Implement the NetconfAccess class

Change-Id: Idd63318364edd424e9c477f26db3c6d032721e8a
diff --git a/src/netconf-client.cpp b/src/netconf-client.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d10dd2f
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+++ b/src/netconf-client.cpp
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+ * Copyright (C) 2019 CESNET,
+ *
+ * Written by Václav Kubernát <>
+ * Written by Jan Kundrát <>
+ *
+#include <libyang/Tree_Data.hpp>
+#include <mutex>
+extern "C" {
+#include <nc_client.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <tuple>
+#include "netconf-client.h"
+namespace libnetconf {
+namespace impl {
+/** @short Initialization of the libnetconf2 library client
+Just a safe wrapper over nc_client_init and nc_client_destroy, really.
+class ClientInit {
+    ClientInit()
+    {
+        nc_client_init();
+        nc_verbosity(NC_VERB_DEBUG);
+    }
+    ~ClientInit()
+    {
+        nc_client_destroy();
+    }
+    static ClientInit& instance()
+    {
+        static ClientInit lib;
+        return lib;
+    }
+    ClientInit(const ClientInit&) = delete;
+    ClientInit(ClientInit&&) = delete;
+    ClientInit& operator=(const ClientInit&) = delete;
+    ClientInit& operator=(ClientInit&&) = delete;
+static std::mutex clientOptions;
+inline void custom_free_nc_reply_data(nc_reply_data* reply)
+    nc_reply_free(reinterpret_cast<nc_reply*>(reply));
+inline void custom_free_nc_reply_error(nc_reply_error* reply)
+    nc_reply_free(reinterpret_cast<nc_reply*>(reply));
+template <auto fn>
+using deleter_from_fn = std::integral_constant<decltype(fn), fn>;
+template <typename T>
+struct deleter_type_for {
+    using func_type = void (*)(T*);
+template <typename T>
+struct deleter_for {
+template <>
+struct deleter_for<struct nc_rpc> {
+    static constexpr void (*free)(struct nc_rpc*) = deleter_from_fn<nc_rpc_free>();
+template <>
+struct deleter_for<struct nc_reply> {
+    static constexpr void (*free)(struct nc_reply*) = deleter_from_fn<nc_reply_free>();
+template <>
+struct deleter_for<struct nc_reply_data> {
+    static constexpr void (*free)(struct nc_reply_data*) = deleter_from_fn<custom_free_nc_reply_data>();
+template <>
+struct deleter_for<struct nc_reply_error> {
+    static constexpr void (*free)(struct nc_reply_error*) = deleter_from_fn<custom_free_nc_reply_error>();
+template <typename T>
+using unique_ptr_for = std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(deleter_for<T>::free)>;
+template <typename T>
+auto guarded(T* ptr)
+    return unique_ptr_for<T>(ptr, deleter_for<T>::free);
+unique_ptr_for<struct nc_reply> do_rpc(client::Session* session, unique_ptr_for<struct nc_rpc>&& rpc)
+    uint64_t msgid;
+    NC_MSG_TYPE msgtype;
+    msgtype = nc_send_rpc(session->session_internal(), rpc.get(), 1000, &msgid);
+    if (msgtype == NC_MSG_ERROR) {
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to send RPC"};
+    }
+    if (msgtype == NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK) {
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Timeout sending an RPC"};
+    }
+    struct nc_reply* raw_reply;
+    while (true) {
+        msgtype = nc_recv_reply(session->session_internal(), rpc.get(), msgid, 20000, LYD_OPT_DESTRUCT | LYD_OPT_NOSIBLINGS, &raw_reply);
+        auto reply = guarded(raw_reply);
+        raw_reply = nullptr;
+        switch (msgtype) {
+        case NC_MSG_ERROR:
+            throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to receive an RPC reply"};
+        case NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK:
+            throw std::runtime_error{"Timed out waiting for RPC reply"};
+        case NC_MSG_REPLY_ERR_MSGID:
+            throw std::runtime_error{"Received a wrong reply -- msgid mismatch"};
+        case NC_MSG_NOTIF:
+            continue;
+        default:
+            return reply;
+        }
+    }
+    __builtin_unreachable();
+client::ReportedError make_error(unique_ptr_for<struct nc_reply>&& reply)
+    if (reply->type != NC_RPL_ERROR) {
+        throw std::logic_error{"Cannot extract an error from a non-error server reply"};
+    }
+    auto errorReply = guarded(reinterpret_cast<struct nc_reply_error*>(reply.release()));
+    // TODO: capture the error details, not just that human-readable string
+    std::ostringstream ss;
+    ss << "Server error:" << std::endl;
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < errorReply->count; ++i) {
+        const auto e = errorReply->err[i];
+        ss << " #" << i << ": " << e.message;
+        if (e.path) {
+            ss << " (XPath " << e.path << ")";
+        }
+        ss << std::endl;
+    }
+    return client::ReportedError{ss.str()};
+unique_ptr_for<struct nc_reply_data> do_rpc_data(client::Session* session, unique_ptr_for<struct nc_rpc>&& rpc)
+    auto x = do_rpc(session, std::move(rpc));
+    switch (x->type) {
+    case NC_RPL_DATA:
+        return guarded(reinterpret_cast<struct nc_reply_data*>(x.release()));
+    case NC_RPL_OK:
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Received OK instead of a data reply"};
+    case NC_RPL_ERROR:
+        throw make_error(std::move(x));
+    default:
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Unhandled reply type"};
+    }
+void do_rpc_ok(client::Session* session, unique_ptr_for<struct nc_rpc>&& rpc)
+    auto x = do_rpc(session, std::move(rpc));
+    switch (x->type) {
+    case NC_RPL_DATA:
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Unexpected DATA reply"};
+    case NC_RPL_OK:
+        return;
+    case NC_RPL_ERROR:
+        throw make_error(std::move(x));
+    default:
+        throw std::runtime_error{"Unhandled reply type"};
+    }
+namespace client {
+struct nc_session* Session::session_internal()
+    return m_session;
+Session::Session(struct nc_session* session)
+    : m_session(session)
+    impl::ClientInit::instance();
+    ::nc_session_free(m_session, nullptr);
+std::unique_ptr<Session> Session::connectPubkey(const std::string& host, const uint16_t port, const std::string& user, const std::string& pubPath, const std::string& privPath)
+    impl::ClientInit::instance();
+    {
+        // FIXME: this is still horribly not enough. libnetconf *must* provide us with something better.
