tree: ecad0c9fdccfbf761a187b2535038ebeff3dcead [path history] [tgz]
  1. OpenSUSE/
  3. Ubuntu-release/
  4. Ubuntu/

Netopeer2GUI in Vagrant

The Vagrantfiles here are used for development deployment of the Netopeer2GUI. The source files of the Netopeer2GUI are linked (shared) into Vagrant from the local directory (../) so do not move the Vagrantfiles outside this location. This make possible to do changes of the source files locally while the effect is immediately reflected in Vagrant image.


In case you are using vagrant version < 2.0.0, you are supposed to uncomment a single line in Vagrant file to correct vagrant server URL.

Running Netopeer2GUI in Vagrant

This directory contains prepared configuration (Vagrantfile) with several Linux distros. After choosing the system, go into the selected directory and start Vagrant:

$ vagrant up

The Installation process is started and may take some time (by subsequent `vagrant up commands, the installation process is skipped and the previously installed virtual machine is just started). Besides the GUI, it installs also an example NETCONF server (Netopeer2 with sysrepo) where you can connect with the Netopeer2GUI. As well as the Netopeer2GUI server, the NETCONF server is available from the Vagrant host. The ports are not static to avoid collisions with the currently used ports, so when Vagrant is done, you are supposed to get the information about ports mapping:

$ vagrant port
The forwarded ports for the machine are listed below. Please note that
these values may differ from values configured in the Vagrantfile if the
provider supports automatic port collision detection and resolution.

    22 (guest) => 2203 (host)
  4200 (guest) => 2201 (host)
   830 (guest) => 2202 (host)

In this case, the NETCONF server is available from the host on port 2202 and Netopeer2GUI is available on the following address from your browser:


Note that when vagrant finishes installation, Netopeer2GUI is still just starting and it can take some more time before the address is accessible. When you open the address for the first time, there is no user set, so you can use any credential but when pushing the Login button, you will be redirected to the setup page to create a new user.

You can connect to a NETCONF device through the Netopeer2GUI's Configuration or Inventory tabs. To connect to the NETCONF server running in your vagrant, use the following credentials:

  • Hostname / IP: localhost
  • Port : 830
  • Username : vagrant
  • Password : vagrant

Usefull Vagrant commands

  • stop the virtual machine
$ vagrant halt
  • restart the virtual machine
$ vagrant reload
  • connect to the virtual machine via SSH
$ vagrant ssh