Allow listing all module nodes with moduleName:*

Change-Id: I1c9d8ace936641db06f38c292655b3c5c5557385
diff --git a/tests/sysrepo.cpp b/tests/sysrepo.cpp
index 7125a9a..9c04bf9 100644
--- a/tests/sysrepo.cpp
+++ b/tests/sysrepo.cpp
@@ -187,5 +187,31 @@
         REQUIRE(datastore.getItems("/example-schema:down") == expected);
+    SECTION("getting items from the whole module")
+    {
+        {
+            REQUIRE_CALL(mock, write("/example-schema:up", "", "true"));
+            REQUIRE_CALL(mock, write("/example-schema:down", "", "false"));
+            datastore.setLeaf("/example-schema:up", bool{true});
+            datastore.setLeaf("/example-schema:down", bool{false});
+            datastore.commitChanges();
+        }
+        std::map<std::string, leaf_data_> expected{{"/example-schema:down", bool{false}},
+        // Sysrepo always returns containers when getting values, but
+        // libnetconf does not. This is fine by the YANG standard:
+        // Furthermore,
+        // NetconfAccess implementation actually only iterates over leafs,
+        // so even if libnetconf did include containers, they wouldn't get
+        // shown here anyway. With sysrepo2, this won't be necessary,
+        // because it'll use the same data structure as libnetconf, so the
+        // results will be consistent.
+#ifdef sysrepo_BACKEND
+                                                   {"/example-schema:lol", std::string{"(container)"}},
+                                                   {"/example-schema:up", bool{true}}};
+        REQUIRE(datastore.getItems("/example-schema:*") == expected);
+    }