Rework datastores

DatastoreAccess now has "targets". The target determines what datastores
are used for writing and reading data. There are three targets:
  - reads from operational, writes to running
  - reads from startup, writes to startup
  - reads from running, writes to running

(the datastores types above correspond to the NMDA datastore types)

The need to define targets instead of just calling them "datastores" is
that the operational target doesn't actually use the operational
datastore for both writing and reading.

Change-Id: Iffb7034c27aba42d10d715e23a2c970031b9bd1b
diff --git a/tests/datastore_access.cpp b/tests/datastore_access.cpp
index 84c6705..76e4f7f 100644
--- a/tests/datastore_access.cpp
+++ b/tests/datastore_access.cpp
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
     SysrepoSubscription subStartup("example-schema", &mockStartup, SR_DS_STARTUP);
 #ifdef sysrepo_BACKEND
-    SysrepoAccess datastore(Datastore::Running);
+    SysrepoAccess datastore;
 #elif defined(netconf_BACKEND)
     const auto NETOPEER_SOCKET = getenv("NETOPEER_SOCKET");
     NetconfAccess datastore(NETOPEER_SOCKET);
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@
     trompeloeil::sequence seq1;
 #ifdef sysrepo_BACKEND
-    auto datastore = std::make_shared<SysrepoAccess>(Datastore::Running);
+    auto datastore = std::make_shared<SysrepoAccess>();
 #elif defined(netconf_BACKEND)
     const auto NETOPEER_SOCKET = getenv("NETOPEER_SOCKET");
     auto datastore = std::make_shared<NetconfAccess>(NETOPEER_SOCKET);
@@ -1069,3 +1069,72 @@
+#if not defined(yang_BACKEND)
+TEST_CASE("datastore targets")
+    const auto testNode = "/example-schema:leafInt32";
+    {
+        auto conn = std::make_shared<sysrepo::Connection>();
+        auto sess = std::make_shared<sysrepo::Session>(conn);
+        sess->delete_item(testNode);
+        sess->apply_changes(1000, 1);
+        sess->session_switch_ds(SR_DS_STARTUP);
+        sess->delete_item(testNode);
+        sess->apply_changes(1000, 1);
+    }
+    MockRecorder mockRunning;
+    MockRecorder mockStartup;
+#ifdef sysrepo_BACKEND
+    SysrepoAccess datastore;
+#elif defined(netconf_BACKEND)
+    const auto NETOPEER_SOCKET = getenv("NETOPEER_SOCKET");
+    NetconfAccess datastore(NETOPEER_SOCKET);
+#error "Unknown backend"
+    auto testGetItems = [&datastore] (const auto& path, const DatastoreAccess::Tree& expected) {
+        REQUIRE(datastore.getItems(path) == expected);
+    };
+    SECTION("subscriptions change operational target")
+    {
+        // Default target is operational, so setting a value and reading it should return no values as there are no
+        // subscriptions yet.
+        datastore.setLeaf(testNode, 10);
+        datastore.commitChanges();
+        testGetItems(testNode, {});
+        // Now we create a subscription and try again.
+        SysrepoSubscription subRunning("example-schema", &mockRunning);
+        testGetItems(testNode, {{testNode, 10}});
+    }
+    SECTION("running shows stuff even without subscriptions")
+    {
+        datastore.setTarget(DatastoreTarget::Running);
+        datastore.setLeaf(testNode, 10);
+        datastore.commitChanges();
+        testGetItems(testNode, {{testNode, 10}});
+        // Actually creating a subscription shouldn't make a difference.
+        SysrepoSubscription subRunning("example-schema", &mockRunning);
+        testGetItems(testNode, {{testNode, 10}});
+    }
+    SECTION("startup changes only affect startup")
+    {
+        datastore.setTarget(DatastoreTarget::Startup);
+        datastore.setLeaf(testNode, 10);
+        datastore.commitChanges();
+        testGetItems(testNode, {{testNode, 10}});
+        datastore.setTarget(DatastoreTarget::Running);
+        testGetItems(testNode, {});
+        datastore.setTarget(DatastoreTarget::Operational);
+        testGetItems(testNode, {});
+    }