, LYS_ANYDATA);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->name, "anyx");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->nodetype, LYS_ANYXML);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->name, "choice");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CHOICE);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->name, "cont");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->name, "leaf");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAF);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->name, "llist");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LEAFLIST);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "sub-list");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_LIST);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->name, "uses-name");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->nodetype, LYS_USES);
+    assert_null(lysp_submod->data->next->next->next->next->next->next->next->next);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->augments->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->rpcs->name, "rpc-name");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->notifs->name, "notf");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->deviations->nodeid, "target");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->exts[0].name, "urn:example:extensions:c-define");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, lysp_submod);
+    /* min subelemnts */
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lysp_submod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_submod);
+    data = "<submodule xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"submod\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"mod-name\"><prefix value=\"pref\"/></belongs-to>"
+           "</submodule>";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_submod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->prefix, "pref");
+    assert_string_equal(lysp_submod->belongsto, "mod-name");
+    assert_int_equal(lysp_submod->version, LYS_VERSION_1_0);
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, lysp_submod);
+    /* incorrect subelem order */
+    lyxml_ctx_free(st->yin_ctx->xmlctx);
+    lysp_submod = calloc(1, sizeof *lysp_submod);
+    data = "<submodule xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" name=\"submod\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>"
+                "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"mod-name\"><prefix value=\"pref\"/></belongs-to>"
+           "</submodule>";
+    assert_int_equal(lyxml_ctx_new(st->ctx, data, &st->yin_ctx->xmlctx), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submod(st->yin_ctx, lysp_submod), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid order of submodule's sub-elements \"belongs-to\" can't appear after \"reference\". Line number 2.");
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, lysp_submod);
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_parse_module(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lys_yin_parser_ctx *yin_ctx = NULL;
+    mod = calloc(1, sizeof *mod);
+    mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    data = "<module xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\" xmlns:md=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-metadata\" name=\"a\"> \n"
+           "<yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>\n"
+           "<namespace uri=\"urn:tests:extensions:metadata:a\"/>\n"
+           "<prefix value=\"a\"/>\n"
+           "<import module=\"ietf-yang-metadata\">\n"
+                "<prefix value=\"md\"/>\n"
+           "</import>\n"
+           "<feature name=\"f\"/>\n"
+           "<md:annotation name=\"x\">\n"
+                "<description>\n"
+                "<text>test</text>\n"
+                "</description>\n"
+                "<reference>\n"
+                "<text>test</text>\n"
+                "</reference>\n"
+                "<if-feature name=\"f\"/>\n"
+                "<status value=\"current\"/>\n"
+                "<type name=\"uint8\"/>\n"
+                "<units name=\"meters\"/>\n"
+           "</md:annotation>\n"
+           "</module>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_module(&yin_ctx, data, mod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    assert_null(mod->parsed->exts->child->next->child);
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->exts->child->next->arg, "test");
+    lys_module_free(mod, NULL);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    mod = NULL;
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    mod = calloc(1, sizeof *mod);
+    mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    data =  "<module name=\"example-foo\""
+             "xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\""
+             "xmlns:foo=\"urn:example:foo\""
+             "xmlns:myext=\"urn:example:extensions\">\n"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<namespace uri=\"urn:example:foo\"/>\n"
+                "<prefix value=\"foo\"/>\n"
+                "<import module=\"example-extensions\">\n"
+                    "<prefix value=\"myext\"/>\n"
+                "</import>\n"
+                "<list name=\"interface\">\n"
+                    "<key value=\"name\"/>\n"
+                    "<leaf name=\"name\">\n"
+                        "<type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+                    "</leaf>\n"
+                    "<leaf name=\"mtu\">\n"
+                        "<type name=\"uint32\"/>\n"
+                        "<description>\n"
+                            "<text>The MTU of the interface.</text>\n"
+                        "</description>\n"
+                        "<myext:c-define name=\"MY_MTU\"/>\n"
+                    "</leaf>\n"
+                "</list>\n"
+            "</module>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_module(&yin_ctx, data, mod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lys_module_free(mod, NULL);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    mod = NULL;
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    mod = calloc(1, sizeof *mod);
+    mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    data =  "<module name=\"example-foo\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">\n"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<namespace uri=\"urn:example:foo\"/>\n"
+                "<prefix value=\"foo\"/>\n"
+            "</module>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_module(&yin_ctx, data, mod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lys_module_free(mod, NULL);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    mod = NULL;
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    mod = calloc(1, sizeof *mod);
+    mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    data =  "<submodule name=\"example-foo\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+            "</submodule>\n";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_module(&yin_ctx, data, mod), LY_EINVAL);
+    logbuf_assert("Input data contains submodule which cannot be parsed directly without its main module.");
+    lys_module_free(mod, NULL);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    mod = calloc(1, sizeof *mod);
+    mod->ctx = st->ctx;
+    data =  "<module name=\"example-foo\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">\n"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<namespace uri=\"urn:example:foo\"/>\n"
+                "<prefix value=\"foo\"/>\n"
+            "</module>"
+            "<module>";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_module(&yin_ctx, data, mod), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Trailing garbage \"<module>\" after module, expected end-of-input. Line number 5.");
+    lys_module_free(mod, NULL);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    mod = NULL;
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+static void
+test_yin_parse_submodule(void **state)
+    struct test_parser_yin_state *st = *state;
+    const char *data;
+    struct lys_yin_parser_ctx *yin_ctx = NULL;
+    struct lysp_submodule *submod = NULL;
+    struct lys_parser_ctx main_ctx = {};
+    data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+            "<submodule name=\"asub\""
+              "xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\""
+              "xmlns:a=\"urn:a\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_pref\"/>"
+                "</belongs-to>"
+                "<include module=\"atop\"/>"
+                "<feature name=\"fox\"/>"
+                "<notification name=\"bar-notif\">"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"bar\"/>"
+                "</notification>"
+                "<notification name=\"fox-notif\">"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"fox\"/>"
+                "</notification>"
+                "<augment target-node=\"/a_pref:top\">"
+                    "<if-feature name=\"bar\"/>"
+                    "<container name=\"bar-sub\"/>"
+                "</augment>"
+                "<augment target-node=\"/top\">"
+                    "<container name=\"bar-sub2\"/>"
+                "</augment>"
+            "</submodule>";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submodule(&yin_ctx, st->ctx, &main_ctx, data, &submod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, submod);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    submod = NULL;
+    data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+            "<submodule name=\"asub\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_pref\"/>"
+                "</belongs-to>"
+            "</submodule>";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submodule(&yin_ctx, st->ctx, &main_ctx, data, &submod), LY_SUCCESS);
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, submod);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    submod = NULL;
+    data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+            "<module name=\"inval\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+            "</module>";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submodule(&yin_ctx, st->ctx, &main_ctx, data, &submod), LY_EINVAL);
+    logbuf_assert("Input data contains module in situation when a submodule is expected.");
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, submod);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    submod = NULL;
+    data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+            "<submodule name=\"asub\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_pref\"/>"
+                "</belongs-to>"
+            "</submodule>"
+            "<submodule name=\"asub\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\">"
+                "<yang-version value=\"1.0\"/>\n"
+                "<belongs-to module=\"a\">"
+                    "<prefix value=\"a_pref\"/>"
+                "</belongs-to>"
+            "</submodule>";
+    assert_int_equal(yin_parse_submodule(&yin_ctx, st->ctx, &main_ctx, data, &submod), LY_EVALID);
+    logbuf_assert("Trailing garbage \"<submodule name...\" after submodule, expected end-of-input. Line number 2.");
+    lysp_submodule_free(st->ctx, submod);
+    yin_parser_ctx_free(yin_ctx);
+    yin_ctx = NULL;
+    submod = NULL;
+    st->finished_correctly = true;
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_match_keyword, setup_f, teardown_f),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_parse_element_generic, setup_f, teardown_f),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_parse_extension_instance, setup_f, teardown_f),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_parse_content, setup_f, teardown_f),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_validate_value, setup_f, teardown_f),
+        cmocka_unit_test(test_yin_match_argument_name),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_enum_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_bit_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_meta_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_import_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_status_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_ext_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_element_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yangversion_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_mandatory_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_argument_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_base_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_belongsto_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_config_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_default_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_err_app_tag_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_err_msg_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_fracdigits_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_iffeature_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_length_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_modifier_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_namespace_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_path_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_pattern_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_value_position_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_prefix_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_range_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_reqinstance_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_revision_date_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_unique_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_units_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_when_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_text_value_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_max_elems_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_min_elems_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_ordby_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_any_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leaf_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_leaf_list_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_presence_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_key_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_typedef_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_refine_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_uses_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_revision_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_include_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_list_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_notification_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_grouping_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_container_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_case_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_choice_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_inout_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_action_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_augment_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_deviate_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_deviation_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_module_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_submodule_elem, setup_element_test, teardown_element_test),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_parse_module, setup_logger, teardown_logger),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_yin_parse_submodule, setup_logger, teardown_logger),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, setup_ly_ctx, destroy_ly_ctx);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yang.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yang.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f3f749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yang.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * @file test_printer_yang.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from printer_yang.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "../../src/context.h"
+#include "../../src/printer_schema.h"
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+int store = -1; /* negative for infinite logging, positive for limited logging */
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (store) {
+        if (path && path[0]) {
+            snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+        } else {
+            strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+        }
+        if (store > 0) {
+            --store;
+        }
+    }
+static int
+logger_setup(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    return 0;
+static int
+logger_teardown(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    if (*state) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+static void
+test_module(void **state)
+    *state = test_module;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx = {0};
+    const struct lys_module *mod;
+    const char *orig = "module a {\n"
+            "  yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "  namespace \"urn:test:a\";\n"
+            "  prefix a;\n\n"
+            "  import ietf-yang-types {\n"
+            "    prefix yt;\n"
+            "    revision-date 2013-07-15;\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"YANG types\";\n"
+            "    reference\n"
+            "      \"RFC reference\";\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  organization\n"
+            "    \"ORG\";\n"
+            "  contact\n"
+            "    \"Radek Krejci.\";\n"
+            "  description\n"
+            "    \"Long multiline\n"
+            "      description.\";\n"
+            "  reference\n"
+            "    \"some reference\";\n"
+            "}\n";
+    char *compiled = "module a {\n"
+            "  yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "  namespace \"urn:test:a\";\n"
+            "  prefix a;\n\n"
+            "  import ietf-yang-types {\n"
+            "    prefix yt;\n"
+            "    revision-date 2013-07-15;\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  organization\n"
+            "    \"ORG\";\n"
+            "  contact\n"
+            "    \"Radek Krejci.\";\n"
+            "  description\n"
+            "    \"Long multiline\n"
+            "      description.\";\n"
+            "  reference\n"
+            "    \"some reference\";\n"
+            "}\n";
+    char *printed;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, orig, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(orig), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, orig);
+    free(printed);
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(compiled), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, compiled);
+    free(printed);
+    orig = "module b {\n"
+            "  yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "  namespace \"urn:test:b\";\n"
+            "  prefix b;\n\n"
+            "  revision 2019-04-16 {\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "    reference\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "  revision 2019-04-15 {\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"initial revision\";\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  feature f1 {\n"
+            "    status current;\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "    reference\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  feature f2 {\n"
+            "    if-feature \"not f1\";\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n";
+    compiled = "module b {\n"
+            "  yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "  namespace \"urn:test:b\";\n"
+            "  prefix b;\n\n"
+            "  revision 2019-04-16;\n\n"
+            "  feature f1 {\n"
+            "    status current;\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "    reference\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  feature f2 {\n"
+            "    if-feature \"not f1\";\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n";
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, orig, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(orig), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, orig);
+    free(printed);
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(compiled), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, compiled);
+    free(printed);
+    orig = compiled ="module c {\n"
+            "  yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "  namespace \"urn:test:c\";\n"
+            "  prefix c;\n\n"
+            "  feature f1;\n\n"
+            "  identity i1 {\n"
+            "    if-feature \"f1\";\n"
+            "    description\n"
+            "      \"text\";\n"
+            "    reference\n"
+            "      \"text32\";\n"
+            "  }\n\n"
+            "  identity i2 {\n"
+            "    base i1;\n"
+            "    status obsolete;\n"
+            "  }\n"
+            "}\n";
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, orig, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(orig), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, orig);
+    free(printed);
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(compiled), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, compiled);
+    free(printed);
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+/* TODO: include */
+int main(void)
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_module, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yin.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffa611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_printer_yin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ * @file test_printer_yin.c
+ * @author: Fred Gan <ganshaolong@vip.qq.com>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from printer_yin.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "../../src/context.h"
+#include "../../src/printer_schema.h"
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+int store = -1; /* negative for infinite logging, positive for limited logging */
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (store) {
+        if (path && path[0]) {
+            snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+        } else {
+            strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+        }
+        if (store > 0) {
+            --store;
+        }
+    }
+static int
+logger_setup(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    return 0;
+static int
+logger_teardown(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    if (*state) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+static void
+test_module(void **state)
+    *state = test_module;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx = {0};
+    const struct lys_module *mod;
+    const char * orig =
+            "module all {\n"
+            "    yang-version 1.1;\n"
+            "    namespace \"urn:all\";\n"
+            "    prefix all_mod;\n\n"
+            "    import ietf-yang-types {\n"
+            "        prefix yt;\n"
+            "        revision-date 2013-07-15;\n"
+            "        description\n"
+            "            \"YANG types\";\n"
+            "        reference\n"
+            "            \"RFC reference\";\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    feature feat1 {\n"
+            "        if-feature \"feat2\";\n"
+            "        status obsolete;\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    feature feat2;\n"
+            "    feature feat3;\n\n"
+            "    identity ident2 {\n"
+            "        base ident1;\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    identity ident1;\n\n"
+            "    typedef tdef1 {\n"
+            "        type tdef2 {\n"
+            "            length \"3..9 | 30..40\";\n"
+            "            pattern \"[ac]*\";\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "        units \"none\";\n"
+            "        default \"aaa\";\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    typedef tdef2 {\n"
+            "        type string {\n"
+            "            length \"2..10 | 20..50\";\n"
+            "            pattern \"[ab]*\";\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    grouping group1 {\n"
+            "        leaf leaf1 {\n"
+            "            type int8;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    container cont1 {\n"
+            "        leaf leaf2 {\n"
+            "            if-feature \"feat1\";\n"
+            "            type int16;\n"
+            "            status obsolete;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        uses group1 {\n"
+            "            if-feature \"feat2\";\n"
+            "            refine \"leaf1\" {\n"
+            "                if-feature \"feat3\";\n"
+            "                must \"24 - 4 = number('20')\";\n"
+            "                default \"25\";\n"
+            "                config true;\n"
+            "                mandatory false;\n"
+            "                description\n"
+            "                    \"dsc\";\n"
+            "                reference\n"
+            "                    \"none\";\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf3 {\n"
+            "            type int32;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf4 {\n"
+            "            type int64 {\n"
+            "                range \"1000 .. 50000\" {\n"
+            "                    error-message\n"
+            "                        \"Special error message.\";\n"
+            "                    error-app-tag \"special-tag\";\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf5 {\n"
+            "            type uint8;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf6 {\n"
+            "            type uint16;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf7 {\n"
+            "            type uint32;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf8 {\n"
+            "            type uint64;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        choice choic1 {\n"
+            "            default \"leaf9b\";\n"
+            "            leaf leaf9a {\n"
+            "                type decimal64 {\n"
+            "                    fraction-digits 9;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n\n"
+            "            leaf leaf9b {\n"
+            "                type boolean;\n"
+            "                default \"false\";\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf10 {\n"
+            "            type boolean;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf11 {\n"
+            "            type enumeration {\n"
+            "                enum \"one\";\n"
+            "                enum \"two\";\n"
+            "                enum \"five\" {\n"
+            "                    value 5;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf12 {\n"
+            "            type bits {\n"
+            "                bit flag0 {\n"
+            "                    position 0;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "                bit flag1;\n"
+            "                bit flag2 {\n"
+            "                    position 2;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "                bit flag3 {\n"
+            "                    position 3;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "            default \"flag0 flag3\";\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf13 {\n"
+            "            type binary;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf14 {\n"
+            "            type leafref {\n"
+            "                path \"/cont1/leaf17\";\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf15 {\n"
+            "            type empty;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf16 {\n"
+            "            type union {\n"
+            "                type instance-identifier {\n"
+            "                    require-instance true;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "                type int8;\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        list list1 {\n"
+            "            key \"leaf18\";\n"
+            "            unique \"leaf19\";\n"
+            "            min-elements 1;\n"
+            "            max-elements 20;\n"
+            "            leaf leaf18 {\n"
+            "                type string;\n"
+            "            }\n\n"
+            "            leaf leaf19 {\n"
+            "                type uint32;\n"
+            "            }\n\n"
+            "            anyxml axml1;\n"
+            "            anydata adata1;\n\n"
+            "            action act1 {\n"
+            "                input {\n"
+            "                    leaf leaf24 {\n"
+            "                        type string;\n"
+            "                    }\n"
+            "                }\n\n"
+            "                output {\n"
+            "                    leaf leaf25 {\n"
+            "                        type string;\n"
+            "                    }\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n\n"
+            "            notification notif1 {\n"
+            "                leaf leaf26 {\n"
+            "                    type string;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf-list llist1 {\n"
+            "            type tdef1;\n"
+            "            ordered-by user;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        list list2 {\n"
+            "            key \"leaf27 leaf28\";\n"
+            "            leaf leaf27 {\n"
+            "                type uint8;\n"
+            "            }\n\n"
+            "            leaf leaf28 {\n"
+            "                type uint8;\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf29 {\n"
+            "            type instance-identifier;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        container must-deviations-container {\n"
+            "            presence \"Allows deviations on the leaf\";\n"
+            "            leaf leaf30 {\n"
+            "                type string;\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf leaf23 {\n"
+            "            type empty;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    augment \"/cont1\" {\n"
+            "        leaf leaf17 {\n"
+            "            type string;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    rpc rpc1 {\n"
+            "        input {\n"
+            "            leaf leaf20 {\n"
+            "                type tdef1;\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        output {\n"
+            "            container cont2 {\n"
+            "                leaf leaf21 {\n"
+            "                    type empty;\n"
+            "                }\n"
+            "            }\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    container test-when {\n"
+            "        leaf when-check {\n"
+            "            type boolean;\n"
+            "        }\n\n"
+            "        leaf gated-data {\n"
+            "            when \"../when-check = 'true'\";\n"
+            "            type uint16;\n"
+            "        }\n"
+            "    }\n\n"
+            "    extension c-define {\n"
+            "        description\n"
+            "            \"Takes as an argument a name string.\n"
+            "            Makes the code generator use the given name\n"
+            "            in the #define.\";\n"
+            "        argument \"name\";\n"
+            "    }\n"
+            "}\n";
+    const char * ori_res =
+            "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+            "<module name=\"all\"\n"
+            "        xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1\"\n"
+            "        xmlns:all_mod=\"urn:all\"\n"
+            "        xmlns:yt=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-types\">\n"
