Merge "docs: Explain how this Linux thingy works on that Czech Light HW"
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 Buildroot is a tool which produces system images for flashing to embedded devices.
 They have a [nice documentation]( which explains everything that one might need.
+The [system architecture is described in another document](doc/
+This is a quick build HOWTO.
 ## Quick Start
 Everything is in Gerrit.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16e0af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
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+# System Software Architecture of Czech Light Embedded Linux
+These are important "features" or "design decisions" which drove the overall architecture:
+- Users are supposed to only interact with these devices via YANG data.
+If some functionality is not available through one of enabled models, that's a bug which should be (eventually) fixed.
+- Devices are updated in one step.
+There are no separate user-visible or individually updateable packages.
+There's one software image which drives "the whole device".
+- "Nobody" is expected to log in into the system.
+SSH connections are supported, but users should not have a local shell.
+Remote SSH connection should go to a CLI which manipulates the YANG datastores.
+## Configuration
+All configuration "should be" stored in sysrepo as YANG-formatted data.
+Of course there are still (Q2 2020) exceptions:
+- hostname
+- timezone
+- SSH keys for system accounts
+- passwords for direct login, which should not be supported anyway
+- ...
+### Factory data
+MAC addresses and some identification data and in future also calibration data.
+As of 2020-04, MAC addresses and device type information (`czechlight=...`) are in U-Boot env.
+## Boot Flow
+### 1) Early boot:
+- Hardware watchdog timer gets activated, and U-Boot starts pinging it.
+- U-Boot: there's a [script that determines](../board/czechlight/clearfog/patches/u-boot/boot.patch) what [RAUC slot]( to use.
+This part is supposed to be immutable.
+Nothing updates this script as it's hard-embedded into the bootloader, and nothing updates the bootloader in the field because *that* is hard to do in a failsafe manner.
+- U-Boot [environment]( is marked as "I'm trying to boot an A/B slot now" while keeping track of how many attaempts are remaining.
+- Once an A/B boot slot is chosen, another [U-Boot script](../board/czechlight/clearfog/boot.scr.txt) (which is a part of every system release and therefore updateable) changes LED blinking patterns, loads the [device tree]( (such as [this one](../board/czechlight/clearfog/sdn-roadm-line-clearfog.dts)) which provides Linux-level device description, and launches the kernel.
+### 2) Linux Kernel:
+- HW watchdog keeps running, but U-Boot has now ceased its periodic ping.
+We have about 90 seconds to start pinging it, otherwise the system reboots once the watchdog fires.
+- An [init shell script](../package/czechlight-cfg-fs/ sets up `overlayfs` so that rootfs' `/etc` is writable, but all changes are discarded on reboot.
+- Some parts of `/etc` are persistent ([sysrepo configuration in the `startup` datastore](../package/czechlight-cfg-fs/sysrepo-persistent-cfg.service), [SSH keys for NETCONF](../package/czechlight-cfg-fs/netopeer2-keystored-persistent-keys.service), [SSH keys for local shell](../package/czechlight-cfg-fs/openssh-persistent-keys.service)).
+These are copied from `/cfg`, our R/W configuration partition, into their "final" destination.
+- Bootup is controlled via systemd and its targets; it's a pretty stock configuration.
+### 3) Useful services:
+- Some LEDs are [set up from userspace](../package/czechlight-clearfog-leds/)
+- The most important services are `sysrepod`, `sysrepo-plugind`, `netopper2-server` which together provide a NETCONF server with a YANG data store, and `cla-sysrepod` which contains code that talks to the optical modules.
+- There's also a web UI along with [a poor man's RESTCONF](../package/gammarus/) implementation that I'm ashamed of.
+But hey, once there's a RESTCONF server for sysrepo, I'll use it, I swear!
+- Once everything has started up properly (`` and ``), we [mark the current RAUC slot as functional](../package/czechlight-rauc/rauc-mark-good.service), and [instruct systemd to start pinging the HW watchdog](../package/czechlight-rauc/enable-hw-watchdog.service) as the last services to start.
+The boot is driven by device information passed from U-Boot via the `czechlight=...` kernel command line parameter.
+# Hacks and Development Access
+## Root Access
+Login as `root` over the serial console (µUSB port at the front panel, serial emulation via an FTDI chip, 115'200 Baud).
+On Linux, the command typically looks like `picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0`.
+There's no password.
+### SSH into the System
+Unlike the NETCONF access which has its own SSH key store (but uses regular system-wide accounts for UIDs, etc), there's a separate "store" of SSH keys for direct shell access.
+Put public keys into `/cfg/ssh-user-auth/$USERNAME` ([configured here](../package/czechlight-cfg-fs/
+## Debugging, Installing Custom Software, Packages, Utilities, etc
+There's no package manager, so it's impossible to install anything.
+Buildroot always generates a full filesystem image that can be loaded to a device, for example [via RAUC](../
+### Development of on-device software
+Buildroot supports [`` along with `*_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR`](
+This is the mechanism that is used to select the specific version of our internal packages (e.g., `cla-sysrepo`) during the [build process via ``](../
+Either edit the `` to point, e.g., `CLA_SYSREPO_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR` to your `cla-sysrepo` checkout, or work in the checkout directly.
+### Debugging
+Sometimes `/tmp` could be useful for fast prototyping.
+Here's how one could be debugging code on device:
+user@laptop ~/build/br-cfb $ make cla-sysrepo-reconfigure
+user@laptop ~/build/br-cfb $ scp per-package/cla-sysrepo/target/usr/bin/cla-sysrepod root@
+user@laptop ~/build/br-cfb $ ssh root@ gdbserver :33666 /tmp/cla-sysrepod ...some args here...
+user@laptop ~/build/br-cfb $ /host/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gdb -x staging/usr/share/buildroot/gdbinit \
+  per-package/cla-sysrepo/target/usr/bin/cla-sysrepod --ex 'target remote' --ex c
+The core "NETCONF-related" packages are not stripped, so that some debugging should be possible.