Add Interpreter tests

Change-Id: Ic08f3e8d72f9591b0167eb1f5057168dedef84d1
diff --git a/tests/interpreter.cpp b/tests/interpreter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b296ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/interpreter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
+ *
+ * Written by Václav Kubernát <>
+ *
+#include <experimental/iterator>
+#include "trompeloeil_doctest.hpp"
+#include "ast_commands.hpp"
+#include "interpreter.hpp"
+#include "datastoreaccess_mock.hpp"
+#include "parser.hpp"
+#include "pretty_printers.hpp"
+#include "static_schema.hpp"
+class MockSchema : public trompeloeil::mock_interface<Schema> {
+    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(defaultValue);
+    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(description);
+    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK2(availableNodes);
+    MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(leafType, yang::TypeInfo(const std::string&), override);
+    MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(leafType, yang::TypeInfo(const schemaPath_&, const ModuleNodePair&), override);
+    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(leafTypeName);
+    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(leafrefPath);
+    MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(nodeType, yang::NodeTypes(const std::string&), override);
+    MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(nodeType, yang::NodeTypes(const schemaPath_&, const ModuleNodePair&), override);
+TEST_CASE("interpreter tests")
+    auto schema = std::make_shared<MockSchema>();
+    Parser parser(schema);
+    MockDatastoreAccess datastore;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<trompeloeil::expectation>> expectations;
+    std::vector<command_> toInterpret;
+    SECTION("ls")
+    {
+        boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_> expectedPath;
+        boost::optional<boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_>> lsArg;
+        SECTION("cwd: /")
+        {
+            SECTION("arg: <none>")
+            {
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: example:a")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: example:list")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:a")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:list")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg example:*")
+            {
+                lsArg = module_{"example"};
+                expectedPath = module_{"example"};
+            }
+        }
+        SECTION("cwd: /example:a")
+        {
+            parser.changeNode({Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}});
+            SECTION("arg: <none>")
+            {
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: example:a2")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{container_{"a2"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}, {container_{"a2"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: example:listInCont")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{list_{"listInCont"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}, {list_{"listInCont"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:a")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:list")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+            }
+        }
+        SECTION("cwd: /example:list")
+        {
+            parser.changeNode({Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}});
+            SECTION("arg: <none>")
+            {
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: example:contInList")
+            {
+                lsArg = schemaPath_{Scope::Relative, {{container_{"contInList"}}}};
+                expectedPath = schemaPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}, {container_{"contInList"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:a")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg: /example:list")
+            {
+                lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+                expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
+            }
+            SECTION("arg example:*")
+            {
+                lsArg = module_{"example"};
+                expectedPath = module_{"example"};
+            }
+        }
+        ls_ ls;
+        ls.m_path = lsArg;
+        expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, schema()).RETURN(schema));
+        expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(*schema, availableNodes(expectedPath, Recursion::NonRecursive)).RETURN(std::set<ModuleNodePair>{}));
+        toInterpret.push_back(ls);
+    }
+    SECTION("get")
+    {
+        using namespace std::string_literals;
+        DatastoreAccess::Tree treeReturned;
+        decltype(get_::m_path) inputPath;
+        std::string expectedPathArg;
+        SECTION("paths")
+        {
+            SECTION("/")
+            {
+                expectedPathArg = "/";
+            }
+            SECTION("module")
+            {
+                inputPath = module_{"mod"};
+                expectedPathArg = "/mod:*";
+            }
+            SECTION("path to a leaf")
+            {
+                expectedPathArg = "/mod:myLeaf";
+                Scope scope;
+                SECTION("cwd: /")
+                {
+                    SECTION("absolute")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Absolute;
+                    }
+                    SECTION("relative")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Relative;