+            "  <yang-version value=\"1.1\"/>\n"
+            "  <namespace uri=\"urn:all\"/>\n"
+            "  <prefix value=\"all_mod\"/>\n"
+            "  <import module=\"ietf-yang-types\">\n"
+            "    <prefix value=\"yt\"/>\n"
+            "    <revision-date date=\"2013-07-15\"/>\n"
+            "    <description>\n"
+            "      <text>YANG types</text>\n"
+            "    </description>\n"
+            "    <reference>\n"
+            "      <text>RFC reference</text>\n"
+            "    </reference>\n"
+            "  </import>\n\n"
+            "  <extension name=\"c-define\">\n"
+            "    <argument name=\"name\"/>\n"
+            "    <description>\n"
+            "      <text>Takes as an argument a name string.\n"
+            "Makes the code generator use the given name\n"
+            "in the #define.</text>\n"
+            "    </description>\n"
+            "  </extension>\n"
+            "  <feature name=\"feat1\">\n"
+            "    <if-feature name=\"feat2\"/>\n"
+            "    <status value=\"obsolete\"/>\n"
+            "  </feature>\n"
+            "  <feature name=\"feat2\"/>\n"
+            "  <feature name=\"feat3\"/>\n"
+            "  <identity name=\"ident2\">\n"
+            "    <base name=\"ident1\"/>\n"
+            "  </identity>\n"
+            "  <identity name=\"ident1\"/>\n"
+            "  <typedef name=\"tdef1\">\n"
+            "    <type name=\"tdef2\">\n"
+            "      <length value=\"3..9 | 30..40\"/>\n"
+            "      <pattern value=\"[ac]*\"/>\n"
+            "    </type>\n"
+            "    <units name=\"none\"/>\n"
+            "    <default value=\"aaa\"/>\n"
+            "  </typedef>\n"
+            "  <typedef name=\"tdef2\">\n"
+            "    <type name=\"string\">\n"
+            "      <length value=\"2..10 | 20..50\"/>\n"
+            "      <pattern value=\"[ab]*\"/>\n"
+            "    </type>\n"
+            "  </typedef>\n"
+            "  <grouping name=\"group1\">\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf1\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"int8\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "  </grouping>\n"
+            "  <container name=\"cont1\">\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf2\">\n"
+            "      <if-feature name=\"feat1\"/>\n"
+            "      <type name=\"int16\"/>\n"
+            "      <status value=\"obsolete\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <uses name=\"group1\">\n"
+            "      <if-feature name=\"feat2\"/>\n"
+            "      <refine target-node=\"leaf1\">\n"
+            "        <if-feature name=\"feat3\"/>\n"
+            "        <must condition=\"24 - 4 = number('20')\"/>\n"
+            "        <default value=\"25\"/>\n"
+            "        <config value=\"true\"/>\n"
+            "        <mandatory value=\"false\"/>\n"
+            "        <description>\n"
+            "          <text>dsc</text>\n"
+            "        </description>\n"
+            "        <reference>\n"
+            "          <text>none</text>\n"
+            "        </reference>\n"
+            "      </refine>\n"
+            "    </uses>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf3\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"int32\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf4\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"int64\">\n"
+            "        <range value=\"1000 .. 50000\">\n"
+            "          <error-message>\n"
+            "            <value>Special error message.</value>\n"
+            "          </error-message>\n"
+            "          <error-app-tag value=\"special-tag\"/>\n"
+            "        </range>\n"
+            "      </type>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf5\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"uint8\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf6\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"uint16\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf7\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"uint32\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf8\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"uint64\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <choice name=\"choic1\">\n"
+            "      <default value=\"leaf9b\"/>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf9a\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"decimal64\">\n"
+            "          <fraction-digits value=\"9\"/>\n"
+            "        </type>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf9b\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"boolean\"/>\n"
+            "        <default value=\"false\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "    </choice>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf10\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"boolean\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf11\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"enumeration\">\n"
+            "        <enum name=\"one\"/>\n"
+            "        <enum name=\"two\"/>\n"
+            "        <enum name=\"five\">\n"
+            "          <value value=\"5\"/>\n"
+            "        </enum>\n"
+            "      </type>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf12\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"bits\">\n"
+            "        <bit name=\"flag0\">\n"
+            "          <position value=\"0\"/>\n"
+            "        </bit>\n"
+            "        <bit name=\"flag1\"/>\n"
+            "        <bit name=\"flag2\">\n"
+            "          <position value=\"2\"/>\n"
+            "        </bit>\n"
+            "        <bit name=\"flag3\">\n"
+            "          <position value=\"3\"/>\n"
+            "        </bit>\n"
+            "      </type>\n"
+            "      <default value=\"flag0 flag3\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf13\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"binary\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf14\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"leafref\">\n"
+            "        <path value=\"/cont1/leaf17\"/>\n"
+            "      </type>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf15\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"empty\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf16\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"union\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"instance-identifier\">\n"
+            "          <require-instance value=\"true\"/>\n"
+            "        </type>\n"
+            "        <type name=\"int8\"/>\n"
+            "      </type>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <list name=\"list1\">\n"
+            "      <key value=\"leaf18\"/>\n"
+            "      <unique tag=\"leaf19\"/>\n"
+            "      <min-elements value=\"1\"/>\n"
+            "      <max-elements value=\"20\"/>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf18\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf19\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"uint32\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "      <anyxml name=\"axml1\"/>\n"
+            "      <anydata name=\"adata1\"/>\n"
+            "      <action name=\"act1\">\n"
+            "        <input>\n"
+            "          <leaf name=\"leaf24\">\n"
+            "            <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "          </leaf>\n"
+            "        </input>\n"
+            "        <output>\n"
+            "          <leaf name=\"leaf25\">\n"
+            "            <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "          </leaf>\n"
+            "        </output>\n"
+            "      </action>\n"
+            "      <notification name=\"notif1\">\n"
+            "        <leaf name=\"leaf26\">\n"
+            "          <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "        </leaf>\n"
+            "      </notification>\n"
+            "    </list>\n"
+            "    <leaf-list name=\"llist1\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"tdef1\"/>\n"
+            "      <ordered-by value=\"user\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf-list>\n"
+            "    <list name=\"list2\">\n"
+            "      <key value=\"leaf27 leaf28\"/>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf27\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"uint8\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf28\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"uint8\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "    </list>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf29\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"instance-identifier\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <container name=\"must-deviations-container\">\n"
+            "      <presence value=\"Allows deviations on the leaf\"/>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf30\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "    </container>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf23\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"empty\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "  </container>\n"
+            "  <container name=\"test-when\">\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"when-check\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"boolean\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"gated-data\">\n"
+            "      <when condition=\"../when-check = 'true'\"/>\n"
+            "      <type name=\"uint16\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "  </container>\n"
+            "  <augment target-node=\"/cont1\">\n"
+            "    <leaf name=\"leaf17\">\n"
+            "      <type name=\"string\"/>\n"
+            "    </leaf>\n"
+            "  </augment>\n"
+            "  <rpc name=\"rpc1\">\n"
+            "    <input>\n"
+            "      <leaf name=\"leaf20\">\n"
+            "        <type name=\"tdef1\"/>\n"
+            "      </leaf>\n"
+            "    </input>\n"
+            "    <output>\n"
+            "      <container name=\"cont2\">\n"
+            "        <leaf name=\"leaf21\">\n"
+            "          <type name=\"empty\"/>\n"
+            "        </leaf>\n"
+            "      </container>\n"
+            "    </output>\n"
+            "  </rpc>\n"
+            "</module>\n";
+    char * printed;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, orig, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(ori_res), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YIN, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, ori_res);
+    free(printed);
+    /*
+    assert_int_equal(strlen(compiled), lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(printed, compiled);
+    free(printed);
+    */
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+int main(void)
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_module, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_schema.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b330a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema.c
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * @file test_schema.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for schema related functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include "../../../src/common.h"
+#include "../../../src/context.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema.h"
+#include "../../../src/tree_schema_internal.h"
+#include "../../../src/parser_yin.h"
+#include "../../../src/xml.h"
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+int store = -1; /* negative for infinite logging, positive for limited logging */
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (store) {
+        if (path && path[0]) {
+            snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+        } else {
+            strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+        }
+        if (store > 0) {
+            --store;
+        }
+    }
+static int
+logger_setup(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    /* setup logger */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    return 0;
+static int
+logger_teardown(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    if (*state) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+ */
+#include "test_schema_common.c"
+#include "test_schema_stmts.c"
+int main(void)
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        /** test_schema_common.c */
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_getnext, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_date, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_revisions, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_typedef, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        /** test_schema_stmts.c */
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_identity, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_feature, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_common.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2bc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * @file set.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from common.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static void
+test_getnext(void **state)
+    *state = test_getnext;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_node *node = NULL, *four;
+    const struct lysc_node_container *cont;
+    const struct lysc_action *rpc;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "container a { container one {presence test;} leaf two {type string;} leaf-list three {type string;}"
+                                        "  list four {config false;} choice x { leaf five {type string;} case y {leaf six {type string;}}}"
+                                        "  anyxml seven; action eight {input {leaf eight-input {type string;}} output {leaf eight-output {type string;}}}"
+                                        "  notification nine {leaf nine-data {type string;}}}"
+                                        "leaf b {type string;} leaf-list c {type string;} list d {config false;}"
+                                        "choice x { leaf e {type string;} case y {leaf f {type string;}}} anyxml g;"
+                                        "rpc h {input {leaf h-input {type string;}} output {leaf h-output {type string;}}}"
+                                        "rpc i;"
+                                        "notification j {leaf i-data {type string;}}"
+                                        "notification k;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    cont = (const struct lysc_node_container*)node;
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("b", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("c", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("d", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("e", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("f", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("g", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("h", node->name);
+    rpc = (const struct lysc_action*)node;
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("i", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("j", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("k", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    /* Inside container */
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("one", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("two", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("three", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = four = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("four", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("five", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("six", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("seven", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("eight", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("nine", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, 0));
+    /* Inside RPC */
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)rpc, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("h-input", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)rpc, mod->compiled, 0));
+    /* options */
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(four, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_WITHCHOICE));
+    assert_string_equal("x", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_WITHCHOICE));
+    assert_string_equal("seven", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(four, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_NOCHOICE));
+    assert_string_equal("seven", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(four, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_WITHCASE));
+    assert_string_equal("five", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_WITHCASE));
+    assert_string_equal("y", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)cont, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_WITHCASE));
+    assert_string_equal("seven", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_INTONPCONT));
+    assert_string_equal("one", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, (const struct lysc_node*)rpc, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_OUTPUT));
+    assert_string_equal("h-output", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, (const struct lysc_node*)rpc, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_OUTPUT));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b; feature f;"
+                                        "leaf a {type string; if-feature f;}"
+                                        "leaf b {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("b", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK));
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c; rpc c;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("c", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d; notification d;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, mod->compiled, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("d", node->name);
+    assert_null(node = lys_getnext(node, NULL, mod->compiled, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK));
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_date(void **state)
+    *state = test_date;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, NULL, 0, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid argument date (lysp_check_date()).");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "x", 1, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid argument date_len (lysp_check_date()).");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "nonsencexx", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"nonsencexx\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "123x-11-11", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"123x-11-11\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-13-11", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2018-13-11\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-11-41", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2018-11-41\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-02-29", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2018-02-29\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018.02-28", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2018.02-28\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-02.28", 10, "date"));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2018-02.28\" of \"date\".");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-11-11", 10, "date"));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2018-02-28", 10, "date"));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lysp_check_date(NULL, "2016-02-29", 10, "date"));
+    *state = NULL;
+static void
+test_revisions(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct lysp_revision *revs = NULL, *rev;
+    logbuf_clean();
+    /* no error, it just does nothing */
+    lysp_sort_revisions(NULL);
+    logbuf_assert("");
+    /* revisions are stored in wrong order - the newest is the last */
+    LY_ARRAY_NEW_RET(NULL, revs, rev,);
+    strcpy(rev->date, "2018-01-01");
+    LY_ARRAY_NEW_RET(NULL, revs, rev,);
+    strcpy(rev->date, "2018-12-31");
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(revs));
+    assert_string_equal("2018-01-01", &revs[0]);
+    assert_string_equal("2018-12-31", &revs[1]);
+    /* the order should be fixed, so the newest revision will be the first in the array */
+    lysp_sort_revisions(revs);
+    assert_string_equal("2018-12-31", &revs[0]);
+    assert_string_equal("2018-01-01", &revs[1]);
+    LY_ARRAY_FREE(revs);
+LY_ERR test_imp_clb(const char *UNUSED(mod_name), const char *UNUSED(mod_rev), const char *UNUSED(submod_name),
+                    const char *UNUSED(sub_rev), void *user_data, LYS_INFORMAT *format,
+                    const char **module_data, void (**free_module_data)(void *model_data, void *user_data))
+    *module_data = user_data;
+    *format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    *free_module_data = NULL;
+    return LY_SUCCESS;
+static void
+test_typedef(void **state)
+    *state = test_typedef;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx = NULL;
+    const char *str;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef binary {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"binary\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef bits {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"bits\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef boolean {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"boolean\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef decimal64 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"decimal64\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef empty {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"empty\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef enumeration {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"enumeration\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef int8 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"int8\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef int16 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"int16\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef int32 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"int32\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef int64 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"int64\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef instance-identifier {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"instance-identifier\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef identityref {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"identityref\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef leafref {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"leafref\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef string {type int8;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"string\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef union {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"union\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef uint8 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"uint8\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef uint16 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"uint16\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef uint32 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"uint32\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef uint64 {type string;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"uint64\" of typedef - name collision with a built-in type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module mytypes {namespace urn:types; prefix t; typedef binary_ {type string;} typedef bits_ {type string;} typedef boolean_ {type string;} "
+          "typedef decimal64_ {type string;} typedef empty_ {type string;} typedef enumeration_ {type string;} typedef int8_ {type string;} typedef int16_ {type string;}"
+          "typedef int32_ {type string;} typedef int64_ {type string;} typedef instance-identifier_ {type string;} typedef identityref_ {type string;}"
+          "typedef leafref_ {type string;} typedef string_ {type int8;} typedef union_ {type string;} typedef uint8_ {type string;} typedef uint16_ {type string;}"
+          "typedef uint32_ {type string;} typedef uint64_ {type string;}}";
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef test {type string;} typedef test {type int8;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"test\" of typedef - name collision with another top-level type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; typedef x {type string;} container c {typedef x {type int8;}}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"x\" of typedef - scoped type collide with a top-level type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; container c {container d {typedef y {type int8;}} typedef y {type string;}}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"y\" of typedef - name collision with another scoped type. Line number 1.");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; container c {typedef y {type int8;} typedef y {type string;}}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"y\" of typedef - name collision with sibling type. Line number 1.");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule b {belongs-to a {prefix a;} typedef x {type string;}}");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; include b; typedef x {type int8;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"x\" of typedef - name collision with another top-level type. Line number 1.");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule b {belongs-to a {prefix a;} container c {typedef x {type string;}}}");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; include b; typedef x {type int8;}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"x\" of typedef - scoped type collide with a top-level type. Line number 1.");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule b {belongs-to a {prefix a;} typedef x {type int8;}}");
+    str = "module a {namespace urn:a; prefix a; include b; container c {typedef x {type string;}}}";
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, str, LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid name \"x\" of typedef - scoped type collide with a top-level type. Line number 1.");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ce06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_schema_stmts.c
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ * @file test_schema_stmts.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for YANG (YIN) statements in (sub)modules
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "macros.h"
+static void
+test_identity(void **state)
+    *state = test_identity;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod, *mod_imp;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx));
+    /*
+     * parsing YANG
+     */
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "identity id", "description", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "identity id", "reference", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "identity id", "status", "current", "obsolete", "1");
+    /* full content */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "identityone",
+                   "identity test {base \"a\";base b; description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x;if-feature y; identityone:ext;}"
+                   "identity a; identity b; extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
+    assert_non_null(mod->parsed->identities);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->identities));
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    TEST_STMT_SUBSTM_ERR(ctx, 0, "identity", "organization", "XXX");
+    /*
+     * parsing YIN
+     */
+    /* max subelems */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 1, "identityone-yin", "<identity name=\"ident-name\">"
+                       "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                       "<base name=\"base-name\"/>"
+                       "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                       "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                       "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                       "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:identityone-yin\"/>"
+                   "</identity><extension name=\"ext\"/><identity name=\"base-name\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->identities));
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].name, "ident-name");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].bases[0], "base-name");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].iffeatures[0], "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].dsc, "desc");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].ref, "ref");
+    assert_true(mod->parsed->identities[0].flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].exts[0].name, "ext");
+    assert_non_null(mod->parsed->identities[0].exts[0].compiled);
+    assert_int_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].exts[0].yin, 1);
+    assert_int_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    /* min subelems */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 1, "identitytwo-yin", "<identity name=\"ident-name\" />", mod);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->identities));
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->identities[0].name, "ident-name");
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 1, "inv", "<identity name=\"ident-name\"><if-feature name=\"iff\"/></identity>",
+                    "Invalid sub-elemnt \"if-feature\" of \"identity\" element - this sub-element is allowed only in modules with version 1.1 or newer. Line number 1.");
+    /*
+     * compiling
+     */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 0, "a", "identity a1;", mod_imp);
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "b", "import a {prefix a;}"
+                   "identity b1; identity b2; identity b3 {base b1; base b:b2; base a:a1;}"
+                   "identity b4 {base b:b1; base b3;}", mod);
+    assert_non_null(mod_imp->compiled);
+    assert_non_null(mod_imp->compiled->identities);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->identities);
+    assert_non_null(mod_imp->compiled->identities[0].derived);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod_imp->compiled->identities[0].derived));
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod_imp->compiled->identities[0].derived[0], &mod->compiled->identities[2]);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->identities[0].derived);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->identities[0].derived));
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod->compiled->identities[0].derived[0], &mod->compiled->identities[2]);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod->compiled->identities[0].derived[1], &mod->compiled->identities[3]);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->identities[1].derived);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->identities[1].derived));
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod->compiled->identities[1].derived[0], &mod->compiled->identities[2]);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->identities[2].derived);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->identities[2].derived));
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod->compiled->identities[2].derived[0], &mod->compiled->identities[3]);
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "c", "identity c2 {base c1;} identity c1;", mod);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->identities[1].derived));
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod->compiled->identities[1].derived[0], &mod->compiled->identities[0]);
