unrustify UPDATE move to version 0.76
diff --git a/uncrustify.cfg b/uncrustify.cfg
index 6c76edb..ec52e71 100644
--- a/uncrustify.cfg
+++ b/uncrustify.cfg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Uncrustify-0.71.0_f
+# Uncrustify-0.76.0_f
 # General options
@@ -1539,9 +1539,15 @@
 # Newline adding and removing options
-# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}'.
+# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}' except for functions.
+# Use nl_collapse_empty_body_functions to specify how empty function braces
+# should be formatted.
 nl_collapse_empty_body          = true     # true/false
+# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}' for functions only.
+# If true, overrides nl_inside_empty_func.
+nl_collapse_empty_body_functions = false    # true/false
 # Don't split one-line braced assignments, as in 'foo_t f = { 1, 2 };'.
 nl_assign_leave_one_liners      = true     # true/false
@@ -1994,6 +2000,12 @@
 # See nl_oc_msg_leave_one_liner.
 nl_oc_msg_args                  = false    # true/false
+# (OC) Minimum number of Objective-C message parameters before applying nl_oc_msg_args.
+nl_oc_msg_args_min_params       = 0        # unsigned number
+# (OC) Max code width of Objective-C message before applying nl_oc_msg_args.
+nl_oc_msg_args_max_code_width   = 0        # unsigned number
 # Add or remove newline between function signature and '{'.
 nl_fdef_brace                   = force    # ignore/add/remove/force
@@ -2007,6 +2019,9 @@
 # Add or remove newline between 'return' and the return expression.
 nl_return_expr                  = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
+# Add or remove newline between 'throw' and the throw expression.
+nl_throw_expr                   = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
 # Whether to add a newline after semicolons, except in 'for' statements.
 nl_after_semicolon              = false    # true/false
@@ -2252,12 +2267,6 @@
 # Overrides nl_after_func_body and nl_after_func_body_class.
 nl_after_func_body_one_liner    = 2        # unsigned number
-# The number of blank lines after a block of variable definitions at the top
-# of a function body.
-# 0: No change (default).
-nl_func_var_def_blk             = 1        # unsigned number
 # The number of newlines before a block of typedefs. If nl_after_access_spec
 # is non-zero, that option takes precedence.
@@ -2274,6 +2283,15 @@
 # 0: No change (default).
 nl_typedef_blk_in               = 0        # unsigned number
+# The minimum number of blank lines after a block of variable definitions
+# at the top of a function body. If any preprocessor directives appear
+# between the opening brace of the function and the variable block, then
+# it is considered as not at the top of the function.Newlines are added
+# before trailing preprocessor directives, if any exist.
+# 0: No change (default).
+nl_var_def_blk_end_func_top     = 1        # unsigned number
 # The number of newlines before a block of variable definitions not at the top
 # of a function body. If nl_after_access_spec is non-zero, that option takes
 # precedence.
@@ -3075,6 +3093,9 @@
 # Add or remove unnecessary parenthesis on 'return' statement.
 mod_paren_on_return             = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
+# Add or remove unnecessary parentheses on 'throw' statement.
+mod_paren_on_throw              = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
 # (Pawn) Whether to change optional semicolons to real semicolons.
 mod_pawn_semicolon              = false    # true/false
@@ -3172,6 +3193,49 @@
 # Add or remove the comma after the last value of an enumeration.
 mod_enum_last_comma             = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force
+# Syntax to use for infinite loops.
+# 0: Leave syntax alone (default)
+# 1: Rewrite as `for(;;)`
+# 2: Rewrite as `while(true)`
+# 3: Rewrite as `do`...`while(true);`
+# 4: Rewrite as `while(1)`
+# 5: Rewrite as `do`...`while(1);`
+# Infinite loops that do not already match one of these syntaxes are ignored.
+# Other options that affect loop formatting will be applied after transforming
+# the syntax.
+mod_infinite_loop               = 0        # unsigned number
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int short'.
+mod_int_short                   = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'short int'.
+mod_short_int                   = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int long'.
+mod_int_long                    = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'long int'.
+mod_long_int                    = remove   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int signed'.
+mod_int_signed                  = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'signed int'.
+mod_signed_int                  = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int unsigned'.
+mod_int_unsigned                = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'unsigned int'.
+mod_unsigned_int                = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
+# If there is a situation where mod_int_* and mod_*_int would result in
+# multiple int keywords, whether to keep the rightmost int (the default) or the
+# leftmost int.
+mod_int_prefer_int_on_left      = false    # true/false
 # (OC) Whether to organize the properties. If true, properties will be
 # rearranged according to the mod_sort_oc_property_*_weight factors.
 mod_sort_oc_properties          = false    # true/false
@@ -3203,6 +3267,16 @@
 # Preprocessor options
+# How to use tabs when indenting preprocessor code.
+# -1: Use 'indent_with_tabs' setting (default)
+#  0: Spaces only
+#  1: Indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces
+#  2: Indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop
+# Default: -1
+pp_indent_with_tabs             = 0       # number
 # Add or remove indentation of preprocessor directives inside #if blocks
 # at brace level 0 (file-level).
 pp_indent                       = ignore    # ignore/add/remove/force
@@ -3223,8 +3297,8 @@
 # Default: 1
 pp_indent_count                 = 0        # unsigned number
-# Add or remove space after # based on pp_level of #if blocks.
-pp_space                        = ignore    # ignore/add/remove/force
+# Add or remove space after # based on pp level of #if blocks.
+pp_space_after                  = ignore   # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
 # Sets the number of spaces per level added with pp_space.
 pp_space_count                  = 0        # unsigned number
@@ -3259,6 +3333,18 @@
 # Whether to ignore the '#define' body while formatting.
 pp_ignore_define_body           = true     # true/false
+# An offset value that controls the indentation of the body of a multiline #define.
+# 'body' refers to all the lines of a multiline #define except the first line.
+# Requires 'pp_ignore_define_body = false'.
+#  <0: Absolute column: the body indentation starts off at the specified column
+#      (ex. -3 ==> the body is indented starting from column 3)
+# >=0: Relative to the column of the '#' of '#define'
+#      (ex.  3 ==> the body is indented starting 3 columns at the right of '#')
+# Default: 8
+pp_multiline_define_body_indent = 8        # number
 # Whether to indent case statements between #if, #else, and #endif.
 # Only applies to the indent of the preprocesser that the case statements
 # directly inside of.
@@ -3412,6 +3498,18 @@
 # 0: do not truncate.
 debug_truncate                  = 0        # unsigned number
+# sort (or not) the tracking info.
+# Default: true
+debug_sort_the_tracks           = true     # true/false
+# decode (or not) the flags as a new line.
+# only if the -p option is set.
+debug_decode_the_flags          = false    # true/false
+# insert the number of the line at the beginning of each line
+set_numbering_for_html_output   = false    # true/false
 # Meaning of the settings:
 #   Ignore - do not do any changes
 #   Add    - makes sure there is 1 or more space/brace/newline/etc