Update the NETCONF stack

Depends-on: https://gerrit.cesnet.cz/c/CzechLight/dependencies/+/1876
Change-Id: I817c766e6b85d3432eb9ad232e24345c2041a04f
1 file changed
tree: 143c39b3de7c5aba2083ada78d9f44036874d673
  1. .clang-format
  2. .gitmodules
  3. .zuul.yaml
  4. CMakeLists.txt
  5. Doxyfile.in
  7. LICENSE.md
  8. README.md
  9. ci/
  10. cmake/
  11. docs/
  12. example-schema.yang
  13. kill_daemons.sh
  14. netopeer-test-config
  15. netopeer_vars.hpp.in
  16. src/
  17. start_daemons.sh.in
  18. submodules/
  19. tests/

Console interface to NETCONF servers


Copyright © Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, https://fit.cvut.cz/ . Copyright © CESNET, https://www.cesnet.cz/ . Most of the code was written by Václav Kubernát (FIT ČVUT) and Jan Kundrát (CESNET). The project is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.