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "identity i1;identity i1;", "Duplicate identifier \"i1\" of identity statement. /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule inv_sub {belongs-to inv {prefix inv;} identity i1;}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "include inv_sub;identity i1;",
+                    "Duplicate identifier \"i1\" of identity statement. /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}", "Unable to find base (i2) of identity \"i1\". /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i1;}", "Identity \"i1\" is derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0,"inv", "identity i1 {base i2;}identity i2 {base i3;}identity i3 {base i1;}",
+                    "Identity \"i1\" is indirectly derived from itself. /inv:{identity='i3'}");
+    /*
+     * printing
+     */
+    /*
+     * cleanup
+     */
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_feature(void **state)
+    *state = test_feature;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_feature *f, *f1;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &ctx));
+    /*
+     * parsing YANG
+     */
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "feature f", "description", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "feature f", "reference", "a", "b", "1");
+    TEST_STMT_DUP(ctx, 1, 0, "feature f", "status", "current", "obsolete", "1");
+    /* full content */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "featureone",
+                   "feature test {description text;reference \'another text\';status current; if-feature x; if-feature y; featureone:ext;}"
+                   "extension ext; feature x; feature y;", mod);
+    assert_non_null(mod->parsed->features);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->features));
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    TEST_STMT_SUBSTM_ERR(ctx, 0, "feature", "organization", "XXX");
+    /*
+     * parsing YIN
+     */
+    /* max subelems */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 1, "featureone-yin", "<feature name=\"feature-name\">"
+                       "<if-feature name=\"iff\"/>"
+                       "<status value=\"deprecated\"/>"
+                       "<description><text>desc</text></description>"
+                       "<reference><text>ref</text></reference>"
+                       "<myext:ext xmlns:myext=\"urn:libyang:test:featureone-yin\"/>"
+                   "</feature><extension name=\"ext\"/><feature name=\"iff\"/>", mod);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->features));
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].name, "feature-name");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].dsc, "desc");
+    assert_true(mod->parsed->features[0].flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].iffeatures[0], "iff");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].ref, "ref");
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].exts[0].name, "ext");
+    assert_int_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].exts[0].insubstmt_index, 0);
+    assert_int_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].exts[0].insubstmt, LYEXT_SUBSTMT_SELF);
+    /* min subelems */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 1, "featuretwo-yin", "<feature name=\"feature-name\"/>", mod)
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->parsed->features));
+    assert_string_equal(mod->parsed->features[0].name, "feature-name");
+    /* invalid substatement */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 1, "inv", "<feature name=\"feature-name\"><organization><text>org</text></organization></feature>",
+                    "Unexpected sub-element \"organization\" of \"feature\" element. Line number 1.");
+    /*
+     * compiling
+     */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 1, 0, "a", "feature f1 {description test1;reference test2;status current;} feature f2; feature f3;\n"
+                   "feature orfeature {if-feature \"f1 or f2\";}\n"
+                   "feature andfeature {if-feature \"f1 and f2\";}\n"
+                   "feature f6 {if-feature \"not f1\";}\n"
+                   "feature f7 {if-feature \"(f2 and f3) or (not f1)\";}\n"
+                   "feature f8 {if-feature \"f1 or f2 or f3 or orfeature or andfeature\";}\n"
+                   "feature f9 {if-feature \"not not f1\";}", mod);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features);
+    assert_int_equal(9, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features));
+    /* all features are disabled by default */
+    LY_ARRAY_FOR(mod->compiled->features, struct lysc_feature, f) {
+        assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    }
+    /* enable f1 */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f1"));
+    f1 = &mod->compiled->features[0];
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(f1));
+    /* enable orfeature */
+    f = &mod->compiled->features[3];
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "orfeature"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    /* enable andfeature - no possible since f2 is disabled */
+    f = &mod->compiled->features[4];
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EDENIED, lys_feature_enable(mod, "andfeature"));
+    logbuf_assert("Feature \"andfeature\" cannot be enabled since it is disabled by its if-feature condition(s).");
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    /* first enable f2, so f5 can be enabled then */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f2"));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "andfeature"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    /* f1 is enabled, so f6 cannot be enabled */
+    f = &mod->compiled->features[5];
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EDENIED, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f6"));
+    logbuf_assert("Feature \"f6\" cannot be enabled since it is disabled by its if-feature condition(s).");
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f));
+    /* so disable f1 - andfeature will became also disabled */
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(f1));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_disable(mod, "f1"));
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(f1));
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_feature_value(&mod->compiled->features[4]));
+    /* while orfeature is stille enabled */
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(&mod->compiled->features[3]));
+    /* and finally f6 can be enabled */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f6"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_feature_value(&mod->compiled->features[5]));
+    /* complex evaluation of f7: f1 and f3 are disabled, while f2 is enabled */
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_iffeature_value(&mod->compiled->features[6].iffeatures[0]));
+    /* long evaluation of f8 to need to reallocate internal stack for operators */
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_iffeature_value(&mod->compiled->features[7].iffeatures[0]));
+    /* double negation of disabled f1 -> disabled */
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_iffeature_value(&mod->compiled->features[8].iffeatures[0]));
+    /* disable all features */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_disable(mod, "*"));
+    LY_ARRAY_FOR(mod->compiled->features, struct lysc_feature, f) {
+        assert_int_equal(0, lys_feature_value(mod, f->name));
+    }
+    /* re-setting already set feature */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_disable(mod, "f1"));
+    assert_int_equal(0, lys_feature_value(mod, "f1"));
+    /* enabling feature that cannot be enabled due to its if-features */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f1"));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EDENIED, lys_feature_enable(mod, "andfeature"));
+    logbuf_assert("Feature \"andfeature\" cannot be enabled since it is disabled by its if-feature condition(s).");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EDENIED, lys_feature_enable(mod, "*"));
+    logbuf_assert("Feature \"f6\" cannot be enabled since it is disabled by its if-feature condition(s).");
+    /* test if not changed */
+    assert_int_equal(1, lys_feature_value(mod, "f1"));
+    assert_int_equal(0, lys_feature_value(mod, "f2"));
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 0, "b", "feature f1 {if-feature f2;}feature f2;", mod);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features[0].iffeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features[0].iffeatures));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features[0].iffeatures[0].features);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features[0].iffeatures[0].features));
+    assert_ptr_equal(&mod->compiled->features[1], mod->compiled->features[0].iffeatures[0].features[0]);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->features[1].depfeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->features[1].depfeatures));
+    assert_ptr_equal(&mod->compiled->features[0], mod->compiled->features[1].depfeatures[0]);
+    /* invalid reference */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_feature_enable(mod, "xxx"));
+    logbuf_assert("Feature \"xxx\" not found in module \"b\".");
+    /* some invalid expressions */
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f{if-feature f1;}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f1\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"f1\". /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'f and';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f and\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression. /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f{if-feature 'or';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"or\" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature '(f1';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"(f1\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses. /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'f1)';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f1)\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses. /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature ---;}",
+                    "Invalid value \"---\" of if-feature - unable to find feature \"---\". /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'not f1';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"not f1\" of if-feature - YANG 1.1 expression in YANG 1.0 module. /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f1;",
+                    "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. /inv:{feature='f1'}");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule inv_sub {belongs-to inv {prefix inv;} feature f1;}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "include inv_sub;feature f1;",
+                    "Duplicate identifier \"f1\" of feature statement. /inv:{feature='f1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1 {if-feature f2;} feature f2 {if-feature f1;}",
+                    "Feature \"f1\" is indirectly referenced from itself. /inv:{feature='f2'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 0, 0, "inv", "feature f1 {if-feature f1;}",
+                    "Feature \"f1\" is referenced from itself. /inv:{feature='f1'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f {if-feature ();}",
+                    "Invalid value \"()\" of if-feature - number of features in expression does not match the required number of operands for the operations. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1(';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f1(\" of if-feature - non-matching opening and closing parentheses. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'and f1';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"and f1\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"and\" operation. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1 not ';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f1 not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f {if-feature 'f1 not not ';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"f1 not not \" of if-feature - unexpected end of expression. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    TEST_SCHEMA_ERR(ctx, 1, 0, "inv", "feature f1; feature f2; feature f {if-feature 'or f1 f2';}",
+                    "Invalid value \"or f1 f2\" of if-feature - missing feature/expression before \"or\" operation. /inv:{feature='f'}");
+    /* import reference */
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, "a", NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f1"));
+    TEST_SCHEMA_OK(ctx, 0, 0, "c", "import a {prefix a;} feature f1; feature f2{if-feature 'a:f1';}", mod);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f2"));
+    assert_int_equal(0, lys_feature_value(mod, "f1"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, lys_feature_value(mod, "f2"));
+    /*
+     * printing
+     */
+    /*
+     * cleanup
+     */
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
diff --git a/tests/utests/schema/test_tree_schema_compile.c b/tests/utests/schema/test_tree_schema_compile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d13bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/schema/test_tree_schema_compile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3351 @@
+ * @file test_parser_yang.c
+ * @author: Radek Krejci <rkrejci@cesnet.cz>
+ * @brief unit tests for functions from parser_yang.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "../../src/common.h"
+#include "../../src/tree_schema_internal.h"
+#include "../../src/xpath.h"
+#include "../../src/plugins_types.h"
+void lysc_feature_free(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysc_feature *feat);
+void yang_parser_ctx_free(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx);
+LY_ERR lys_path_token(const char **path, const char **prefix, size_t *prefix_len, const char **name, size_t *name_len,
+                      int *parent_times, int *has_predicate);
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
+/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
+static void
+logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
+    (void) level; /* unused */
+    if (path && path[0]) {
+        snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
+    } else {
+        strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
+    }
+static int
+logger_setup(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
+    return 0;
+static int
+logger_teardown(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    if (*state) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", logbuf);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    logbuf[0] = '\0';
+#   define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str);logbuf_clean()
+#   define logbuf_assert(str)
+static LY_ERR test_imp_clb(const char *UNUSED(mod_name), const char *UNUSED(mod_rev), const char *UNUSED(submod_name),
+                           const char *UNUSED(sub_rev), void *user_data, LYS_INFORMAT *format,
+                           const char **module_data, void (**free_module_data)(void *model_data, void *user_data))
+    *module_data = user_data;
+    *format = LYS_IN_YANG;
+    *free_module_data = NULL;
+    return LY_SUCCESS;
+static void
+reset_mod(struct lys_module *module)
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx = module->ctx;
+    lysc_module_free(module->compiled, NULL);
+    lysp_module_free(module->parsed);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->name);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->ns);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->prefix);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->filepath);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->org);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->contact);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->dsc);
+    FREE_STRING(ctx, module->ref);
+    FREE_ARRAY(ctx, module->off_features, lysc_feature_free);
+    memset(module, 0, sizeof *module);
+    module->ctx = ctx;
+    module->implemented = 1;
+static void
+test_module(void **state)
+    *state = test_module;
+    const char *str;
+    struct lys_yang_parser_ctx *ctx = NULL;
+    struct lys_module mod = {0};
+    struct lysc_feature *f;
+    struct lysc_iffeature *iff;
+    str = "module test {namespace urn:test; prefix t;"
+          "feature f1;feature f2 {if-feature f1;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, 0, &mod.ctx));
+    reset_mod(&mod);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_compile(NULL, 0));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid argument mod (lys_compile()).");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_compile(&mod, 0));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid argument mod->parsed (lys_compile()).");
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, yang_parse_module(&ctx, str, &mod));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx);
+    mod.implemented = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_compile(&mod, 0));
+    assert_null(mod.compiled);
+    mod.implemented = 1;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_compile(&mod, 0));
+    assert_non_null(mod.compiled);
+    assert_string_equal("test", mod.name);
+    assert_string_equal("urn:test", mod.ns);
+    assert_string_equal("t", mod.prefix);
+    /* features */
+    assert_non_null(mod.compiled->features);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod.compiled->features));
+    f = &mod.compiled->features[1];
+    assert_non_null(f->iffeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(f->iffeatures));
+    iff = &f->iffeatures[0];
+    assert_non_null(iff->expr);
+    assert_non_null(iff->features);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(iff->features));
+    assert_ptr_equal(&mod.compiled->features[0], iff->features[0]);
+    lysc_module_free(mod.compiled, NULL);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_compile(&mod, LYSC_OPT_FREE_SP));
+    assert_non_null(mod.compiled);
+    lysc_module_free(mod.compiled, NULL);
+    mod.compiled = NULL;
+    /* submodules cannot be compiled directly */
+    str = "submodule test {belongs-to xxx {prefix x;}}";
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, yang_parse_module(&ctx, str, &mod));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx);
+    logbuf_assert("Input data contains submodule which cannot be parsed directly without its main module.");
+    assert_null(mod.parsed);
+    reset_mod(&mod);
+    /* data definition name collision in top level */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, yang_parse_module(&ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                                                  "leaf a {type string;} container a{presence x;}}", &mod));
+    yang_parser_ctx_free(ctx);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, lys_compile(&mod, 0));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"a\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /aa:a");
+    assert_null(mod.compiled);
+    reset_mod(&mod);
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(mod.ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_node_container(void **state)
+    (void) state; /* unused */
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_node_container *cont;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;container c;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((cont = (struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, cont->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("c", cont->name);
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_STATUS_CURR);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;container c {config false; status deprecated; container child;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing explicit \"deprecated\" status that was already specified in parent, inheriting.");
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((cont = (struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_non_null((cont = (struct lysc_node_container*)cont->child));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, cont->nodetype);
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_true(cont->flags & LYS_STATUS_DEPRC);
+    assert_string_equal("child", cont->name);
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_node_leaflist(void **state)
+    *state = test_node_leaflist;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    struct lysc_node_leaflist *ll;
+    struct lysc_node_leaf *l;
+    const char *dflt;
+    int dynamic;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type union {type leafref {path ../target;} type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf-list ll1 {type union {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;} type mytype;}}"
+                                        "leaf-list ll2 {type leafref {path ../target;}}"
+                                        "leaf target {type int8;}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UNION, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[0]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[2]->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1])->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1])->realtype->basetype);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;leaf-list ll {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((ll = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ll->min);
+    assert_int_equal((uint32_t)-1, ll->max);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:c;prefix c;typedef mytype {type int8;default 10;}"
+                                        "leaf-list ll1 {type mytype;default 1; default 1; config false;}"
+                                        "leaf-list ll2 {type mytype; ordered-by user;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((ll = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_non_null(ll->dflts);
+    assert_int_equal(6, ll->type->refcount); /* 3x type's reference, 3x default value's reference (typedef's default does not reference own type) */
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(ll->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("1", dflt = ll->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(ll->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("1", dflt = ll->dflts[1]->realtype->plugin->print(ll->dflts[1], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null((ll = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)mod->compiled->data->next));
+    assert_non_null(ll->dflts);
+    assert_int_equal(6, ll->type->refcount); /* 3x type's reference, 3x default value's reference */
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(ll->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("10", dflt = ll->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(ll->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_W | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_ORDBY_USER, ll->flags);
+    /* ordered-by is ignored for state data, RPC/action output parameters and notification content */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:d;prefix d;"
+                                        "leaf-list ll {config false; type string; ordered-by user;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    /* but warning is present: */
+    logbuf_assert("The ordered-by statement is ignored in lists representing state data (/d:ll).");
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((ll = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_ORDBY_SYSTEM | LYS_SET_CONFIG, ll->flags);
+    logbuf_clean();
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:e;prefix e;"
+                                        "rpc oper {output {leaf-list ll {type string; ordered-by user;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("The ordered-by statement is ignored in lists representing RPC/action output parameters (/e:oper/output/ll).");
+    logbuf_clean();
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:f;prefix f;"
+                                        "notification event {leaf-list ll {type string; ordered-by user;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("The ordered-by statement is ignored in lists representing notification content (/f:event/ll).");
+    /* forward reference in default */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:g;prefix g;"
+                                        "leaf ref {type instance-identifier {require-instance true;} default \"/g:g\";}"
+                                        "leaf-list g {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(l = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("ref", l->name);
+    assert_non_null(l->dflt);
+    assert_null(l->dflt->canonical_cache);
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;leaf-list ll {type empty;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Leaf-list of type \"empty\" is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. /aa:ll");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;leaf-list ll {type empty; default x;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leaf-lists's default value \"x\" which does not fit the type (Invalid empty value \"x\".). /bb:ll");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;"
+                                        "leaf-list ll {config false;type string; default one;default two;default one;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled);
+    assert_non_null((ll = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_non_null(ll->dflts);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(ll->dflts));
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;"
+                              "leaf-list ll {type string; default one;default two;default one;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Configuration leaf-list has multiple defaults of the same value \"one\". /dd:ll");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;"
+                              "leaf ref {type instance-identifier {require-instance true;} default \"/ee:g\";}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid default - value does not fit the type "
+                  "(Invalid instance-identifier \"/ee:g\" value - path \"/ee:g\" does not exists in the YANG schema.). /ee:ref");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_node_list(void **state)
+    *state = test_node_list;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_node_list *list;
+    struct lysc_node *child;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;feature f;"
+                                        "list l1 {key \"x y\"; ordered-by user; leaf y{type string;if-feature f;} leaf x {type string; when 1;}}"
+                                        "list l2 {config false;leaf value {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(list);
+    assert_non_null(list->child);
+    assert_string_equal("x", list->child->name);
+    assert_true(list->child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_string_equal("y", list->child->next->name);
+    assert_true(list->child->next->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_non_null(list->child);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_W | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_ORDBY_USER, list->flags);
+    assert_true(list->child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_true(list->child->next->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data->next;
+    assert_non_null(list);
+    assert_non_null(list->child);
+    assert_false(list->child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;"
+                                        "list l {key a; unique \"a c/b:b\"; unique \"c/e d\";"
+                                        "leaf a {type string; default x;} leaf d {type string;config false;}"
+                                        "container c {leaf b {type string;}leaf e{type string;config false;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(list);
+    assert_string_equal("l", list->name);
+    assert_string_equal("a", list->child->name);
+    assert_true(list->child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)list->child)->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(list->uniques);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques));
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques[0]));
+    assert_string_equal("a", list->uniques[0][0]->name);
+    assert_true(list->uniques[0][0]->flags & LYS_UNIQUE);
+    assert_string_equal("b", list->uniques[0][1]->name);
+    assert_true(list->uniques[0][1]->flags & LYS_UNIQUE);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques[1]));
+    assert_string_equal("e", list->uniques[1][0]->name);
+    assert_true(list->uniques[1][0]->flags & LYS_UNIQUE);
+    assert_string_equal("d", list->uniques[1][1]->name);
+    assert_true(list->uniques[1][1]->flags & LYS_UNIQUE);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:c;prefix c;"
+                                        "list l {key a;leaf a {type empty;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(list);
+    assert_string_equal("l", list->name);
+    assert_string_equal("a", list->child->name);
+    assert_true(list->child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_EMPTY, ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)list->child)->type->basetype);
+    /* keys order */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:d;prefix d;"
+                                        "list l {key \"d b c\";leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;} leaf c {type string;} leaf d {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(list);
+    assert_string_equal("l", list->name);
+    assert_non_null(child = list->child);
+    assert_string_equal("d", child->name);
+    assert_true(child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_non_null(child = child->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", child->name);
+    assert_true(child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_non_null(child = child->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c", child->name);
+    assert_true(child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    assert_non_null(child = child->next);
+    assert_string_equal("a", child->name);
+    assert_false(child->flags & LYS_KEY);
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;list l;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing key in list representing configuration data. /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;"
+                              "list l {key x; leaf x {type string; when 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("List's key must not have any \"when\" statement. /bb:l/x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;feature f;"
+                              "list l {key x; leaf x {type string; if-feature f;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("List's key must not have any \"if-feature\" statement. /cc:l/x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;"
+                              "list l {key x; leaf x {type string; config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Key of the configuration list must not be status leaf. /dd:l/x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;"
+                              "list l {config false;key x; leaf x {type string; config true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Configuration node cannot be child of any state data node. /ee:l/x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;"
+                              "list l {key x; leaf-list x {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("The list's key \"x\" not found. /ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;"
+                              "list l {key x; unique y;leaf x {type string;} leaf-list y {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Unique's descendant-schema-nodeid \"y\" refers to leaf-list node instead of a leaf. /gg:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh;"
