Update the NETCONF stack

This new sysrepo doesn't have the --wait option for sysrepocfg anymore;
in the patch it looks like it's by design.

While we're at this, also make sure that the UBSAN reports are useful.

Change-Id: I7e2ae4a57ae2ff3ad719ba6ae600a9d0235e925e
Depends-on: https://cesnet-gerrit-czechlight/CzechLight/dependencies/+/3510
Depends-on: https://gerrit.cesnet.cz/c/CzechLight/dependencies/+/3510
Depends-on: https://gerrit.cesnet.cz/c/CzechLight/cla-sysrepo/+/3530
diff --git a/tests/datastore_access.cpp b/tests/datastore_access.cpp
index ddfe288..ececd0c 100644
--- a/tests/datastore_access.cpp
+++ b/tests/datastore_access.cpp
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
             std::ofstream of(testConfigFile);
             of << dump(DataFormat::Xml);
-        auto command = std::string(sysrepocfgExecutable) + " --import=" + testConfigFile + " --format=xml --datastore=running --module=example-schema -w";
+        auto command = std::string(sysrepocfgExecutable) + " --import=" + testConfigFile + " --format=xml --datastore=running --module=example-schema";
         REQUIRE(std::system(command.c_str()) == 0);
diff --git a/tests/init_datastore.bash.in b/tests/init_datastore.bash.in
index a4ac0df..51eaf1c 100755
--- a/tests/init_datastore.bash.in
+++ b/tests/init_datastore.bash.in
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 set -eux
-export UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1 # UBSan doesn't stop on errors by default.
 if [[ $(dirname "$(dirname "$(realpath "$SYSREPO_REPOSITORY_PATH")")") != "@CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@" ]]; then
     echo "\$SYSREPO_REPOSITORY_PATH is not inside the build dir! Aborting. ($SYSREPO_REPOSITORY_PATH)"