backend FEATURE new API to manage devices inventory
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
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index 0000000..762fdaf
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+++ b/api/
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+Manipulation with the devices to connect.
+Author: Radek Krejci <>
+from liberouterapi import auth, config
+from flask import request
+import json
+import os
+import errno
+from .inventory import INVENTORY, inventory_check
+from .error import NetopeerException
+__DEVICES_EMPTY = '{"device":[]}'
+def __devices_init():
+	return json.loads(__DEVICES_EMPTY)
+def __devices_inv_load(path):
+	devicesinv_path = os.path.join(path, 'devices.json')
+	try:
+		with open(devicesinv_path, 'r') as devices_file:
+			devices = json.load(devices_file)
+	except OSError as e:
+		if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+			devices = __devices_init()
+		else:
+			raise NetopeerException('Unable to use user\'s devices inventory ' + devicesinv_path + ' (' + str(e) + ').')
+	except ValueError:
+		devices = __devices_init()
+	return devices
+def __devices_inv_save(path, devices):
+	devicesinv_path = os.path.join(path, 'devices.json')
+	#store the list
+	try:
+		with open(devicesinv_path, 'w') as devices_file:
+			json.dump(devices, devices_file)
+	except Exception:
+		pass
+	return devices
+def devices_list():
+	session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
+	user = session['user']
+	path = os.path.join(INVENTORY, user.username)
+	inventory_check(path)
+	devices = __devices_inv_load(path)
+	return(json.dumps(devices['device']))
+def devices_add():
+	session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
+	user = session['user']
+	path = os.path.join(INVENTORY, user.username)
+	device = request.get_json()
+	if not device or not device['id']:
+		raise NetopeerException('Invalid device remove request.')
+	devices = __devices_inv_load(path)
+	for dev in devices['device']:
+		if dev['id'] == device['id']:
+			return (json.dumps({'success': False}))
+	device_json = {'id':device['id'], 'hostname':device['hostname'], 'port':device['port']}
+	if 'username' in device:
+		device_json['username'] = device['username']
+		if 'password' in device:
+			device_json['password'] = device['password']
+	devices['device'].append(device_json)
+	#store the list
+	__devices_inv_save(path, devices)
+	return(json.dumps({'success': True}))
+def devices_rm():
+	session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
+	user = session['user']
+	path = os.path.join(INVENTORY, user.username)
+	rm_id = request.get_json()['id']
+	if not rm_id:
+		raise NetopeerException('Invalid device remove request.')
+	devices = __devices_inv_load(path)
+	for i in range(len(devices['device'])):
+		device = devices['device'][i]
+		if device['id'] == rm_id:
+			devices['device'].pop(i)
+			device = None
+			break;
+	if device:
+		# device not in inventory
+		return (json.dumps({'success': False}))
+	# update the inventory database
+	__devices_inv_save(path, devices)
+	return(json.dumps({'success': True}))
+def devices_get(device_id, username):
+	path = os.path.join(INVENTORY, username)
+	devices = __devices_inv_load(path)
+	for i in range(len(devices['device'])):
+		device = devices['device'][i]
+		if device['id'] == device_id:
+			return device
+	return None
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