+                              "list l {key x; unique \"x y\";leaf x {type string;} leaf y {config false; type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Unique statement \"x y\" refers to leaves with different config type. /hh:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii {namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;"
+                              "list l {key x; unique a:x;leaf x {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"a:x\" - prefix \"a\" not defined in module \"ii\". /ii:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj {namespace urn:jj;prefix jj;"
+                              "list l {key x; unique c/x;leaf x {type string;}container c {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"c/x\" - target node not found. /jj:l");
+    assert_null( lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk {namespace urn:kk;prefix kk;"
+                               "list l {key x; unique c^y;leaf x {type string;}container c {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"c^\" - missing \"/\" as node-identifier separator. /kk:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll {namespace urn:ll;prefix ll;"
+                              "list l {key \"x y x\";leaf x {type string;}leaf y {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicated key identifier \"x\". /ll:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm {namespace urn:mm;prefix mm;"
+                              "list l {key x;leaf x {type empty;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("List's key cannot be of \"empty\" type until it is in YANG 1.1 module. /mm:l/x");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_node_choice(void **state)
+    *state = test_node_choice;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_node_choice *ch;
+    struct lysc_node_case *cs;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;feature f;"
+                                        "choice ch {default a:b; when \"true()\"; case a {leaf a1 {type string;}leaf a2 {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf b {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    ch = (struct lysc_node_choice*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(ch);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_W | LYS_STATUS_CURR, ch->flags);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(ch->when));
+    assert_null(ch->when[0]->context);
+    cs = ch->cases;
+    assert_non_null(cs);
+    assert_string_equal("a", cs->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch, cs->parent);
+    assert_non_null(cs->child);
+    assert_string_equal("a1", cs->child->name);
+    assert_non_null(cs->child->next);
+    assert_string_equal("a2", cs->child->next->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(cs, cs->child->parent);
+    cs = (struct lysc_node_case*)cs->next;
+    assert_non_null(cs);
+    assert_string_equal("b", cs->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_SET_DFLT, cs->flags);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch, cs->parent);
+    assert_non_null(cs->child);
+    assert_string_equal("b", cs->child->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(cs, cs->child->parent);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch->cases->child->next, cs->child->prev);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch->cases->child->next->next, cs->child);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch->cases->child->prev, cs->child);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch->dflt, cs);
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                              "choice ch {case a {leaf x {type string;}}leaf x {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"x\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /aa:ch/x/x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa2 {namespace urn:aa2;prefix aa;"
+                              "choice ch {case a {leaf y {type string;}}case b {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"y\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /aa2:ch/b/y");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;"
+                              "choice ch {case a {leaf x {type string;}}leaf a {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"a\" of case statement. /bb:ch/a");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb2 {namespace urn:bb2;prefix bb;"
+                              "choice ch {case b {leaf x {type string;}}case b {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"b\" of case statement. /bb2:ch/b");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ca {namespace urn:ca;prefix ca;"
+                              "choice ch {default c;case a {leaf x {type string;}}case b {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Default case \"c\" not found. /ca:ch");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cb {namespace urn:cb;prefix cb; import a {prefix a;}"
+                              "choice ch {default a:a;case a {leaf x {type string;}}case b {leaf y {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid default case referencing a case from different YANG module (by prefix \"a\"). /cb:ch");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;"
+                              "choice ch {default a;case a {leaf x {mandatory true;type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Mandatory node \"x\" under the default case \"a\". /cc:ch");
+    /* TODO check with mandatory nodes from augment placed into the case */
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_node_anydata(void **state)
+    *state = test_node_anydata;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_node_anydata *any;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "anydata any {config false;mandatory true;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    any = (struct lysc_node_anydata*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(any);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_ANYDATA, any->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R | LYS_STATUS_CURR | LYS_MAND_TRUE | LYS_SET_CONFIG, any->flags);
+    logbuf_clean();
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;"
+                                        "anyxml any;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    any = (struct lysc_node_anydata*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(any);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_ANYXML, any->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_W | LYS_STATUS_CURR, any->flags);
+    logbuf_assert("Use of anyxml to define configuration data is not recommended."); /* warning */
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;anydata any;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"anydata\" as a child of \"module\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_action(void **state)
+    *state = test_action;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_action *rpc;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "rpc a {input {leaf x {type int8;} leaf y {type int8;}} output {leaf result {type int16;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    rpc = mod->compiled->rpcs;
+    assert_non_null(rpc);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(rpc));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_RPC, rpc->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, rpc->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("a", rpc->name);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:b;prefix b; container top {"
+                                        "action b {input {leaf x {type int8;} leaf y {type int8;}}"
+                                        "output {must \"result > 25\"; must \"/top\"; leaf result {type int16;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    rpc = lysc_node_actions(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_non_null(rpc);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(rpc));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_ACTION, rpc->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, rpc->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("b", rpc->name);
+    assert_null(rpc->input.musts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(rpc->output.musts));
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;container top {action x;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"action\" as a child of \"container\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;leaf x{type string;} rpc x;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"x\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /bb:x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;container c {leaf y {type string;} action y;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"y\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /cc:c/y");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;container c {action z; action z;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"z\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /dd:c/z");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule eesub {belongs-to ee {prefix ee;} notification w;}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;include eesub; rpc w;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"w\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /ee:w");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ff;prefix ff; rpc test {input {container a {leaf b {type string;}}}}"
+                              "augment /test/input/a {action invalid {input {leaf x {type string;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Action \"invalid\" is placed inside another RPC/action. /ff:{augment='/test/input/a'}/invalid");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:gg;prefix gg; notification test {container a {leaf b {type string;}}}"
+                              "augment /test/a {action invalid {input {leaf x {type string;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Action \"invalid\" is placed inside notification. /gg:{augment='/test/a'}/invalid");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:hh;prefix hh; notification test {container a {uses grp;}}"
+                              "grouping grp {action invalid {input {leaf x {type string;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Action \"invalid\" is placed inside notification. /hh:test/a/{uses='grp'}/invalid");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_notification(void **state)
+    *state = test_notification;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_notif *notif;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "notification a1 {leaf x {type int8;}} notification a2;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    notif = mod->compiled->notifs;
+    assert_non_null(notif);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(notif));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_NOTIF, notif->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, notif->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("a1", notif->name);
+    assert_non_null(notif->data);
+    assert_string_equal("x", notif->data->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_NOTIF, notif[1].nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, notif[1].flags);
+    assert_string_equal("a2", notif[1].name);
+    assert_null(notif[1].data);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:b;prefix b; container top {"
+                                        "notification b1 {leaf x {type int8;}} notification b2 {must \"/top\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    notif = lysc_node_notifs(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_non_null(notif);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(notif));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_NOTIF, notif->nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, notif->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("b1", notif->name);
+    assert_non_null(notif->data);
+    assert_string_equal("x", notif->data->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_NOTIF, notif[1].nodetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_STATUS_CURR, notif[1].flags);
+    assert_string_equal("b2", notif[1].name);
+    assert_null(notif[1].data);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(notif[1].musts));
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;container top {notification x;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"notification\" as a child of \"container\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;leaf x{type string;} notification x;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"x\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /bb:x");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;container c {leaf y {type string;} notification y;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"y\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /cc:c/y");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;container c {notification z; notification z;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"z\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /dd:c/z");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule eesub {belongs-to ee {prefix ee;} rpc w;}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;include eesub; notification w;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"w\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /ee:w");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ff;prefix ff; rpc test {input {container a {leaf b {type string;}}}}"
+                              "augment /test/input/a {notification invalid {leaf x {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Notification \"invalid\" is placed inside RPC/action. /ff:{augment='/test/input/a'}/invalid");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:gg;prefix gg; notification test {container a {leaf b {type string;}}}"
+                              "augment /test/a {notification invalid {leaf x {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Notification \"invalid\" is placed inside another notification. /gg:{augment='/test/a'}/invalid");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:hh;prefix hh; rpc test {input {container a {uses grp;}}}"
+                              "grouping grp {notification invalid {leaf x {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Notification \"invalid\" is placed inside RPC/action. /hh:test/input/a/{uses='grp'}/invalid");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+ * actually the same as length restriction (tested in test_type_length()), so just check the correct handling in appropriate types,
+ * do not test the expression itself
+ */
+static void
+test_type_range(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_range;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;leaf l {type int8 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(-128, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(127, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(127, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;leaf l {type int16 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT16, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(-32768, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(32767, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(32767, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c;leaf l {type int32 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT32, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(-2147483648), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(2147483647), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(2147483647), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d;leaf l {type int64 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT64, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(-9223372036854775807) - INT64_C(1), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(9223372036854775807), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(9223372036854775807), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {namespace urn:e;prefix e;leaf l {type uint8 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT8, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(255, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(255, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {namespace urn:f;prefix f;leaf l {type uint16 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT16, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(65535, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(65535, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {namespace urn:g;prefix g;leaf l {type uint32 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT32, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(4294967295), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(4294967295), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module h {namespace urn:h;prefix h;leaf l {type uint64 {range min..10|max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT64, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615), ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module i {namespace urn:i;prefix i;typedef mytype {type uint8 {range 10..100;}}"
+                                             "typedef mytype2 {type mytype;} leaf l {type mytype2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(3, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT8, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module j {namespace urn:j;prefix j;"
+                                             "typedef mytype {type uint8 {range 1..100{description \"one to hundred\";reference A;}}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {range 1..10 {description \"one to ten\";reference B;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT8, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range);
+    assert_string_equal("one to ten", ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("B", ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->ref);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_num*)type)->range->parts[0].max_u64);
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_length(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_length;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;leaf l {type binary {length min {error-app-tag errortag;error-message error;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_string_equal("errortag", ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->eapptag);
+    assert_string_equal("error", ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->emsg);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;leaf l {type binary {length max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615), ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615), ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c;leaf l {type binary {length min..max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(UINT64_C(18446744073709551615), ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d;leaf l {type binary {length 5;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(5, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(5, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {namespace urn:e;prefix e;leaf l {type binary {length 1..10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {namespace urn:f;prefix f;leaf l {type binary {length 1..10|20..30;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(20, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(30, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {namespace urn:g;prefix g;leaf l {type binary {length \"16 | 32\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(16, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(16, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(32, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(32, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module h {namespace urn:h;prefix h;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length \"10\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module i {namespace urn:i;prefix i;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length \"50\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(50, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(50, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module j {namespace urn:j;prefix j;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length \"10..30|60..100\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(30, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(60, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[1].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module k {namespace urn:k;prefix k;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length \"10..80\";}}leaf ll {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(80, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(2, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_type_bin*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module l {namespace urn:l;prefix l;typedef mytype {type string {length 10..100;}}"
+                                             "typedef mytype2 {type mytype {pattern '[0-9]*';}} leaf l {type mytype2 {pattern '[0-4]*';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module m {namespace urn:m;prefix m;typedef mytype {type string {length 10;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length min..max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts[0].min_u64);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->length->parts[0].max_u64);
+    /* invalid values */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;leaf l {type binary {length -10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - value \"-10\" does not fit the type limitations. /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;leaf l {type binary {length 18446744073709551616;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - invalid value \"18446744073709551616\". /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;leaf l {type binary {length \"max .. 10\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected data after max keyword (.. 10). /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;leaf l {type binary {length 50..10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - values are not in ascending order (10). /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;leaf l {type binary {length \"50 | 10\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - values are not in ascending order (10). /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;leaf l {type binary {length \"x\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected data (x). /ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;leaf l {type binary {length \"50 | min\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected data before min keyword (50 | ). /gg:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh;leaf l {type binary {length \"| 50\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected beginning of the expression (| 50). /hh:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii {namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;leaf l {type binary {length \"10 ..\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected end of the expression after \"..\" (10 ..). /ii:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj {namespace urn:jj;prefix jj;leaf l {type binary {length \".. 10\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected \"..\" without a lower bound. /jj:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk {namespace urn:kk;prefix kk;leaf l {type binary {length \"10 |\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - unexpected end of the expression (10 |). /kk:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kl {namespace urn:kl;prefix kl;leaf l {type binary {length \"10..20 | 15..30\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - values are not in ascending order (15). /kl:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll {namespace urn:ll;prefix ll;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10;}}"
+                                   "leaf l {type mytype {length 11;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (11) is not equally or more limiting. /ll:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm {namespace urn:mm;prefix mm;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                   "leaf l {type mytype {length 1..11;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (1..11) is not equally or more limiting. /mm:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module nn {namespace urn:nn;prefix nn;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                   "leaf l {type mytype {length 20..110;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (20..110) is not equally or more limiting. /nn:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module oo {namespace urn:oo;prefix oo;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..100;}}"
+                                   "leaf l {type mytype {length 20..30|110..120;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (20..30|110..120) is not equally or more limiting. /oo:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module pp {namespace urn:pp;prefix pp;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..11;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length 15;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (15) is not equally or more limiting. /pp:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module qq {namespace urn:qq;prefix qq;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10..20|30..40;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length 15..35;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (15..35) is not equally or more limiting. /qq:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module rr {namespace urn:rr;prefix rr;typedef mytype {type binary {length 10;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length 10..35;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid length restriction - the derived restriction (10..35) is not equally or more limiting. /rr:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ss {namespace urn:ss;prefix ss;leaf l {type binary {pattern '[0-9]*';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid type restrictions for binary type. /ss:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_pattern(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_pattern;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:a;prefix a;leaf l {type string {"
+                                        "pattern .* {error-app-tag errortag;error-message error;}"
+                                        "pattern [0-9].*[0-9] {modifier invert-match;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns));
+    assert_string_equal("errortag", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->eapptag);
+    assert_string_equal("error", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->emsg);
+    assert_string_equal(".*", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->expr);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->inverted);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->eapptag);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->emsg);
+    assert_string_equal("[0-9].*[0-9]", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->expr);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->inverted);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;typedef mytype {type string {pattern '[0-9]*';}}"
+                                             "typedef mytype2 {type mytype {length 10;}} leaf l {type mytype2 {pattern '[0-4]*';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns));
+    assert_string_equal("[0-9]*", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->expr);
+    assert_int_equal(3, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->refcount);
+    assert_string_equal("[0-4]*", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->expr);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[1]->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c;typedef mytype {type string {pattern '[0-9]*';}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {length 10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns));
+    assert_string_equal("[0-9]*", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->expr);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->refcount);
+    /* test substitutions */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d;leaf l {type string {"
+                                        "pattern '^\\p{IsLatinExtended-A}$';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns));
+    assert_string_equal("^\\p{IsLatinExtended-A}$", ((struct lysc_type_str*)type)->patterns[0]->expr);
+    /* TODO check some data "^Å™$" */
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_enum(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_enum;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:a;prefix a;feature f; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                        "enum automin; enum min {value -2147483648;}enum one {if-feature f; value 1;}"
+                                        "enum two; enum seven {value 7;}enum eight;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_ENUM, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums);
+    assert_int_equal(6, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums));
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[2].iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("automin", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[0].name);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[0].value);
+    assert_string_equal("min", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[1].name);
+    assert_int_equal(-2147483648, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[1].value);
+    assert_string_equal("one", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[2].name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[2].value);
+    assert_string_equal("two", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[3].name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[3].value);
+    assert_string_equal("seven", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[4].name);
+    assert_int_equal(7, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[4].value);
+    assert_string_equal("eight", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[5].name);
+    assert_int_equal(8, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[5].value);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:b;prefix b;feature f; typedef mytype {type enumeration {"
+                                        "enum 11; enum min {value -2147483648;}enum x$&;"
+                                        "enum two; enum seven {value 7;}enum eight;}} leaf l { type mytype {enum seven;enum eight;}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_ENUM, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums));
+    assert_string_equal("seven", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[0].name);
+    assert_int_equal(7, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[0].value);
+    assert_string_equal("eight", ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[1].name);
+    assert_int_equal(8, ((struct lysc_type_enum*)type)->enums[1].value);
+    /* invalid cases */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; feature f; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum one {if-feature f;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"if-feature\" as a child of \"enum\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum one {value -2147483649;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-2147483649\" of \"value\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum one {value 2147483648;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"2147483648\" of \"value\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum one; enum one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"one\" of enum statement. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum '';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Enum name must not be zero-length. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum ' x';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Enum name must not have any leading or trailing whitespaces (\" x\"). Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                   "enum 'x ';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Enum name must not have any leading or trailing whitespaces (\"x \"). Line number 1.");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type enumeration {"