+        std::lock_guard lk(impl::clientOptions);
+        nc_client_ssh_set_username(user.c_str());
+        nc_client_ssh_set_auth_pref(NC_SSH_AUTH_PUBLICKEY, 5);
+        nc_client_ssh_add_keypair(pubPath.c_str(), privPath.c_str());
+    }
+    auto session = std::make_unique<Session>(nc_connect_ssh(host.c_str(), port, nullptr));
+    if (!session->m_session) {
+        throw std::runtime_error{"nc_connect_ssh failed"};
+    }
+    return session;
+std::unique_ptr<Session> Session::connectSocket(const std::string& path)
+    impl::ClientInit::instance();
+    auto session = std::make_unique<Session>(nc_connect_unix(path.c_str(), nullptr));
+    if (!session->m_session) {
+        throw std::runtime_error{"nc_connect_unix failed"};
+    }
+    return session;
+std::vector<std::string_view> Session::capabilities() const
+    std::vector<std::string_view> res;
+    auto caps = nc_session_get_cpblts(m_session);
+    while (*caps) {
+        res.emplace_back(*caps);
+        ++caps;
+    }
+    return res;
+std::shared_ptr<libyang::Data_Node> Session::get(const std::string& filter)
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_get(filter.c_str(), NC_WD_ALL, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create get RPC");
+    }
+    auto reply = impl::do_rpc_data(this, std::move(rpc));
+    // TODO: can we do without copying?
+    // If we just default-construct a new node (or use the create_new_Data_Node) and then set reply->data to nullptr,
+    // there are mem leaks and even libnetconf2 complains loudly.
+    return libyang::create_new_Data_Node(reply->data)->dup_withsiblings(1);
+std::string Session::getSchema(const std::string_view identifier, const std::optional<std::string_view> version)
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_getschema(, version ? version.value().data() : nullptr, nullptr, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create get-schema RPC");
+    }
+    auto reply = impl::do_rpc_data(this, std::move(rpc));
+    auto node = libyang::create_new_Data_Node(reply->data)->dup_withsiblings(1);
+    auto set = node->find_path("data");
+    for (auto node : set->data()) {
+        if (node->schema()->nodetype() == LYS_ANYXML) {
+            libyang::Data_Node_Anydata anydata(node);
+            return anydata.value().str;
+        }
+    }
+    throw std::runtime_error("Got a reply to get-schema, but it didn't contain the required schema");
+std::shared_ptr<libyang::Data_Node> Session::getConfig(const NC_DATASTORE datastore, const std::optional<const std::string> filter)
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_getconfig(datastore, filter ? filter->c_str() : nullptr, NC_WD_ALL, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create get-config RPC");
+    }
+    auto reply = impl::do_rpc_data(this, std::move(rpc));
+    // TODO: can we do without copying?
+    // If we just default-construct a new node (or use the create_new_Data_Node) and then set reply->data to nullptr,
+    // there are mem leaks and even libnetconf2 complains loudly.
+    auto dataNode = libyang::create_new_Data_Node(reply->data);
+    if (!dataNode)
+        return nullptr;
+    else
+        return dataNode->dup_withsiblings(1);
+void Session::editConfig(const NC_DATASTORE datastore,
+                         const NC_RPC_EDIT_DFLTOP defaultOperation,
+                         const NC_RPC_EDIT_TESTOPT testOption,
+                         const NC_RPC_EDIT_ERROPT errorOption,
+                         const std::string& data)
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_edit(datastore, defaultOperation, testOption, errorOption, data.c_str(), NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create edit-config RPC");
+    }
+    impl::do_rpc_ok(this, std::move(rpc));
+void Session::copyConfigFromString(const NC_DATASTORE target, const std::string& data)
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_copy(target, nullptr, target /* yeah, cannot be 0... */, data.c_str(), NC_WD_UNKNOWN, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create copy-config RPC");
+    }
+    impl::do_rpc_ok(this, std::move(rpc));
+void Session::commit()
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_commit(1, /* "Optional confirm timeout" how do you optional an uint32_t? */ 0, nullptr, nullptr, NC_PARAMTYPE_CONST));
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create commit RPC");
+    }
+    impl::do_rpc_ok(this, std::move(rpc));
+void Session::discard()
+    auto rpc = impl::guarded(nc_rpc_discard());
+    if (!rpc) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create discard RPC");
+    }
+    impl::do_rpc_ok(this, std::move(rpc));
+ReportedError::ReportedError(const std::string& what)
+    : std::runtime_error(what)
+ReportedError::~ReportedError() = default;