tests: increase wait time in czechlight-system:leds test

I have seen the following errors in test-sysrepo_system-leds several

  2023-05-11 12:26:19.979398 | w | /home/ci/src/cesnet-gerrit-public/CzechLight/velia/tests/test_sysrepo_helpers.h:21: FATAL ERROR: REQUIRE( data ) is NOT correct!
  2023-05-11 12:26:19.979402 | w |   values: REQUIRE( {?} )

This means that the data in sysrepo were not already there when we asked
for them. This might be caused by the slow thread startup. Let's make
sure there is enough time and sleep everywhere where the sleep is
needed. It does not matter in tests.

Change-Id: I850c056d8a29d4b6bf55614d6f206cf0b45c06e9
1 file changed
tree: 1171423d175a40f56431940fea6510e9a1115458
  1. .clang-format
  2. .gitmodules
  3. .zuul.yaml
  4. CMakeLists.txt
  5. Doxyfile.in
  7. LICENSE.md
  8. README.md
  9. ci/
  10. cmake/
  11. docs/
  12. src/
  13. tests/
  14. yang/

YANG System management for embedded devices running Linux

Together with sysrepo, this software provides "general system management" of embedded devices. The target platform is anything that runs Linux with systemd. This runs in production on CzechLight SDN DWDM devices.

Health tracking

This component tracks the overal health state of the system, including various sensors, or the state of systemd units. As an operator-friendly LED at the front panel of the appliance shows the aggregated health state.

System management

Firmware can be updated via RAUC, and various aspects of the system's configuration can be adjusted. This includes a firewall, basic network settings, and authentication management.

Supported YANG models

For a full list, consult the yang/ directory in this repository.