+                    }
+                    inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, leaf_{"myLeaf"}}}};
+                }
+                SECTION("cwd: /mod:whatever")
+                {
+                    parser.changeNode(dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, container_{"whatever"}}}});
+                    SECTION("absolute")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Absolute;
+                        inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, leaf_{"myLeaf"}}}};
+                    }
+                    SECTION("relative")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Relative;
+                        inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{nodeup_{}}, dataNode_{{"mod"}, leaf_{"myLeaf"}}}};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            SECTION("path to a list")
+            {
+                expectedPathArg = "/mod:myList[name='AHOJ']";
+                Scope scope;
+                SECTION("cwd: /")
+                {
+                    SECTION("absolute")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Absolute;
+                    }
+                    SECTION("relative")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Relative;
+                    }
+                    inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, listElement_{"myList", {{"name", "AHOJ"s}}}}}};
+                }
+                SECTION("cwd: /mod:whatever")
+                {
+                    parser.changeNode(dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, container_{"whatever"}}}});
+                    SECTION("absolute")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Absolute;
+                        inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{{"mod"}, listElement_{"myList", {{"name", "AHOJ"s}}}}}};
+                    }
+                    SECTION("relative")
+                    {
+                        scope = Scope::Relative;
+                        inputPath = dataPath_{scope, {dataNode_{nodeup_{}}, dataNode_{{"mod"}, listElement_{"myList", {{"name", "AHOJ"s}}}}}};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        SECTION("trees")
+        {
+            expectedPathArg = "/";
+            SECTION("no leaflists")
+            {
+                treeReturned = {
+                    {"/mod:AHOJ", 30},
+                    {"/mod:CAU", std::string{"AYYY"}},
+                    {"/mod:CUS", bool{true}}
+                };
+            }
+            SECTION("leaflist at the beginning of a tree")
+            {
+                treeReturned = {
+                    {"/mod:addresses", special_{SpecialValue::LeafList}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:AHOJ", 30},
+                    {"/mod:CAU", std::string{"AYYY"}},
+                };
+            }
+            SECTION("leaflist in the middle of a tree")
+            {
+                treeReturned = {
+                    {"/mod:AHOJ", 30},
+                    {"/mod:addresses", special_{SpecialValue::LeafList}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:CAU", std::string{"AYYY"}},
+                };
+            }
+            SECTION("leaflist at the end of a tree")
+            {
+                treeReturned = {
+                    {"/mod:AHOJ", 30},
+                    {"/mod:CAU", std::string{"AYYY"}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses", special_{SpecialValue::LeafList}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                    {"/mod:addresses[.='']", std::string{""}},
+                };
+            }
+        }
+        get_ getCmd;
+        getCmd.m_path = inputPath;
+        expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, getItems(expectedPathArg)).RETURN(treeReturned));
+        toInterpret.push_back(getCmd);
+    }
+    SECTION("create/delete")
+    {
+        using namespace std::string_literals;
+        dataPath_ inputPath;
+        SECTION("list instance")
+        {
+            inputPath.m_nodes = {dataNode_{{"mod"}, listElement_{"department", {{"name", "engineering"s}}}}};
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, createListInstance("/mod:department[name='engineering']")));
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, deleteListInstance("/mod:department[name='engineering']")));
+        }
+        SECTION("leaflist instance")
+        {
+            inputPath.m_nodes = {dataNode_{{"mod"}, leafListElement_{"addresses", ""s}}};
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, createLeafListInstance("/mod:addresses[.='']")));
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, deleteLeafListInstance("/mod:addresses[.='']")));
+        }
+        SECTION("presence container")
+        {
+            inputPath.m_nodes = {dataNode_{{"mod"}, container_{"pContainer"}}};
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, createPresenceContainer("/mod:pContainer")));
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, deletePresenceContainer("/mod:pContainer")));
+        }
+        create_ createCmd;
+        createCmd.m_path = inputPath;
+        delete_ deleteCmd;
+        deleteCmd.m_path = inputPath;
+        toInterpret.push_back(createCmd);
+        toInterpret.push_back(deleteCmd);
+    }
+    SECTION("commit")
+    {
+        expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, commitChanges()));
+        toInterpret.push_back(commit_{});
+    }
+    SECTION("discard")
+    {
+        expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, discardChanges()));