+                                  "enum 'inva\nlid';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Control characters in enum name should be avoided (\"inva\nlid\", character number 5).");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb; leaf l {type enumeration;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing enum substatement for enumeration type. /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;typedef mytype {type enumeration {enum one;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {enum two;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid enumeration - derived type adds new item \"two\". /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;typedef mytype {type enumeration {enum one;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {enum one {value 1;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid enumeration - value of the item \"one\" has changed from 0 to 1 in the derived type. /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;leaf l {type enumeration {enum x {value 2147483647;}enum y;}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid enumeration - it is not possible to auto-assign enum value for \"y\" since the highest value is already 2147483647. /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;leaf l {type enumeration {enum x {value 1;}enum y {value 1;}}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid enumeration - value 1 collide in items \"y\" and \"x\". /ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;typedef mytype {type enumeration;}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {enum one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing enum substatement for enumeration type mytype. /gg:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh; typedef mytype {type enumeration {enum one;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype {enum one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Enumeration type can be subtyped only in YANG 1.1 modules. /hh:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_bits(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_bits;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:a;prefix a;feature f; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                        "bit automin; bit one {if-feature f; position 1;}"
+                                        "bit two; bit seven {position 7;}bit eight;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_BITS, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits);
+    assert_int_equal(5, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits));
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[1].iffeatures);
+    assert_string_equal("automin", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[0].name);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[0].position);
+    assert_string_equal("one", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[1].name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[1].position);
+    assert_string_equal("two", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[2].name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[2].position);
+    assert_string_equal("seven", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[3].name);
+    assert_int_equal(7, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[3].position);
+    assert_string_equal("eight", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[4].name);
+    assert_int_equal(8, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[4].position);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:b;prefix b;feature f; typedef mytype {type bits {"
+                                        "bit automin; bit one;bit two; bit seven {position 7;}bit eight;}} leaf l { type mytype {bit eight;bit seven;bit automin;}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_BITS, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits));
+    assert_string_equal("automin", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[0].name);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[0].position);
+    assert_string_equal("seven", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[1].name);
+    assert_int_equal(7, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[1].position);
+    assert_string_equal("eight", ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[2].name);
+    assert_int_equal(8, ((struct lysc_type_bits*)type)->bits[2].position);
+    /* invalid cases */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; feature f; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit one {if-feature f;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid keyword \"if-feature\" as a child of \"bit\" - the statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit one {position -1;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-1\" of \"position\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit one {position 4294967296;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"4294967296\" of \"position\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit one; bit one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"one\" of bit statement. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit '11';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier first character '1'. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type bits {"
+                                   "bit 'x1$1';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier character '$'. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb; leaf l {type bits;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing bit substatement for bits type. /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;typedef mytype {type bits {bit one;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {bit two;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid bits - derived type adds new item \"two\". /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;typedef mytype {type bits {bit one;}}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {bit one {position 1;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid bits - position of the item \"one\" has changed from 0 to 1 in the derived type. /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;leaf l {type bits {bit x {position 4294967295;}bit y;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid bits - it is not possible to auto-assign bit position for \"y\" since the highest value is already 4294967295. /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;leaf l {type bits {bit x {position 1;}bit y {position 1;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid bits - position 1 collide in items \"y\" and \"x\". /ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;typedef mytype {type bits;}"
+                                             "leaf l {type mytype {bit one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing bit substatement for bits type mytype. /gg:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh; typedef mytype {type bits {bit one;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype {bit one;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Bits type can be subtyped only in YANG 1.1 modules. /hh:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_dec64(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_dec64;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;leaf l {type decimal64 {"
+                                        "fraction-digits 2;range min..max;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->fraction_digits);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(-9223372036854775807) - INT64_C(1), ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(INT64_C(9223372036854775807), ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;typedef mytype {type decimal64 {"
+                                        "fraction-digits 2;range '3.14 | 5.1 | 10';}}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->fraction_digits);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(314, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(314, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(510, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[1].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(510, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[1].max_64);
+    assert_int_equal(1000, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[2].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(1000, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[2].max_64);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c;typedef mytype {type decimal64 {"
+                                        "fraction-digits 2;range '1 .. 65535';}}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(2, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->fraction_digits);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts));
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].min_64);
+    assert_int_equal(6553500, ((struct lysc_type_dec*)type)->range->parts[0].max_64);
+    /* invalid cases */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 0;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"0\" of \"fraction-digits\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type decimal64 {fraction-digits -1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"-1\" of \"fraction-digits\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 19;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Value \"19\" is out of \"fraction-digits\" bounds. Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type decimal64;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing fraction-digits substatement for decimal64 type. /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ab {namespace urn:ab;prefix ab; typedef mytype {type decimal64;}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing fraction-digits substatement for decimal64 type mytype. /ab:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb; leaf l {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;"
+                                        "range '3.142';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Range boundary \"3.142\" of decimal64 type exceeds defined number (2) of fraction digits. /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc; leaf l {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;"
+                                        "range '4 | 3.14';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid range restriction - values are not in ascending order (3.14). /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd; typedef mytype {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype {fraction-digits 3;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid fraction-digits substatement for type not directly derived from decimal64 built-in type. /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module de {namespace urn:de;prefix de; typedef mytype {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;}}"
+                                        "typedef mytype2 {type mytype {fraction-digits 3;}}leaf l {type mytype2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid fraction-digits substatement for type \"mytype2\" not directly derived from decimal64 built-in type. /de:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:c;prefix c;typedef mytype {type decimal64 {"
+                              "fraction-digits 18;range '-10 .. 0';}}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid range restriction - invalid value \"-10000000000000000000\". /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:c;prefix c;typedef mytype {type decimal64 {"
+                              "fraction-digits 18;range '0 .. 10';}}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid range restriction - invalid value \"10000000000000000000\". /ee:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_instanceid(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_instanceid;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;typedef mytype {type instance-identifier {require-instance false;}}"
+                                        "leaf l1 {type instance-identifier {require-instance true;}}"
+                                        "leaf l2 {type mytype;} leaf l3 {type instance-identifier;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INST, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_instanceid*)type)->require_instance);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INST, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_instanceid*)type)->require_instance);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INST, type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_instanceid*)type)->require_instance);
+    /* invalid cases */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type instance-identifier {require-instance yes;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid value \"yes\" of \"require-instance\". Line number 1.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type instance-identifier {fraction-digits 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid type restrictions for instance-identifier type. /aa:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_identityref(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_identityref;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:a;prefix a;identity i; identity j; identity k {base i;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type identityref {base i;}}"
+                                        "leaf l1 {type mytype;} leaf l2 {type identityref {base a:k; base j;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_IDENT, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases));
+    assert_string_equal("i", ((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases[0]->name);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_IDENT, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases));
+    assert_string_equal("k", ((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases[0]->name);
+    assert_string_equal("j", ((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases[1]->name);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:b;prefix b;import a {prefix a;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type identityref {base a:k; base a:j;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_IDENT, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases));
+    assert_string_equal("k", ((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases[0]->name);
+    assert_string_equal("j", ((struct lysc_type_identityref*)type)->bases[1]->name);
+    /* invalid cases */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; leaf l {type identityref;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing base substatement for identityref type. /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb; typedef mytype {type identityref;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing base substatement for identityref type mytype. /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc; identity i; typedef mytype {type identityref {base i;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype {base i;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid base substatement for the type not directly derived from identityref built-in type. /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd; identity i; typedef mytype {type identityref {base i;}}"
+                                        "typedef mytype2 {type mytype {base i;}}leaf l {type mytype2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid base substatement for the type \"mytype2\" not directly derived from identityref built-in type. /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee; identity i; identity j;"
+                                        "leaf l {type identityref {base i;base j;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Multiple bases in identityref type are allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff; identity i;leaf l {type identityref {base j;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Unable to find base (j) of identityref. /ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;leaf l {type identityref {base x:j;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid prefix used for base (x:j) of identityref. /gg:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_leafref(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_leafref;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    const char *path, *name, *prefix;
+    size_t prefix_len, name_len;
+    int parent_times, has_predicate;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    /* lys_path_token() */
+    path = "invalid_path";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    path = "..";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    path = "..[";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    path = "../";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    path = "/";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    path = "../../pref:id/xxx[predicate]/invalid!!!";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    assert_string_equal("/xxx[predicate]/invalid!!!", path);
+    assert_int_equal(4, prefix_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("pref", prefix, prefix_len));
+    assert_int_equal(2, name_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("id", name, name_len));
+    assert_int_equal(2, parent_times);
+    assert_int_equal(0, has_predicate);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    assert_string_equal("[predicate]/invalid!!!", path);
+    assert_int_equal(0, prefix_len);
+    assert_null(prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(3, name_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("xxx", name, name_len));
+    assert_int_equal(1, has_predicate);
+    path += 11;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    assert_string_equal("!!!", path);
+    assert_int_equal(0, prefix_len);
+    assert_null(prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(7, name_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("invalid", name, name_len));
+    path = "/absolute/prefix:path";
+    parent_times = 0;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    assert_string_equal("/prefix:path", path);
+    assert_int_equal(0, prefix_len);
+    assert_null(prefix);
+    assert_int_equal(8, name_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("absolute", name, name_len));
+    assert_int_equal(-1, parent_times);
+    assert_int_equal(0, has_predicate);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_path_token(&path, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len, &parent_times, &has_predicate));
+    assert_int_equal(0, *path);
+    assert_int_equal(6, prefix_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("prefix", prefix, prefix_len));
+    assert_int_equal(4, name_len);
+    assert_int_equal(0, strncmp("path", name, name_len));
+    assert_int_equal(0, has_predicate);
+    /* complete leafref paths */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /a:target1;}} leaf ref2 {type leafref {path /a/target2; require-instance false;}}"
+                                        "leaf target1 {type string;}container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/a:target1", ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->require_instance);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/a/target2", ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT8, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->require_instance);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b; typedef mytype {type leafref {path /b:target;}}"
+                                        "typedef mytype2 {type mytype;} typedef mytype3 {type leafref {path /target;}} leaf ref {type mytype2;}"
+                                        "leaf target {type leafref {path ../realtarget;}} leaf realtarget {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/b:target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->require_instance);
+    /* prefixes are reversed to check using correct context of the path! */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:c;prefix b; import b {prefix c;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype3 {type c:mytype {require-instance false;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type b:mytype3;}leaf ref2 {type c:mytype2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/b:target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_not_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(0, ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->require_instance);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/b:target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_not_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->require_instance);
+    /* non-prefixed nodes in path are supposed to be from the module where the leafref type is instantiated */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d; import b {prefix b;}"
+                                        "leaf ref {type b:mytype3;}leaf target {type int8;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_not_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->require_instance);
+    /* conditional leafrefs */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:e;prefix e;feature f1; feature f2;"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {if-feature 'f1 and f2';type leafref {path /target;}}"
+                                        "leaf target {if-feature f1; type boolean;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_BOOL, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {namespace urn:f;prefix f;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}list address {key ip;leaf ip {type string;}}}"
+                                        "container default-address{leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../../interface/name\";}}"
+                                          "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"../../interface[  name = current()/../ifname ]/address/ip\";}}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)(*lysc_node_children_p(mod->compiled->data->prev, 0))->prev)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("../../interface[  name = current()/../ifname ]/address/ip", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {namespace urn:g;prefix g;"
+                                        "leaf source {type leafref {path \"/endpoint-parent[id=current()/../field]/endpoint/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf field {type int32;}list endpoint-parent {key id;leaf id {type int32;}"
+                                        "list endpoint {key name;leaf name {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/endpoint-parent[id=current()/../field]/endpoint/name", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->path_context);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    /* leafref to imported (not yet implemented) module */
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module h {namespace urn:h;prefix h; leaf h  {type uint16;}}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module i {namespace urn:i;prefix i;import h {prefix h;}"
+                                        "leaf i {type leafref {path /h:h;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT16, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "h"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, mod->implemented);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("h", mod->compiled->data->name);
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module j {namespace urn:j;prefix j; leaf j  {type string;}}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module k {namespace urn:k;prefix k;import j {prefix j;}"
+                                        "leaf i {type leafref {path \"/ilist[name = current()/../j:j]/value\";}}"
+                                        "list ilist {key name; leaf name {type string;} leaf value {type uint16;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UINT16, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "j"));
+    assert_int_equal(1, mod->implemented);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("j", mod->compiled->data->name);
+    /* leafref with a default value */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module l {namespace urn:l;prefix l;"
+                                        "leaf source {type leafref {path \"../target\";}default true;}"
+                                        "leaf target {type boolean;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("../target", ((struct lysc_type_leafref* )type)->path);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_BOOL, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)type)->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->dflt);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_BOOL, ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->dflt->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->dflt->boolean);
+    /* invalid paths */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path ../a/invalid;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path - unable to find \"../a/invalid\". /aa:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path ../../toohigh;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path \"../../toohigh\" - too many \"..\" in the path. /bb:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /a:invalid;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path - unable to find module connected with the prefix of the node \"/a:invalid\". /cc:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;leaf target1 {type string;}container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path '/a[target2 = current()/../target1]/target2';}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path - node \"/a\" is expected to be a list, but it is container. /dd:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /a!invalid;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path at character 3 (/a!invalid). /ee:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path \"/a\" - target node is container instead of leaf or leaf-list. /ff:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;container a {leaf target2 {type uint8; status deprecated;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /a/target2;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A current definition \"ref1\" is not allowed to reference deprecated definition \"target2\". /gg:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh;"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing path substatement for leafref type. /hh:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii {namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;typedef mytype {type leafref;}"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing path substatement for leafref type mytype. /ii:ref1");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj {namespace urn:jj;prefix jj;feature f;"
+                                        "leaf ref {type leafref {path /target;}}leaf target {if-feature f;type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path \"/target\" - set of features applicable to the leafref target is not a subset of features "
+                  "applicable to the leafref itself. /jj:ref");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk {namespace urn:kk;prefix kk;"
+                                        "leaf ref {type leafref {path /target;}}leaf target {type string;config false;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path \"/target\" - target is supposed to represent configuration data (as the leafref does), but it does not. /kk:ref");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll {namespace urn:ll;prefix ll;"
+                                        "leaf ref {type leafref {path /target; require-instance true;}}leaf target {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Leafref type can be restricted by require-instance statement only in YANG 1.1 modules. /ll:ref");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm {namespace urn:mm;prefix mm;typedef mytype {type leafref {path /target;require-instance false;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref {type mytype;}leaf target {type string;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Leafref type \"mytype\" can be restricted by require-instance statement only in YANG 1.1 modules. /mm:ref");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module nn {namespace urn:nn;prefix nn;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name is current()/../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name i\" - missing \"=\" after node-identifier. /nn:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module oo {namespace urn:oo;prefix oo;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name=current()/../ifname/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name=current()/../ifname/ip\" - missing predicate termination. /oo:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module pp {namespace urn:pp;prefix pp;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[x:name=current()/../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[x:name=current()/../ifname]\" - prefix \"x\" not defined in module \"pp\". /pp:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module qq {namespace urn:qq;prefix qq;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[id=current()/../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[id=current()/../ifname]\" - predicate's key node \"id\" not found. /qq:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module rr {namespace urn:rr;prefix rr;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name=current() /  .. / ifname][name=current()/../test]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name=current()/../test]\" - multiple equality tests for the key \"name\". /rr:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ss {namespace urn:ss;prefix ss;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = ../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name = ../ifname]\" - missing current-function-invocation. /ss:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module tt {namespace urn:tt;prefix tt;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = current()../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name = current()../ifname]\" - missing \"/\" after current-function-invocation. /tt:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module uu {namespace urn:uu;prefix uu;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = current()/..ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name = current()/..ifname]\" - missing \"/\" in \"../\" rel-path-keyexpr pattern. /uu:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module vv {namespace urn:vv;prefix vv;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = current()/ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name = current()/ifname]\" - at least one \"..\" is expected in rel-path-keyexpr. /vv:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ww {namespace urn:ww;prefix ww;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = current()/../]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name = current()/../]\" - at least one node-identifier is expected in rel-path-keyexpr. /ww:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module xx {namespace urn:xx;prefix xx;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}leaf test{type string;}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name = current()/../$node]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid node identifier in leafref path predicate - character 22 (of [name = current()/../$node]). /xx:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module yy {namespace urn:yy;prefix yy;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name=current()/../x:ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name=current()/../x:ifname]\" - unable to find module of the node \"ifname\" in rel-path-keyexpr. /yy:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module zz {namespace urn:zz;prefix zz;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name=current()/../xxx]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name=current()/../xxx]\" - unable to find node \"current()/../xxx\" in the rel-path-keyexpr. /zz:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module zza {namespace urn:zza;prefix zza;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}container c;"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[name=current()/../c]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[name=current()/../c]\" - rel-path-keyexpr \"current()/../c\" refers container instead of leaf. /zza:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module zzb {namespace urn:zzb;prefix zzb;"
