docs: clarify what versions of the NETCONF/YANG libraries are required

Change-Id: Ic0d75370ea4df682b3e61a13d89f231bd651ef7d
diff --git a/ b/
index 58af2b0..dc66dfc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@
 * A C++20 compiler
 * [Boost]( (we're testing with `1.78`)
 * [cmake]( for managing the build
-* [libyang]( **version 2.0** plus the [C++ bindings](
-* [libnetconf2]( **version 2.1** plus the [C++ bindings]( for connecting to NETCONF servers
+* [libyang]( **version 2.x** plus the [C++ bindings](
+* [libnetconf2]( **version 2.x** plus the [C++ bindings]( for connecting to NETCONF servers
 * [replxx]( which provides interactive line prompts
 * [docopt]( for CLI option parsing
 * [pkg-config]( for building
 * optionally, [Doctest]( as a C++ unit test framework
 * optionally, [trompeloeil]( for mock objects in C++
-* optionally, [sysrepo]( **version 2.1** plus the [C++ bindings]( for the local sysrepo backend, and for the comprehensive test suite
-* optionally, [netopeer2]( **version 2.1** for a test suite
+* optionally, [sysrepo]( **version 2.x** plus the [C++ bindings]( for the local sysrepo backend, and for the comprehensive test suite
+* optionally, [netopeer2]( **version 2.x** for a test suite
+At times the `devel` branch of `libyang`, `sysrepo`, `libnetconf2` and `Netopeer2` might be required due to fresh bugfixes and behavior changes.
 The build process uses [CMake](
 A quick-and-dirty build with no fancy options can be as simple as `mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && make install`.