Add the describe command

...which should, hopefully, show useful information about a particular
YANG node, such as the YANG-level description, the units, type info,

Change-Id: Id430ae58fe353124e5132fa5a69378e98932ebce
diff --git a/src/ast_commands.hpp b/src/ast_commands.hpp
index 7f3160a..397aeb8 100644
--- a/src/ast_commands.hpp
+++ b/src/ast_commands.hpp
@@ -144,8 +144,27 @@
     boost::optional<boost::variant<boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_>, module_>> m_path;
+struct describe_ : x3::position_tagged {
+    static constexpr auto name = "describe";
+    static constexpr auto shortHelp = "describe - Print information about YANG tree path.";
+    static constexpr auto longHelp = R"(
+    describe <path>
+    Show documentation of YANG tree paths. In the YANG model, each item may
+    have an optional `description` which often explains the function of that
+    node to the end user. This command takes the description from the YANG
+    model and shows it to the user along with additional data, such as the type
+    of the node, units of leaf values, etc.
+    Usage:
+        /> describe /module:node)";
+    bool operator==(const describe_& b) const;
+    boost::variant<schemaPath_, dataPath_> m_path;
 struct help_;
-using CommandTypes = boost::mpl::vector<discard_, ls_, cd_, create_, delete_, set_, commit_, get_, help_>;
+using CommandTypes = boost::mpl::vector<discard_, ls_, cd_, create_, delete_, set_, commit_, get_, describe_, help_>;
 struct help_ : x3::position_tagged {
     static constexpr auto name = "help";
     static constexpr auto shortHelp = "help - Print help for commands.";
@@ -186,6 +205,7 @@
 BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(binary_, m_value)
 BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(identityRef_, m_prefix, m_value)
+BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(describe_, m_path)
diff --git a/src/ast_handlers.hpp b/src/ast_handlers.hpp
index 456ef11..a8dd4ae 100644
--- a/src/ast_handlers.hpp
+++ b/src/ast_handlers.hpp
@@ -497,6 +497,8 @@
 struct commit_class;
+struct describe_class;
 struct help_class;
 struct get_class;
diff --git a/src/grammars.hpp b/src/grammars.hpp
index dd13c6a..3159fe0 100644
--- a/src/grammars.hpp
+++ b/src/grammars.hpp
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 x3::rule<create_class, create_> const create = "create";
 x3::rule<delete_class, delete_> const delete_rule = "delete_rule";
 x3::rule<commit_class, commit_> const commit = "commit";
+x3::rule<describe_class, describe_> const describe = "describe";
 x3::rule<help_class, help_> const help = "help";
 x3::rule<command_class, command_> const command = "command";
@@ -332,11 +333,14 @@
 auto const help_def =
     help_::name > createCommandSuggestions >> -command_names;
+auto const describe_def =
+    describe_::name >> space_separator > (dataPathListEnd | dataPath | schemaPath);
 auto const createCommandSuggestions_def =
 auto const command_def =
-    createCommandSuggestions >> x3::expect[cd | create | delete_rule | set | commit | get | ls | discard | help];
+    createCommandSuggestions >> x3::expect[cd | create | delete_rule | set | commit | get | ls | discard | describe | help];
 #if __clang__
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
@@ -393,6 +397,7 @@
diff --git a/src/interpreter.cpp b/src/interpreter.cpp
index f112b52..5b13337 100644
--- a/src/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/interpreter.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
 #include "datastore_access.hpp"
 #include "interpreter.hpp"
 #include "utils.hpp"
@@ -79,6 +80,60 @@
         std::cout << it << std::endl;
+std::string Interpreter::buildTypeInfo(const std::string& path) const
+    std::ostringstream ss;
+    switch (m_datastore.schema()->nodeType(path)) {
+    case yang::NodeTypes::Container:
+        ss << "container";
+        break;
+    case yang::NodeTypes::PresenceContainer:
+        ss << "presence container";
+        break;
+    case yang::NodeTypes::Leaf:
+    {
+        auto leafType = m_datastore.schema()->leafType(path);
+        auto typedefName = m_datastore.schema()->leafTypeName(path);
+        std::string baseTypeStr;
+        if (leafType == yang::LeafDataTypes::LeafRef) {
+            ss << "-> ";
+            ss << m_datastore.schema()->leafrefPath(path) << " ";
+            baseTypeStr = leafDataTypeToString(m_datastore.schema()->leafrefBaseType(path));
+        } else {
+            baseTypeStr = leafDataTypeToString(leafType);
+        }
+        if (typedefName) {
+            ss << *typedefName << " (" << baseTypeStr << ")";
+        } else {
+            ss << baseTypeStr;
+        }
+        if (auto units = m_datastore.schema()->units(path)) {
+            ss << " [" + *units + "]";
+        }
+        if (m_datastore.schema()->leafIsKey(path)) {
+            ss << " (key)";
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    case yang::NodeTypes::List:
+        ss << "list";
+        break;
+    }
+    return ss.str();
+void Interpreter::operator()(const describe_& describe) const
+    auto path = absolutePathFromCommand(describe);
+    std::cout << path << ": " << buildTypeInfo(path) << std::endl;
+    if (auto description = m_datastore.schema()->description(path)) {
+        std::cout << std::endl << *description << std::endl;
+    }
 struct commandLongHelpVisitor : boost::static_visitor<const char*> {
     template <typename T>
     auto constexpr operator()(boost::type<T>) const
@@ -156,6 +211,15 @@
+std::string Interpreter::absolutePathFromCommand(const describe_& describe) const
+    auto pathStr = boost::apply_visitor(pathToStringVisitor(), describe.m_path);
+    if (boost::apply_visitor(getPathScopeVisitor(), describe.m_path) == Scope::Absolute)
+        return pathStr;
+    else
+        return joinPaths(m_parser.currentNode(), pathStr);
 Interpreter::Interpreter(Parser& parser, DatastoreAccess& datastore)
     : m_parser(parser)
     , m_datastore(datastore)
diff --git a/src/interpreter.hpp b/src/interpreter.hpp
index 7af5983..a05183f 100644
--- a/src/interpreter.hpp
+++ b/src/interpreter.hpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     void operator()(const create_&) const;
     void operator()(const delete_&) const;
     void operator()(const ls_&) const;
+    void operator()(const describe_&) const;
     void operator()(const discard_&) const;
     void operator()(const help_&) const;
@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@
     template <typename T>
     std::string absolutePathFromCommand(const T& command) const;
     std::string absolutePathFromCommand(const get_& command) const;
+    std::string absolutePathFromCommand(const describe_& describe) const;
+    std::string buildTypeInfo(const std::string& path) const;
     Parser& m_parser;
     DatastoreAccess& m_datastore;