+                                        "list interface{key name;leaf name{type string;}leaf ip {type string;}container c;}"
+                                        "leaf ifname{type leafref{ path \"../interface/name\";}}"
+                                        "leaf address {type leafref{ path \"/interface[c=current()/../ifname]/ip\";}}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path predicate \"[c=current()/../ifname]\" - predicate's key node \"c\" not found. /zzb:address");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module zzc {namespace urn:zzc;prefix zzc;"
+                                        "leaf source {type leafref {path \"../target\";}default true;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path - unable to find \"../target\". /zzc:source");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module zzd {namespace urn:zzd;prefix zzd;"
+                                        "leaf source {type leafref {path \"../target\";}default true;}"
+                                        "leaf target {type uint8;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid default - value does not fit the type (Invalid uint8 value \"true\".). /zzd:source");
+    /* circular chain */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aaa {namespace urn:aaa;prefix aaa;"
+                                        "leaf ref1 {type leafref {path /ref2;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref2 {type leafref {path /ref3;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref3 {type leafref {path /ref4;}}"
+                                        "leaf ref4 {type leafref {path /ref1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leafref path \"/ref1\" - circular chain of leafrefs detected. /aaa:ref4");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_empty(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_empty;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                                        "leaf l {type empty; default x;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid leaf's default value \"x\" which does not fit the type (Invalid empty value \"x\".). /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;typedef mytype {type empty; default x;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid type \"mytype\" - \"empty\" type must not have a default value (x). /bb:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_union(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_union;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:a;prefix a; typedef mybasetype {type string;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type union {type int8; type mybasetype;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(2, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UNION, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[0]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1]->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:b;prefix b; typedef mybasetype {type string;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type union {type int8; type mybasetype;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type union {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;} type mytype;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UNION, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[0]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[2]->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:c;prefix c; typedef mybasetype {type string;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type union {type leafref {path ../target;} type mybasetype;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type union {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;} type mytype;}}"
+                                        "leaf target {type leafref {path ../realtarget;}} leaf realtarget {type int8;}}",
+                                        LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UNION, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[0]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_LEAFREF, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[2]->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_leafref*)((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1])->realtype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, ((struct lysc_type_leafref*)((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1])->realtype->basetype);
+    /* invalid unions */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;typedef mytype {type union;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing type substatement for union type mytype. /aa:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;leaf l {type union;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+   logbuf_assert("Missing type substatement for union type. /bb:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;typedef mytype {type union{type int8; type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid type substatement for the type not directly derived from union built-in type. /cc:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;typedef mytype {type union{type int8; type string;}}"
+                                        "typedef mytype2 {type mytype {type string;}}leaf l {type mytype2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid type substatement for the type \"mytype2\" not directly derived from union built-in type. /dd:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;typedef mytype {type union{type mytype; type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid \"mytype\" type reference - circular chain of types detected. /ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ef {namespace urn:ef;prefix ef;typedef mytype {type mytype2;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype2 {type mytype;} leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid \"mytype\" type reference - circular chain of types detected. /ef:l");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_type_dflt(void **state)
+    *state = test_type_union;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_type *type;
+    struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf;
+    int dynamic;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    /* default is not inherited from union's types */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a; typedef mybasetype {type string;default hello;units xxx;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type union {type decimal64 {fraction-digits 2;} type mybasetype;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(1, type->refcount);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_UNION, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_DEC64, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[0]->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, ((struct lysc_type_union*)type)->types[1]->basetype);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->dflt);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->units);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b; typedef mybasetype {type string;default hello;units xxx;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mybasetype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(3, type->refcount); /* 2x type reference, 1x default value's reference (typedf's default does not reference own type)*/
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", leaf->units);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c; typedef mybasetype {type string;default hello;units xxx;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mybasetype; default goodbye;units yyy;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(3, type->refcount); /* 2x type reference, 1x default value's reference */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_string_equal("goodbye", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("yyy", leaf->units);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d; typedef mybasetype {type string;default hello;units xxx;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type mybasetype;}leaf l1 {type mytype; default goodbye;units yyy;}"
+                                        "leaf l2 {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(6, type->refcount); /* 4x type reference, 2x default value's reference (1 shared compiled type of typedefs which default does not reference own type) */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_string_equal("goodbye", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("yyy", leaf->units);
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(6, type->refcount); /* 4x type reference, 2x default value's reference (1 shared compiled type of typedefs which default does not reference own type) */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data->next;
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", leaf->units);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {namespace urn:e;prefix e; typedef mybasetype {type string;}"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type mybasetype; default hello;units xxx;}leaf l {type mytype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(4, type->refcount); /* 3x type reference, 1x default value's reference (typedef's default does not reference own type) */
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", leaf->units);
+    /* mandatory leaf does not takes default value from type */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {namespace urn:f;prefix f;typedef mytype {type string; default hello;units xxx;}"
+                                        "leaf l {type mytype; mandatory true;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    type = ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->type;
+    assert_non_null(type);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, type->basetype);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("xxx", ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data)->units);
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_status(void **state)
+    *state = test_status;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                                        "container c {status deprecated; leaf l {status current; type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A \"current\" status is in conflict with the parent's \"deprecated\" status. /aa:c/l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;"
+                                        "container c {status obsolete; leaf l {status current; type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A \"current\" status is in conflict with the parent's \"obsolete\" status. /bb:c/l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;"
+                                        "container c {status obsolete; leaf l {status deprecated; type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A \"deprecated\" status is in conflict with the parent's \"obsolete\" status. /cc:c/l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:dd;prefix d;"
+                                        "container c {leaf l {status obsolete; type string;}}"
+                                        "container d {leaf m {when \"../../c/l\"; type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A current definition \"m\" is not allowed to reference obsolete definition \"l\". /cc:d/m");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_grouping(void **state)
+    *state = test_grouping;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    /* result ok, but a warning about not used locally scoped grouping printed */
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a; grouping grp1 {leaf a1 {type string;}}"
+                                  "container a {leaf x {type string;} grouping grp2 {leaf a2 {type string;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Locally scoped grouping \"grp2\" not used.");
+    logbuf_clean();
+    /* result ok - when statement or leafref target must be checked only at the place where the grouping is really instantiated */
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b; grouping grp {"
+                                  "leaf ref {type leafref {path \"../name\";}}"
+                                  "leaf cond {type string; when \"../name = 'specialone'\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("");
+    /* invalid - error in a non-instantiated grouping */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                                        "grouping grp {leaf x {type leafref;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing path substatement for leafref type. /aa:{grouping='grp'}/x");
+    logbuf_clean();
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;"
+                                        "container a {grouping grp {leaf x {type leafref;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Missing path substatement for leafref type. /aa:a/{grouping='grp'}/x");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_uses(void **state)
+    *state = test_uses;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_node *parent, *child;
+    const struct lysc_node_container *cont;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module grp {namespace urn:grp;prefix g; typedef mytype {type string;} feature f;"
+                              "grouping grp {leaf x {type mytype;} leaf y {type string; if-feature f;}}}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "grouping grp_a_top {leaf a1 {type int8;}}"
+                                        "container a {uses grp_a; uses grp_a_top; uses g:grp; grouping grp_a {leaf a2 {type uint8;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((parent = mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, parent->nodetype);
+    assert_non_null((child = ((struct lysc_node_container*)parent)->child));
+    assert_string_equal("a2", child->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, child->module);
+    assert_non_null((child = child->next));
+    assert_string_equal("a1", child->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, child->module);
+    assert_non_null((child = child->next));
+    assert_string_equal("x", child->name);
+    assert_ptr_equal(mod, child->module);
+    assert_non_null((child = child->next));
+    assert_string_equal("y", child->name);
+    assert_non_null(child->iffeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(child->iffeatures));
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(child->iffeatures[0].features));
+    assert_string_equal("f", child->iffeatures[0].features[0]->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_EINVAL, lys_feature_enable(mod->compiled->imports[0].module, "f"));
+    logbuf_assert("Module \"grp\" is not implemented so all its features are permanently disabled without a chance to change it.");
+    assert_int_equal(0, lysc_iffeature_value(&child->iffeatures[0]));
+    /* make the imported module implemented and enable the feature */
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, "grp", NULL));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_set_implemented(mod));
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_feature_enable(mod, "f"));
+    assert_string_equal("f", child->iffeatures[0].features[0]->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, lysc_iffeature_value(&child->iffeatures[0]));
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule bsub {belongs-to b {prefix b;} grouping grp {leaf b {when 1; type string;} leaf c {type string;}}}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;include bsub;uses grp {when 2;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, mod->compiled->data->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("b", mod->compiled->data->name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->data->when));
+    assert_int_equal(1, mod->compiled->data->when[0]->refcount);
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data->when[0]->context);
+    assert_string_equal("b", mod->compiled->data->when[0]->context->name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, mod->compiled->data->when[1]->refcount);
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->data->when[1]->context);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, mod->compiled->data->next->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("c", mod->compiled->data->next->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->data->next->when));
+    assert_int_equal(2, mod->compiled->data->next->when[0]->refcount);
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->data->next->when[0]->context);
+    logbuf_clean();
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;"
+                                        "grouping grp {leaf l {type string;}leaf k {type string; status obsolete;}}"
+                                        "uses grp {status deprecated;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, mod->compiled->data->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("l", mod->compiled->data->name);
+    assert_true(LYS_STATUS_DEPRC & mod->compiled->data->flags);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, mod->compiled->data->next->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("k", mod->compiled->data->next->name);
+    assert_true(LYS_STATUS_OBSLT & mod->compiled->data->next->flags);
+    logbuf_assert(""); /* no warning about inheriting deprecated flag from uses */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d; grouping grp {container g;}"
+                                        "container top {uses grp {augment g {leaf x {type int8;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_non_null(child = lysc_node_children(mod->compiled->data, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("g", child->name);
+    assert_non_null(child = lysc_node_children(child, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("x", child->name);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:e;prefix e; grouping grp {action g { description \"super g\";}}"
+                                        "container top {action e; uses grp {refine g {description \"ultra g\";}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    cont = (const struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(cont->actions);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(cont->actions));
+    assert_string_equal("e", cont->actions[1].name);
+    assert_string_equal("g", cont->actions[0].name);
+    assert_string_equal("ultra g", cont->actions[0].dsc);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:f;prefix f; grouping grp {notification g { description \"super g\";}}"
+                                        "container top {notification f; uses grp {refine g {description \"ultra g\";}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    cont = (const struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data;
+    assert_non_null(cont->notifs);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(cont->notifs));
+    assert_string_equal("f", cont->notifs[1].name);
+    assert_string_equal("g", cont->notifs[0].name);
+    assert_string_equal("ultra g", cont->notifs[0].dsc);
+    /* empty grouping */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {namespace urn:g;prefix g; grouping grp; uses grp;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;uses missinggrp;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Grouping \"missinggrp\" referenced by a uses statement not found. /aa:{uses='missinggrp'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;uses grp;"
+                                        "grouping grp {leaf a{type string;}uses grp1;}"
+                                        "grouping grp1 {leaf b {type string;}uses grp2;}"
+                                        "grouping grp2 {leaf c {type string;}uses grp;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Grouping \"grp\" references itself through a uses statement. /bb:{uses='grp'}/{uses='grp1'}/{uses='grp2'}/{uses='grp'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;uses a:missingprefix;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid prefix used for grouping reference. /cc:{uses='a:missingprefix'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;grouping grp{leaf a{type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf a {type string;}uses grp;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"a\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /dd:{uses='grp'}/dd:a");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;grouping grp {leaf l {type string; status deprecated;}}"
+                                        "uses grp {status obsolete;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A \"deprecated\" status is in conflict with the parent's \"obsolete\" status. /ee:{uses='grp'}/ee:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;grouping grp {leaf l {type string;}}"
+                                        "leaf l {type int8;}uses grp;}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"l\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /ff:{uses='grp'}/ff:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module fg {namespace urn:fg;prefix fg;grouping grp {leaf m {type string;}}"
+                                        "uses grp;leaf m {type int8;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"m\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /fg:m");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg; grouping grp {container g;}"
+                              "leaf g {type string;}"
+                              "container top {uses grp {augment /g {leaf x {type int8;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"/g\" - absolute-schema-nodeid used. /gg:top/{uses='grp'}/{augment='/g'}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:hh;prefix hh;"
+                                        "grouping grp {notification g { description \"super g\";}}"
+                                        "container top {notification h; uses grp {refine h {description \"ultra h\";}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"h\" - target node not found. /hh:top/{uses='grp'}/{refine='h'}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;"
+                                        "grouping grp {action g { description \"super g\";}}"
+                                        "container top {action i; uses grp {refine i {description \"ultra i\";}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid descendant-schema-nodeid value \"i\" - target node not found. /ii:top/{uses='grp'}/{refine='i'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:jj;prefix jj;"
+                              "grouping grp {leaf j { when \"1\"; type invalid;}}"
+                              "container top {uses grp;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Referenced type \"invalid\" not found. /jj:top/{uses='grp'}/j");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_refine(void **state)
+    *state = test_refine;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    struct lysc_node *parent, *child;
+    struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf;
+    struct lysc_node_leaflist *llist;
+    int dynamic;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module grp {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:grp;prefix g; feature f;typedef mytype {type string; default cheers!;}"
+                                       "grouping grp {container c {leaf l {type mytype; default goodbye;}"
+                                       "leaf-list ll {type mytype; default goodbye; max-elements 6;}"
+                                       "choice ch {default a; leaf a {type int8;}leaf b{type uint8;}}"
+                                       "leaf x {type mytype; mandatory true; must 1;}"
+                                       "anydata a {mandatory false; if-feature f; description original; reference original;}"
+                                       "container c {config false; leaf l {type string;}}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module a {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:a;prefix a;import grp {prefix g;}feature fa;"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/l {default hello; config false;}"
+                                        "refine c/ll {default hello;default world; min-elements 2; max-elements 5;}"
+                                        "refine c/ch {default b;config true; if-feature fa;}"
+                                        "refine c/x {mandatory false; must ../ll;description refined; reference refined;}"
+                                        "refine c/a {mandatory true; must 1; if-feature fa;description refined; reference refined;}"
+                                        "refine c/c {config true;presence indispensable;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((parent = mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, parent->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("c", parent->name);
+    assert_non_null((leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)((struct lysc_node_container*)parent)->child));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, leaf->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("l", leaf->name);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONFIG_R, leaf->flags & LYS_CONFIG_MASK);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAFLIST, llist->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ll", llist->name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("hello", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("world", llist->dflts[1]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[1], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(2, llist->min);
+    assert_int_equal(5, llist->max);
+    assert_non_null(child = llist->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CHOICE, child->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("ch", child->name);
+    assert_string_equal("b", ((struct lysc_node_choice*)child)->dflt->name);
+    assert_true(LYS_SET_DFLT & ((struct lysc_node_choice*)child)->dflt->flags);
+    assert_false(LYS_SET_DFLT & ((struct lysc_node_choice*)child)->cases[0].flags);
+    assert_non_null(child->iffeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(child->iffeatures));
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)child->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, leaf->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("x", leaf->name);
+    assert_false(LYS_MAND_TRUE & leaf->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("cheers!", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->musts);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(leaf->musts));
+    assert_string_equal("refined", leaf->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("refined", leaf->ref);
+    assert_non_null(child = leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_ANYDATA, child->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("a", child->name);
+    assert_true(LYS_MAND_TRUE & child->flags);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_node_anydata*)child)->musts);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_node_anydata*)child)->musts));
+    assert_non_null(child->iffeatures);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(child->iffeatures));
+    assert_string_equal("refined", child->dsc);
+    assert_string_equal("refined", child->ref);
+    assert_non_null(child = child->next);
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_CONTAINER, child->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("c", child->name);
+    assert_true(LYS_PRESENCE & child->flags);
+    assert_true(LYS_CONFIG_W & child->flags);
+    assert_true(LYS_CONFIG_W & ((struct lysc_node_container*)child)->child->flags);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:b;prefix b;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {status deprecated; refine c/x {default hello; mandatory false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)((struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data)->child->prev->prev->prev));
+    assert_int_equal(LYS_LEAF, leaf->nodetype);
+    assert_string_equal("x", leaf->name);
+    assert_false(LYS_MAND_TRUE & leaf->flags);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    /* invalid */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c {default hello;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of default - container cannot hold default value(s). /aa:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/l {default hello; default world;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of default - leaf cannot hold 2 default values. /bb:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/l'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ll {default hello; default world;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of default in leaf-list - the default statement is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. /cc:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ll'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ll {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of mandatory - leaf-list cannot hold mandatory statement. /dd:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ll'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/l {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of mandatory - leaf already has \"default\" statement. /ee:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/l'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ef {namespace urn:ef;prefix ef;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ch {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of mandatory - choice already has \"default\" statement. /ef:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ch'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ch/a/a {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of mandatory under the default case. /ff:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ch/a/a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/x {default hello;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of default - the node is mandatory. /gg:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh {namespace urn:hh;prefix hh;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/c/l {config true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of config - configuration node cannot be child of any state data node. /hh:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/c/l'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii {namespace urn:ii;prefix ii;grouping grp {leaf l {type string; status deprecated;}}"
+                                        "uses grp {status obsolete;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("A \"deprecated\" status is in conflict with the parent's \"obsolete\" status. /ii:{uses='grp'}/ii:l");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj {namespace urn:jj;prefix jj;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/x {presence nonsence;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of presence statement - leaf cannot hold the presence statement. /jj:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk {namespace urn:kk;prefix kk;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ch {must 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of must statement - choice cannot hold any must statement. /kk:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ch'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll {namespace urn:ll;prefix ll;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/x {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of min-elements statement - leaf cannot hold this statement. /ll:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm {namespace urn:mm;prefix mm;import grp {prefix g;}"
