Require quotes around string values in set

This change makes it more consistent with string key values: these also
have to be quoted. It will also help me reuse the leaf_data parser for
the key values.

Change-Id: I5647403648830614d308073be6fb4f1f5469dcb2
diff --git a/src/grammars.hpp b/src/grammars.hpp
index 9f50634..2574019 100644
--- a/src/grammars.hpp
+++ b/src/grammars.hpp
@@ -254,7 +254,8 @@
 auto const leaf_data_uint64_def =
 auto const leaf_data_string_def =
-    *char_;
+    '\'' >> *(char_-'\'') >> '\'' |
+    '\"' >> *(char_-'\"') >> '\"';
 // This intermediate rule is neccessary for coercing to std::string.
 auto const leaf_data_binary_data_def =