Register coverage HTML reports as artifacts that they are nicely shown in the build job summary on Zuul build
landing page.

Change-Id: I6033e0156459462fba743fc098b66f038c12eafe
diff --git a/roles/pycobertura-diff/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/pycobertura-diff/tasks/main.yaml
index 0d5bbe9..418b273 100644
--- a/roles/pycobertura-diff/tasks/main.yaml
+++ b/roles/pycobertura-diff/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -9,3 +9,37 @@
       --source2 "{{ new_source_prefix }}/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}" "{{ new_source_prefix }}/coverage.xml"
     sed -e 's;^  </body>$;    <p>Show <a href="coverage.html">final coverage</a> only</p>\n  </body>;' \
       -i "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/zuul-output/logs/coverage-diff.html"
+- name: Check for coverage-diff.html
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/zuul-output/logs/coverage-diff.html"
+    get_checksum: false
+    get_mime: false
+    get_md5: false
+  register: coverage_diff_html_stat
+- name: Check for coverage.html
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/zuul-output/logs/coverage.html"
+    get_checksum: false
+    get_mime: false
+    get_md5: false
+  register: coverage_html_stat
+- name: Register coverage reports as artifacts
+  when: coverage_html_stat.stat.exists
+  zuul_return:
+    data:
+      zuul:
+        artifacts:
+          - name: "Full coverage report"
+            url: "coverage.html"
+- name: Register coverage reports as artifacts
+  when: coverage_diff_html_stat.stat.exists
+  zuul_return:
+    data:
+      zuul:
+        artifacts:
+          - name: "Change of code coverage report"
+            url: "coverage-diff.html"