+                                        "uses g:grp {refine c/ll {min-elements 10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid refine of min-elements statement - \"min-elements\" is bigger than \"max-elements\". /mm:{uses='g:grp'}/{refine='c/ll'}");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_augment(void **state)
+    *state = test_augment;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_node *node;
+    const struct lysc_node_choice *ch;
+    const struct lysc_node_case *c;
+    const struct lysc_node_container *cont;
+    const struct lysc_action *rpc;
+    const struct lysc_notif *notif;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a; typedef atype {type string;}"
+                              "container top {leaf a {type string;}}}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;import a {prefix a;}"
+                                  "leaf b {type a:atype;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c; import a {prefix a;}"
+                              "augment /a:top/ { container c {leaf c {type a:atype;}}}}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d;import a {prefix a;} import c {prefix c;}"
+                                  "augment /a:top/c:c/ { leaf d {type a:atype;} leaf c {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "a")));
+    assert_non_null(ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "b"));
+    assert_non_null(ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "c"));
+    assert_non_null(ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "d"));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "top");
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(node, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "a");
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "c");
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(node, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "c");
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "d");
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "c");
+    assert_non_null((mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module e {namespace urn:e;prefix e;choice ch {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                         "augment /ch/c {when 1; leaf lc2 {type uint16;}}"
+                                         "augment /ch { when 1; leaf b {type int8;} case c {leaf lc1 {type uint8;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG)));
+    assert_non_null((ch = (const struct lysc_node_choice*)mod->compiled->data));
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->data->next);
+    assert_string_equal("ch", ch->name);
+    assert_non_null(c = ch->cases);
+    assert_string_equal("a", c->name);
+    assert_null(c->when);
+    assert_string_equal("a", c->child->name);
+    assert_non_null(c = (const struct lysc_node_case*)c->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", c->name);
+    assert_non_null(c->when);
+    assert_string_equal("b", c->child->name);
+    assert_non_null(c = (const struct lysc_node_case*)c->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c", c->name);
+    assert_non_null(c->when);
+    assert_string_equal("lc1", ((const struct lysc_node_case*)c)->child->name);
+    assert_null(((const struct lysc_node_case*)c)->child->when);
+    assert_string_equal("lc2", ((const struct lysc_node_case*)c)->child->next->name);
+    assert_non_null(((const struct lysc_node_case*)c)->child->next->when);
+    assert_ptr_equal(ch->cases->child->prev, ((const struct lysc_node_case*)c)->child->next);
+    assert_null(c->next);
+    assert_non_null((mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {namespace urn:f;prefix f;grouping g {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                         "container c;"
+                                         "augment /c {uses g;}}", LYS_IN_YANG)));
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(mod->compiled->data, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "a");
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "submodule gsub {belongs-to g {prefix g;}"
+                                  "augment /c {container sub;}}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {namespace urn:g;prefix g;include gsub; container c;"
+                                        "augment /c/sub {leaf main {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("c", mod->compiled->data->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = ((struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data)->child);
+    assert_string_equal("sub", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = ((struct lysc_node_container*)node)->child);
+    assert_string_equal("main", node->name);
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module himp {namespace urn:hi;prefix hi;container top; rpc func;}");
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module h {namespace urn:h;prefix h;import himp {prefix hi;}container top;"
+                                        "augment /hi:top {container p {presence XXX; leaf x {mandatory true;type string;}}}"
+                                        "augment /hi:top {list ll {key x;leaf x {type string;}leaf y {mandatory true; type string;}}}"
+                                        "augment /hi:top {leaf l {type string; mandatory true; config false;}}"
+                                        "augment /top {leaf l {type string; mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_non_null(node = ((struct lysc_node_container*)node)->child);
+    assert_string_equal("l", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "himp"));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_non_null(node = ((struct lysc_node_container*)node)->child);
+    assert_string_equal("p", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("ll", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("l", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module i {namespace urn:i;prefix i;import himp {prefix hi;}"
+                                        "augment /hi:func/input {leaf x {type string;}}"
+                                        "augment /hi:func/output {leaf y {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "himp"));
+    assert_non_null(rpc = mod->compiled->rpcs);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(rpc));
+    assert_non_null(rpc->input.data);
+    assert_string_equal("x", rpc->input.data->name);
+    assert_null(rpc->input.data->next);
+    assert_non_null(rpc->output.data);
+    assert_string_equal("y", rpc->output.data->name);
+    assert_null(rpc->output.data->next);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module j {namespace urn:j;prefix j;yang-version 1.1; container root;"
+                                        "grouping grp {notification grp-notif;}"
+                                        "augment /root {uses grp;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(cont = (const struct lysc_node_container*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_null(cont->child);
+    assert_non_null(notif = cont->notifs);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(notif));
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa {namespace urn:aa;prefix aa; container c {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                        "augment /x {leaf a {type int8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid absolute-schema-nodeid value \"/x\" - target node not found. /aa:{augment='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb; container c {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                        "augment /c {leaf a {type int8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Duplicate identifier \"a\" of data definition/RPC/action/notification statement. /bb:{augment='/c'}/a");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc; container c {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                        "augment /c/a {leaf a {type int8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Augment's absolute-schema-nodeid \"/c/a\" refers to a leaf node which is not an allowed augment's target. /cc:{augment='/c/a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd {namespace urn:dd;prefix dd; container c {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                        "augment /c {case b {leaf d {type int8;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid augment of container node which is not allowed to contain case node \"b\". /dd:{augment='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee {namespace urn:ee;prefix ee; import himp {prefix hi;}"
+                                        "augment /hi:top {container c {leaf d {mandatory true; type int8;}}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid augment adding mandatory node \"c\" without making it conditional via when statement. /ee:{augment='/hi:top'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff {namespace urn:ff;prefix ff; container top;"
+                                        "augment ../top {leaf x {type int8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid absolute-schema-nodeid value \"../top\" - missing starting \"/\". /ff:{augment='../top'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg {namespace urn:gg;prefix gg; rpc func;"
+                                        "augment /func {leaf x {type int8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Augment's absolute-schema-nodeid \"/func\" refers to a RPC node which is not an allowed augment's target. /gg:{augment='/func'}");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_deviation(void **state)
+    *state = test_deviation;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    struct lys_module *mod;
+    const struct lysc_node *node;
+    const struct lysc_node_list *list;
+    const struct lysc_node_leaflist *llist;
+    const struct lysc_node_leaf *leaf;
+    const char *str;
+    int dynamic;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module a {namespace urn:a;prefix a;"
+                              "container top {leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;} leaf c {type string;}}"
+                              "choice ch {default c; case b {leaf b{type string;}} case a {leaf a{type string;} leaf x {type string;}}"
+                              " case c {leaf c{type string;}}}"
+                              "rpc func1 { input { leaf x {type int8;}} output {leaf y {type int8;}}}"
+                              "rpc func2;}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module b {namespace urn:b;prefix b;import a {prefix a;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:top/a:b {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:ch/a:a/a:x {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:ch/a:c/a:c {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:ch/a:b {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:ch/a:a/a:a {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:func1/a:input {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:func1/a:output {deviate not-supported;}"
+                                  "deviation /a:func2 {deviate not-supported;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "a")));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "top");
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(node, 0));
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "a");
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal(node->name, "c");
+    assert_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data->next);
+    assert_string_equal("ch", node->name);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->cases);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(mod->compiled->rpcs));
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->rpcs[0].input.data);
+    assert_null(mod->compiled->rpcs[0].output.data);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module c {namespace urn:c;prefix c; typedef mytype {type string; units kilometers;}"
+                                        "leaf c1 {type mytype;} leaf c2 {type mytype; units meters;} leaf c3 {type mytype; units meters;}"
+                                        "deviation /c1 {deviate add {units meters;}}"
+                                        "deviation /c2 {deviate delete {units meters;}}"
+                                        "deviation /c3 {deviate replace {units centimeters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("c1", node->name);
+    assert_string_equal("meters", ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->units);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c2", node->name);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->units);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c3", node->name);
+    assert_string_equal("centimeters", ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->units);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module d {namespace urn:d;prefix d; leaf c1 {type string; must 1;}"
+                                        "container c2 {presence yes; must 1; must 2;} leaf c3 {type string; must 1; must 3;}"
+                                        "deviation /c1 {deviate add {must 3;}}"
+                                        "deviation /c2 {deviate delete {must 2;}}"
+                                        "deviation /c3 {deviate delete {must 3; must 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("c1", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->musts));
+    assert_string_equal("3", ((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->musts[1].cond->expr);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c2", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(((struct lysc_node_container*)node)->musts));
+    assert_string_equal("1", ((struct lysc_node_container*)node)->musts[0].cond->expr);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c3", node->name);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->musts);
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module e {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:e;prefix e; typedef mytype {type string; default nothing;}"
+                              "choice a {default a;leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;} leaf c {type string; mandatory true;}}"
+                              "choice b {default a;leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;}}"
+                              "leaf c {default hello; type string;}"
+                              "leaf-list d {default hello; default world; type string;}"
+                              "leaf c2 {type mytype;} leaf-list d2 {type mytype;}}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module f {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:f;prefix f;import e {prefix x;}"
+                                  "deviation /x:a {deviate delete {default a;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:b {deviate delete {default x:a;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:c {deviate delete {default hello;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:d {deviate delete {default world;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "e")));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)node->next);
+    assert_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("hello", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)llist->next);
+    assert_string_equal("nothing", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(5, leaf->dflt->realtype->refcount); /* 3x type reference, 2x default value reference (typedef's default does not reference own type) */
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("nothing", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module g {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:g;prefix g;import e {prefix x;}"
+                                  "deviation /x:b {deviate add {default x:b;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:c {deviate add {default bye;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:d {deviate add {default all; default people;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:c2 {deviate add {default hi; must 1;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:d2 {deviate add {default hi; default all;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "e")));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("b", ((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt->name);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)node->next);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("bye", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(3, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("hello", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("all", llist->dflts[1]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[1], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("people", llist->dflts[2]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[2], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)llist->next);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("hi", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(6, leaf->dflt->realtype->refcount); /* 3x type reference, 3x default value reference
+    - previous type's default values were replaced by node's default values where d2 now has 2 default values */
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(leaf->musts));
+    assert_ptr_equal(leaf->musts[0].module, ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "g"));
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("hi", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_string_equal("all", llist->dflts[1]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[1], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module h {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:h;prefix h;import e {prefix x;}"
+                                  "deviation /x:b {deviate replace {default x:a;}}"
+                                  "deviation /x:c {deviate replace {default hello;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "e")));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("a", ((struct lysc_node_choice*)node)->dflt->name);
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)node->next);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_string_equal("hello", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    ly_ctx_set_module_imp_clb(ctx, test_imp_clb, "module i {namespace urn:i;prefix i;"
+                              "list l1 {key a; leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;} leaf c {type string;}}"
+                              "list l2 {key a; unique \"b c\"; unique \"d\"; leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;}"
+                              "         leaf c {type string;} leaf d {type string;}}}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module j {namespace urn:j;prefix j;import i {prefix i;}"
+                                  "augment /i:l1 {leaf j_c {type string;}}"
+                                  "deviation /i:l1 {deviate add {unique \"i:b j_c\"; }}"
+                                  "deviation /i:l1 {deviate add {unique \"i:c\";}}"
+                                  "deviation /i:l2 {deviate delete {unique \"d\"; unique \"b c\";}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(ctx, "i")));
+    assert_non_null(list = (struct lysc_node_list*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("l1", list->name);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques));
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques[0]));
+    assert_string_equal("b", list->uniques[0][0]->name);
+    assert_string_equal("j_c", list->uniques[0][1]->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(list->uniques[1]));
+    assert_string_equal("c", list->uniques[1][0]->name);
+    assert_non_null(list = (struct lysc_node_list*)list->next);
+    assert_string_equal("l2", list->name);
+    assert_null(list->uniques);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module k {namespace urn:k;prefix k; leaf a {type string;}"
+                                        "container top {leaf x {type string;} leaf y {type string; config false;}}"
+                                        "deviation /a {deviate add {config false; }}"
+                                        "deviation /top {deviate add {config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("top", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(node, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("x", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("y", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module l {namespace urn:l;prefix l; leaf a {config false; type string;}"
+                                        "container top {config false; leaf x {type string;}}"
+                                        "deviation /a {deviate replace {config true;}}"
+                                        "deviation /top {deviate replace {config true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("top", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_non_null(node = lysc_node_children(node, 0));
+    assert_string_equal("x", node->name);
+    assert_true(node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module m {namespace urn:m;prefix m;"
+                                        "container a {leaf a {type string;}}"
+                                        "container b {leaf b {mandatory true; type string;}}"
+                                        "deviation /a/a {deviate add {mandatory true;}}"
+                                        "deviation /b/b {deviate replace {mandatory false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_true((node->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK) == LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_true((lysc_node_children(node, 0)->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK) == LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", node->name);
+    assert_false(node->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK); /* just unset on container */
+    assert_true((lysc_node_children(node, 0)->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK) == LYS_MAND_FALSE);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module n {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:n;prefix n;"
+                                        "leaf a {default test; type string;}"
+                                        "leaf b {mandatory true; type string;}"
+                                        "deviation /a {deviate add {mandatory true;} deviate delete {default test;}}"
+                                        "deviation /b {deviate add {default test;} deviate replace {mandatory false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_true((node->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK) == LYS_MAND_TRUE);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", node->name);
+    assert_non_null(((struct lysc_node_leaf*)node)->dflt);
+    assert_true((node->flags & LYS_MAND_MASK) == LYS_MAND_FALSE);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module o {namespace urn:o;prefix o;"
+                                        "leaf-list a {type string;}"
+                                        "list b {config false;}"
+                                        "leaf-list c {min-elements 1; max-elements 10; type string;}"
+                                        "list d {min-elements 10; max-elements 100; config false;}"
+                                        "deviation /a {deviate add {min-elements 1; max-elements 10;}}"
+                                        "deviation /b {deviate add {min-elements 10; max-elements 100;}}"
+                                        "deviation /c {deviate replace {min-elements 10; max-elements 100;}}"
+                                        "deviation /d {deviate replace {min-elements 1; max-elements 10;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(node = mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_node_leaflist*)node)->min);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_node_leaflist*)node)->max);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_node_list*)node)->min);
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_node_list*)node)->max);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("c", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_node_leaflist*)node)->min);
+    assert_int_equal(100, ((struct lysc_node_leaflist*)node)->max);
+    assert_non_null(node = node->next);
+    assert_string_equal("d", node->name);
+    assert_int_equal(1, ((struct lysc_node_list*)node)->min);
+    assert_int_equal(10, ((struct lysc_node_list*)node)->max);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module p {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:p;prefix p; typedef mytype {type int8; default 1;}"
+                                        "leaf a {type string; default 10;} leaf-list b {type string;}"
+                                        "deviation /a {deviate replace {type mytype;}}"
+                                        "deviation /b {deviate replace {type mytype;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("a", leaf->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, leaf->type->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("10", leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(10, leaf->dflt->uint8);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_string_equal("b", llist->name);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_INT8, llist->type->basetype);
+    assert_int_equal(1, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_string_equal("1", llist->dflts[0]->realtype->plugin->print(llist->dflts[0], LYD_XML, NULL, NULL, &dynamic));
+    assert_int_equal(0, dynamic);
+    assert_int_equal(1, llist->dflts[0]->uint8);
+    /* instance-identifiers with NULL canonical_cach are changed to string types with a canonical_cache value equal to the original value */
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module q {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:q;prefix q; import e {prefix e;}"
+                                        "leaf q {type instance-identifier; default \"/e:d2\";}"
+                                        "leaf-list ql {type instance-identifier; default \"/e:d\"; default \"/e:d2\";}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module qdev {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:qdev;prefix qd; import q {prefix q;}"
+                                  "deviation /q:q { deviate replace {type string;}}"
+                                  "deviation /q:ql { deviate replace {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, leaf->dflt->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->dflt->canonical_cache);
+    assert_string_equal("/e:d2", leaf->dflt->canonical_cache);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist*)leaf->next);
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts));
+    assert_int_equal(2, LY_ARRAY_SIZE(llist->dflts_mods));
+    assert_ptr_equal(llist->dflts_mods[0], mod);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, llist->dflts[0]->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/e:d", llist->dflts[0]->canonical_cache);
+    assert_ptr_equal(llist->dflts_mods[1], mod);
+    assert_int_equal(LY_TYPE_STRING, llist->dflts[0]->realtype->basetype);
+    assert_string_equal("/e:d2", llist->dflts[1]->canonical_cache);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module r {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:r;prefix r;"
+                                        "typedef mytype {type uint8; default 200;}"
+                                        "leaf r {type mytype;} leaf-list lr {type mytype;}"
+                                        "deviation /r:r {deviate replace {type string;}}"
+                                        "deviation /r:lr {deviate replace {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("r", leaf->name);
+    assert_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_null(leaf->dflt_mod);
+    assert_non_null(llist = (struct lysc_node_leaflist* )leaf->next);
+    assert_string_equal("lr", llist->name);
+    assert_null(llist->dflts);
+    assert_null(llist->dflts_mods);
+    assert_non_null(mod = lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module s {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:s;prefix s;"
+                                        "leaf s {type instance-identifier {require-instance true;} default /s:x;}"
+                                        "leaf x {type string;} leaf y {type string;}"
+                                        "deviation /s:s {deviate replace {default /s:y;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_non_null(leaf = (struct lysc_node_leaf*)mod->compiled->data);
+    assert_string_equal("s", leaf->name);
+    assert_non_null(leaf->dflt);
+    assert_non_null(str = leaf->dflt->realtype->plugin->print(leaf->dflt, LYD_XML, lys_get_prefix, mod, &dynamic));
+    assert_string_equal("/s:y", str);
+    if (dynamic) { free((char*)str); }
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa1 {namespace urn:aa1;prefix aa1;import a {prefix a;}"
+                              "deviation /a:top/a:z {deviate not-supported;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid absolute-schema-nodeid value \"/a:top/a:z\" - target node not found. /aa1:{deviation='/a:top/a:z'}");
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module aa2 {namespace urn:aa2;prefix aa2;import a {prefix a;}"
+                              "deviation /a:top/a:a {deviate not-supported;}"
+                              "deviation /a:top/a:a {deviate add {default error;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    /* warning */
+    logbuf_assert("Useless multiple (2) deviates on node \"/a:top/a:a\" since the node is not-supported.");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module bb {namespace urn:bb;prefix bb;import a {prefix a;}"
+                              "deviation a:top/a:a {deviate not-supported;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid absolute-schema-nodeid value \"a:top/a:a\" - missing starting \"/\". /bb:{deviation='a:top/a:a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cc {namespace urn:cc;prefix cc; container c;"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate add {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of container node - it is not possible to add \"units\" property. /cc:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module cd {namespace urn:cd;prefix cd; leaf c {type string; units centimeters;}"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate add {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"units\" property which already exists (with value \"centimeters\"). /cd:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd1 {namespace urn:dd1;prefix dd1; container c;"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate delete {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of container node - it is not possible to delete \"units\" property. /dd1:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd2 {namespace urn:dd2;prefix dd2; leaf c {type string;}"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate delete {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"units\" property \"meters\" which is not present. /dd2:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module dd3 {namespace urn:dd3;prefix dd3; leaf c {type string; units centimeters;}"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate delete {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"units\" property \"meters\" which does not match the target's property value \"centimeters\"."
