Provisioning of "static" VMs for CI at potemkins

I was too lazy to install OpenStack, so I decided to use a bunch of
predefined VM almost-templates to provide build nodes which do not leak
that much state behind runs of independent jobs. It turns out that it's
still hard to provision a recent Fedora box with a rootfs overlay, so I
gave up on that. Qemu supports transient disks, but the changes are
stored in RAM, which sucks, IMHO.

Here's how to actually create the VMs:

  virt-install --hvm -n ci-f29-potemkin06-1 --memory 62000 --cpu host-passthrough --vcpus 12 \
    --location \
    --initrd-inject ci-f29-potemkin06-1.ks --os-variant fedora26 --network network=ipv6-public \
    --extra-args='ks=file:/ci-f29-potemkin06-1.ks console=ttyS0' \
    --disk pool=ssd,size=10 --disk pool=ssd,size=50,cache=none --nographics --noautoconsole

This will also require changes within the base jobs to call a reboot via
Ansible within a job pre-run playbook. That should add just something
like 20s to any given run...

Change-Id: Idfa4c3ae01bbea8ce6871b2b372341656b07917e
diff --git a/site.yml b/site.yml
index 71d24ac..8650f94 100644
--- a/site.yml
+++ b/site.yml
@@ -12,3 +12,8 @@
   hosts: ci-logs
     - role: ci_logs_server
+- name: virt hypervisors
+  hosts: virt-nodes
+  roles:
+    - role: virt_node_for_ci