CI: Fix possible unbound variable access

Oopsie, this is what I got when not using Depends-on:

 + echo 'BR2_PRIMARY_SITE=""'
 + [[ 1 == 1 ]]
 ++ jq -r '[.artifacts[]? | select(.name == "br2-work-dir") | select(.project == "CzechLight/br2-external")][-1]?.url + ""'
 + [[ -z '' ]]
 ci/ line 57: ZUUL_TENANT: unbound variable

And while I'm editing this, also don't hardcode the Gerrit server name.

Change-Id: I8ec8701b0881bb88db7e98bd60b9bba918d26a08
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index f51d271..624877f 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 shopt -s failglob
 ZUUL_JOB_NAME=$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r '.job')
-ZUUL_PROJECT_SRC_DIR=$HOME/$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r '.projects["cesnet-gerrit-czechlight/CzechLight/br2-external"].src_dir')
-ZUUL_PROJECT_SHORT_NAME=$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r '.projects["cesnet-gerrit-czechlight/CzechLight/br2-external"].short_name')
+ZUUL_TENANT=$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r '.tenant')
+ZUUL_GERRIT_HOSTNAME=$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r '.project.canonical_hostname')
+ZUUL_PROJECT_SRC_DIR=$HOME/$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r ".projects[\"${ZUUL_GERRIT_HOSTNAME}/CzechLight/br2-external\"].src_dir")
+ZUUL_PROJECT_SHORT_NAME=$(jq < ~/zuul-env.json -r ".projects[\"${ZUUL_GERRIT_HOSTNAME}/CzechLight/br2-external\"].short_name")
 CI_PARALLEL_JOBS=$(awk -vcpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f", cpu*1.3+1}')