+            " /dd3:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee1 {namespace urn:ee1;prefix ee1; container c;"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate replace {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of container node - it is not possible to replace \"units\" property. /ee1:{deviation='/c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ee2 {namespace urn:ee2;prefix ee2; leaf c {type string;}"
+                              "deviation /c {deviate replace {units meters;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing \"units\" property \"meters\" which is not present. /ee2:{deviation='/c'}");
+    /* the default is already deleted in /e:a byt module f */
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff1 {namespace urn:ff1;prefix ff1; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:a {deviate delete {default x:a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"x:a\" which is not present. /ff1:{deviation='/e:a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff2 {namespace urn:ff2;prefix ff2; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:b {deviate delete {default x:a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"x:a\" of choice. "
+                  "The prefix does not match any imported module of the deviation module. /ff2:{deviation='/e:b'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff3 {namespace urn:ff3;prefix ff3; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:b {deviate delete {default e:b;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"e:b\" of choice does not match the default case name \"a\". /ff3:{deviation='/e:b'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff4 {namespace urn:ff4;prefix ff4; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:b {deviate delete {default ff4:a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"ff4:a\" of choice. The prefix does not match the default case's module. /ff4:{deviation='/e:b'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff5 {namespace urn:ff5;prefix ff5; anyxml a;"
+                              "deviation /a {deviate delete {default x;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of anyxml node - it is not possible to delete \"default\" property. /ff5:{deviation='/a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff6 {namespace urn:ff6;prefix ff6; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:c {deviate delete {default hi;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"hi\" which does not match the target's property value \"hello\". /ff6:{deviation='/e:c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ff7 {namespace urn:ff7;prefix ff7; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:d {deviate delete {default hi;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"default\" property \"hi\" which does not match any of the target's property values. /ff7:{deviation='/e:d'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg1 {namespace urn:gg1;prefix gg1; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:b {deviate add {default e:a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"default\" property which already exists (with value \"a\"). /gg1:{deviation='/e:b'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg2 {namespace urn:gg2;prefix gg2; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:a {deviate add {default x:a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"default\" property \"x:a\" of choice. "
+                  "The prefix does not match any imported module of the deviation module. /gg2:{deviation='/e:a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg3 {namespace urn:gg3;prefix gg3; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:a {deviate add {default a;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"default\" property \"a\" of choice - the specified case does not exists. /gg3:{deviation='/e:a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg4 {namespace urn:gg4;prefix gg4; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:c {deviate add {default hi;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"default\" property which already exists (with value \"hello\"). /gg4:{deviation='/e:c'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg4 {namespace urn:gg4;prefix gg4; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:a {deviate add {default e:c;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"default\" property \"e:c\" of choice - mandatory node \"c\" under the default case. /gg4:{deviation='/e:a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module gg5 {namespace urn:gg5;prefix gg5; leaf x {type string; mandatory true;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {default error;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation combining default value and mandatory leaf. /gg5:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module hh1 {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:hh1;prefix hh1; import e {prefix e;}"
+                              "deviation /e:d {deviate replace {default hi;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of leaf-list node - it is not possible to replace \"default\" property. /hh1:{deviation='/e:d'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii1 {namespace urn:ii1;prefix ii1; import i {prefix i;}"
+                              "deviation /i:l1 {deviate delete {unique x;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"unique\" property \"x\" which does not match any of the target's property values. /ii1:{deviation='/i:l1'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii2 {namespace urn:ii2;prefix ii2; import i {prefix i;} leaf x { type string;}"
+                              "deviation /i:l2 {deviate delete {unique d;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation deleting \"unique\" property \"d\" which does not match any of the target's property values. /ii2:{deviation='/i:l2'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii3 {namespace urn:ii3;prefix ii3; leaf x { type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate delete {unique d;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of leaf node - it is not possible to delete \"unique\" property. /ii3:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ii4 {namespace urn:ii4;prefix ii4; leaf x { type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {unique d;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of leaf node - it is not possible to add \"unique\" property. /ii4:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj1 {namespace urn:jj1;prefix jj1; choice ch {case a {leaf a{type string;}}}"
+                              "deviation /ch/a {deviate add {config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of case node - it is not possible to add \"config\" property. /jj1:{deviation='/ch/a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj2 {namespace urn:jj2;prefix jj2; container top {config false; leaf x {type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /top/x {deviate add {config true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of config - configuration node cannot be child of any state data node. /jj2:{deviation='/top/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj3 {namespace urn:jj3;prefix jj3; container top {leaf x {type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /top/x {deviate replace {config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing \"config\" property \"config false\" which is not present. /jj3:{deviation='/top/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj4 {namespace urn:jj4;prefix jj4; choice ch {case a {leaf a{type string;}}}"
+                              "deviation /ch/a {deviate replace {config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of case node - it is not possible to replace \"config\" property. /jj4:{deviation='/ch/a'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj5 {namespace urn:jj5;prefix jj5; container top {leaf x {type string; config true;}}"
+                              "deviation /top {deviate add {config false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of config - configuration node cannot be child of any state data node. /jj5:{deviation='/top'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module jj6 {namespace urn:jj6;prefix jj6; leaf x {config false; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {config true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"config\" property which already exists (with value \"config false\"). /jj6:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk1 {namespace urn:kk1;prefix kk1; container top {leaf a{type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /top {deviate add {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of mandatory - container cannot hold mandatory statement. /kk1:{deviation='/top'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk2 {namespace urn:kk2;prefix kk2; container top {leaf a{type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /top {deviate replace {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing \"mandatory\" property \"mandatory true\" which is not present. /kk2:{deviation='/top'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk3 {namespace urn:kk3;prefix kk3; container top {leaf x {type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /top/x {deviate replace {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing \"mandatory\" property \"mandatory true\" which is not present. /kk3:{deviation='/top/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module kk4 {namespace urn:kk4;prefix kk4; leaf x {mandatory true; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {mandatory false;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"mandatory\" property which already exists (with value \"mandatory true\"). /kk4:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll1 {namespace urn:ll1;prefix ll1; leaf x {default test; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation combining default value and mandatory leaf. /ll1:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll2 {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:ll2;prefix ll2; leaf-list x {default test; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation combining default value and mandatory leaf-list. /ll2:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module ll2 {namespace urn:ll2;prefix ll2; choice ch {default a; leaf a {type string;} leaf b {type string;}}"
+                              "deviation /ch {deviate add {mandatory true;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation combining default case and mandatory choice. /ll2:{deviation='/ch'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm1 {namespace urn:mm1;prefix mm1; leaf-list x {min-elements 10; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {max-elements 5;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements after deviation: min value 10 is bigger than max value 5. /mm1:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm2 {namespace urn:mm2;prefix mm2; leaf-list x {max-elements 10; type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {min-elements 20;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements after deviation: min value 20 is bigger than max value 10. /mm2:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm3 {namespace urn:mm3;prefix mm3; list x {min-elements 5; max-elements 10; config false;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {max-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements after deviation: min value 5 is bigger than max value 1. /mm3:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm4 {namespace urn:mm4;prefix mm4; list x {min-elements 5; max-elements 10; config false;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {min-elements 20;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid combination of min-elements and max-elements after deviation: min value 20 is bigger than max value 10. /mm4:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm5 {namespace urn:mm5;prefix mm5; leaf-list x {type string; min-elements 5;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"min-elements\" property which already exists (with value \"5\"). /mm5:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm6 {namespace urn:mm6;prefix mm6; list x {config false; min-elements 5;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"min-elements\" property which already exists (with value \"5\"). /mm6:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm7 {namespace urn:mm7;prefix mm7; leaf-list x {type string; max-elements 5;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {max-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"max-elements\" property which already exists (with value \"5\"). /mm7:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm8 {namespace urn:mm8;prefix mm8; list x {config false; max-elements 5;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate add {max-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation adding \"max-elements\" property which already exists (with value \"5\"). /mm8:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm9 {namespace urn:mm9;prefix mm9; leaf-list x {type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing with \"min-elements\" property \"1\" which is not present. /mm9:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm10 {namespace urn:mm10;prefix mm10; list x {config false;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {min-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing with \"min-elements\" property \"1\" which is not present. /mm10:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm11 {namespace urn:mm11;prefix mm11; leaf-list x {type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {max-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing with \"max-elements\" property \"1\" which is not present. /mm11:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module mm12 {namespace urn:mm12;prefix mm12; list x {config false; }"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {max-elements 1;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing with \"max-elements\" property \"1\" which is not present. /mm12:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module nn1 {namespace urn:nn1;prefix nn1; anyxml x;"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation of anyxml node - it is not possible to replace \"type\" property. /nn1:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module nn2 {namespace urn:nn2;prefix nn2; leaf-list x {type string;}"
+                              "deviation /x {deviate replace {type empty;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Leaf-list of type \"empty\" is allowed only in YANG 1.1 modules. /nn2:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module oo1 {namespace urn:oo1;prefix oo1; leaf x {type uint16; default 300;}"
+                                  "deviation /x {deviate replace {type uint8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing leaf's type - the leaf's default value \"300\" does not match the type "
+                  "(Value \"300\" is out of uint8's min/max bounds.). /oo1:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module oo2 {yang-version 1.1;namespace urn:oo2;prefix oo2; leaf-list x {type uint16; default 10; default 300;}"
+                                  "deviation /x {deviate replace {type uint8;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation replacing leaf-list's type - the leaf-list's default value \"300\" does not match the type "
+                  "(Value \"300\" is out of uint8's min/max bounds.). /oo2:{deviation='/x'}");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module oo3 {namespace urn:oo3;prefix oo3; leaf x {type uint8;}"
+                                  "deviation /x {deviate add {default 300;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("Invalid deviation setting \"default\" property \"300\" which does not fit the type "
+                  "(Value \"300\" is out of uint8's min/max bounds.). /oo3:{deviation='/x'}");
+/* TODO recompiling reference object after deviation changes schema tree
+    assert_non_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module pp {namespace urn:pp;prefix pp; leaf l { type leafref {path /c/x;}}"
+                                  "container c {leaf x {type string;} leaf y {type string;}}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx, "module pp1 {namespace urn:pp1;prefix pp1; import pp {prefix pp;}"
+                              "deviation /pp:c/pp:x {deviate not-supported;}}", LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("???. /pp:l}");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+static void
+test_when(void **state)
+    *state = test_when;
+    struct ly_ctx *ctx;
+    assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_ctx_new(NULL, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS, &ctx));
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx,
+        "module a {"
+            "namespace urn:a;"
+            "prefix a;"
+            "container cont {"
+                "leaf l {"
+                    "when \"/cont/lst[val='25']\";"
+                    "type empty;"
+                "}"
+                "list lst {"
+                    "key \"k\";"
+                    "leaf k {"
+                        "type uint8;"
+                    "}"
+                    "leaf val {"
+                        "when /cont2;"
+                        "type int32;"
+                    "}"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+            "container cont2 {"
+                "presence \"a\";"
+                "when ../cont/l;"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    , LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("When condition of \"cont2\" includes a self-reference (referenced by when of \"l\"). /a:cont2");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx,
+        "module a {"
+            "namespace urn:a;"
+            "prefix a;"
+            "container cont {"
+                "leaf l {"
+                    "when \"/cont/lst[val='25']\";"
+                    "type empty;"
+                "}"
+                "list lst {"
+                    "key \"k\";"
+                    "leaf k {"
+                        "type uint8;"
+                    "}"
+                    "leaf val {"
+                        "when /cont2;"
+                        "type int32;"
+                    "}"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+            "container cont2 {"
+                "presence \"a\";"
+                "when ../cont/lst/val;"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    , LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("When condition of \"cont2\" includes a self-reference (referenced by when of \"val\"). /a:cont2");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx,
+        "module a {"
+            "namespace urn:a;"
+            "prefix a;"
+            "leaf val {"
+                "type int64;"
+                "when \"../val='25'\";"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    , LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("When condition of \"val\" is accessing its own conditional node. /a:val");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx,
+        "module a {"
+            "namespace urn:a;"
+            "prefix a;"
+            "grouping grp {"
+                "leaf val {"
+                    "type int64;"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+            "uses grp {"
+                "when \"val='25'\";"
+            "}"
+        "}"
+    , LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("When condition of \"val\" is accessing its own conditional node. /a:val");
+    assert_null(lys_parse_mem(ctx,
+        "module a {"
+            "namespace urn:a;"
+            "prefix a;"
+            "augment /cont {"
+                "when \"val='25'\";"
+                "leaf val {"
+                    "type int64;"
+                "}"
+            "}"
+            "container cont;"
+        "}"
+    , LYS_IN_YANG));
+    logbuf_assert("When condition of \"val\" is accessing its own conditional node. /a:cont/val");
+    *state = NULL;
+    ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
+int main(void)
+    const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_module, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_length, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_range, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_pattern, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_enum, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_bits, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_dec64, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_instanceid, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_identityref, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_leafref, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_empty, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_union, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_type_dflt, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_status, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_node_container, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_node_leaflist, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_node_list, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_node_choice, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_node_anydata, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_action, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_notification, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_grouping, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_uses, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_refine, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_augment, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_deviation, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+        cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_when, logger_setup, logger_teardown),
+    };
+    return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);