+        toInterpret.push_back(discard_{});
+    }
+    SECTION("set")
+    {
+        dataPath_ inputPath;
+        leaf_data_ inputData;
+        SECTION("setting identityRef without module") // The parser has to fill in the module
+        {
+            inputPath.m_nodes = {dataNode_{{"mod"}, leaf_{"animal"}}};
+            inputData = identityRef_{"Doge"};
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, setLeaf("/mod:animal", identityRef_{"mod", "Doge"})));
+        }
+        set_ setCmd;
+        setCmd.m_path = inputPath;
+        setCmd.m_data = inputData;
+        toInterpret.push_back(setCmd);
+    }
+    SECTION("copy")
+    {
+        SECTION("running -> startup")
+        {
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, copyConfig(Datastore::Running, Datastore::Startup)));
+            toInterpret.push_back(copy_{{}, Datastore::Running, Datastore::Startup});
+        }
+        SECTION("startup -> running")
+        {
+            expectations.push_back(NAMED_REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, copyConfig(Datastore::Startup, Datastore::Running)));
+            toInterpret.push_back(copy_{{}, Datastore::Startup, Datastore::Running});
+        }
+    }
+    for (const auto& command : toInterpret) {
+        boost::apply_visitor(Interpreter(parser, datastore), command);
+    }
diff --git a/tests/ls_interpreter.cpp b/tests/ls_interpreter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d927b..0000000
--- a/tests/ls_interpreter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
- * Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
- *
- * Written by Václav Kubernát <>
- *
-#include <experimental/iterator>
-#include "trompeloeil_doctest.hpp"
-#include "ast_commands.hpp"
-#include "interpreter.hpp"
-#include "datastoreaccess_mock.hpp"
-#include "parser.hpp"
-#include "pretty_printers.hpp"
-#include "static_schema.hpp"
-class MockSchema : public trompeloeil::mock_interface<Schema> {
-    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(defaultValue);
-    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(description);
-    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK2(availableNodes);
-    MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(leafType, yang::TypeInfo(const std::string&), override);
-    MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(leafType, yang::TypeInfo(const schemaPath_&, const ModuleNodePair&), override);
-    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(leafTypeName);
-    IMPLEMENT_CONST_MOCK1(leafrefPath);
-    MAKE_CONST_MOCK1(nodeType, yang::NodeTypes(const std::string&), override);
-    MAKE_CONST_MOCK2(nodeType, yang::NodeTypes(const schemaPath_&, const ModuleNodePair&), override);
-TEST_CASE("ls interpreter")
-    auto schema = std::make_shared<MockSchema>();
-    Parser parser(schema);
-    boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_> expectedPath;
-    boost::optional<boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_>> lsArg{boost::none};
-    SECTION("cwd: /")
-    {
-        SECTION("arg: <none>")
-        {
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: example:a")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: example:list")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:a")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:list")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg example:*")
-        {
-            lsArg = module_{"example"};
-            expectedPath = module_{"example"};
-        }
-    }
-    SECTION("cwd: /example:a")
-    {
-        parser.changeNode({Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}});
-        SECTION("arg: <none>")
-        {
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: example:a2")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{container_{"a2"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}, {container_{"a2"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: example:listInCont")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{list_{"listInCont"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}, {list_{"listInCont"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:a")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:list")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-        }
-    }
-    SECTION("cwd: /example:list")
-    {
-        parser.changeNode({Scope::Relative, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}});
-        SECTION("arg: <none>")
-        {
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: example:contInList")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Relative, {{container_{"contInList"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}, {container_{"contInList"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:a")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, container_{"a"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg: /example:list")
-        {
-            lsArg = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-            expectedPath = dataPath_{Scope::Absolute, {{module_{"example"}, list_{"list"}}}};
-        }
-        SECTION("arg example:*")
-        {
-            lsArg = module_{"example"};
-            expectedPath = module_{"example"};
-        }
-    }
-    MockDatastoreAccess datastore;
-    REQUIRE_CALL(datastore, schema()).RETURN(schema);
-    ls_ ls;
-    ls.m_path = lsArg;
-    REQUIRE_CALL(*schema, availableNodes(expectedPath, Recursion::NonRecursive)).RETURN(std::set<ModuleNodePair>{});
-    Interpreter(parser, datastore)(ls);