Building via the CI

Change-Id: Icf5840a020b76ccfa2cf2c7e759b4355abfac4fa
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index fb8346a..1c0ca6b 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -20,6 +20,63 @@
 # - libyang and libnetconf2 copmare CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to lowercase "debug"...
+build_dep_cmake() {
+    pushd ${TH_JOB_WORKING_DIR}
+    mkdir build-$1
+    pushd build-$1
+    ninja-build install
+    popd
+    popd
+do_test_dep_cmake() {
+    pushd ${TH_JOB_WORKING_DIR}/build-$1
+    shift
+    ${CTEST} --output-on-failure "$@"
+    popd
+emerge_dep() {
+    if [[ -f ${TH_GIT_PATH}/submodules/$1/CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
+        build_dep_cmake $1
+    else
+        echo "Unrecognized buildsystem for $1"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+ARTIFACT=netconf-cli-$(git --git-dir ${TH_GIT_PATH}/.git rev-parse HEAD:submodules/).tar.xz
+scp${TH_JOB_NAME}/${ARTIFACT} . \
+    || true # ignore network errors
+if [[ -f ${TH_JOB_WORKING_DIR}/${ARTIFACT} ]]; then
+    tar -C ~/target -xvJf ${TH_JOB_WORKING_DIR}/${ARTIFACT}
+    # rebuild everything from scratch
+    emerge_dep Catch
+    do_test_dep_cmake Catch -j${CI_PARALLEL_JOBS}
+    # Trompeloeil is a magic snowflake because it attempts to download and build Catch and kcov when building in a debug mode...
+    CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release emerge_dep trompeloeil
+    emerge_dep docopt.cpp
+    do_test_dep_cmake docopt.cpp -j${CI_PARALLEL_JOBS}
+    emerge_dep spdlog
+    do_test_dep_cmake spdlog -j${CI_PARALLEL_JOBS}
+    # boost-spirit doesn't require installation
+    tar -C ~/target -cvJf ${TH_JOB_WORKING_DIR}/${ARTIFACT} .
+    ssh mkdir -p artifacts/${TH_JOB_NAME} \
+        || true # ignore network errors
+        || true # ignore network errors
 mkdir -p ${ZUUL_PROJECT}/build
 cd ${ZUUL_PROJECT}/build
 ${CMAKE} -GNinja \