Get rid of trailing slash saving

This m_trailingSlash was the source of bugs, so I got rid of it. A
caveat is that I lose this information if I want to recreate the path
back, but it isn't really too useful.

The actual bug was about conversion of the parsed path back to a string.
The problem was when the input had a trailing slash, the result string
would also have that trailing slash, which is undesirable (libyang
cannot deal with it).

This patch completely removes the information about the trailing slash,
so converting a *Path_ structure back to a string can't result with a
path that has a trailing slash.

However, I do think that there should be at least some sort of a test,
so the `cd` test converts paths back to strings and asserts that they
don't have trailing slashes.

Change-Id: I08e02401580ce31c1e0412a5798cea20e7802ab4
4 files changed
tree: 9ce3b4a6308ad3155a7c2095ffcbcfcb155b1717
  1. .clang-format
  2. .gitmodules
  3. .zuul.CzechLight-internal.yaml
  4. .zuul.public.yaml
  5. CMakeLists.txt
  10. ci/
  11. cmake/
  12. docs/
  13. src/
  14. submodules/
  15. tests/

Console interface to NETCONF servers

This program provides an interactive console for working with YANG data. It can connect to NETCONF servers, and also talk to sysrepo locally.


For building, one needs:

  • A C++17 compiler
  • Boost version 1.69
  • cmake for managing the build
  • libyang for working with YANG models
  • libnetconf2 for connecting to NETCONF servers
  • sysrepo version 1.4.x for the local sysrepo backend, and for the comprehensive test suite
  • replxx which provides interactive line prompts
  • docopt for CLI option parsing
  • pkg-config for building
  • Doctest as a C++ unit test framework
  • trompeloeil for mock objects in C++

Use an exact commit of any dependencies as specified in submodules/dependencies/*.

The build process uses CMake. A quick-and-dirty build with no fancy options can be as simple as mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && make install.

Bug Reporting

Issue reporting and feature requests are welcome via


We are using Gerrit for patch submission, code review and Continuous Integration (CI). Development roadmap and planning happens over


Copyright © CESNET, . Portions copyright © Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, . Most of the code was written by Václav Kubernát (CESNET, formerly FIT ČVUT) and Jan Kundrát (CESNET). The project is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.