ietf-system: handle "contact" and "location"

These are part of the ietf-system ML, so, presumably, it makes some
sense to allow their modification. In the new sysrepo architecture, this
modification *is* supported out-of-box because they are part of a module
that is implemented. However, unless there's an active callback which
subscribes to their modifications, they won't appear in the operational
CB. That's confusing -- and it's confusing also in the `netconf-cli`
because its `get` currently retrieves data from the operational DS.

Change-Id: I4bd6f184c5780845c29ca9f1b4777e3d1d7248fe
diff --git a/tests/sysrepo_system-ietfsystem.cpp b/tests/sysrepo_system-ietfsystem.cpp
index 219ce1c..dd06bcc 100644
--- a/tests/sysrepo_system-ietfsystem.cpp
+++ b/tests/sysrepo_system-ietfsystem.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,28 @@
+    SECTION("dummy values")
+    {
+        auto sys = std::make_shared<velia::system::IETFSystem>(srSess, CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR "/tests/system/os-release");
+        const char* xpath;
+        SECTION("location") {
+            xpath = "/ietf-system:system/location";
+        }
+        SECTION("contact") {
+            xpath = "/ietf-system:system/contact";
+        }
+        client->session_switch_ds(SR_DS_OPERATIONAL);
+        REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(client->get_item(xpath), "Item not found");
+        client->session_switch_ds(SR_DS_RUNNING);
+        client->set_item_str(xpath, "lamparna");
+        REQUIRE(!!client->get_item(xpath));
+    }
     SECTION("RPC system-restart")