doc UPDATE add paragraph about public key auth
diff --git a/modules/libnetconf2-netconf-server@2023-09-07.yang b/modules/libnetconf2-netconf-server@2023-09-07.yang
index 5fc9fde..c31a568 100644
--- a/modules/libnetconf2-netconf-server@2023-09-07.yang
+++ b/modules/libnetconf2-netconf-server@2023-09-07.yang
@@ -265,9 +265,15 @@
       "Grouping for using the system configured keys in the SSH public key authentication method.";
       container use-system-keys {
-        presence "Indicates that the given user will be authenticated using the system's configured public keys.";
+        presence
+          "Indicates that the given user will be authenticated using the system's configured public keys.";
           "Authentication is done using the system's mechanisms.";
+        reference
+          "libnetconf2 documentation:
+              Section SSH";
@@ -296,6 +302,10 @@
             "Authentication is done using the system's mechanisms.";
+          reference
+          "libnetconf2 documentation:
+              Section SSH";